
Atom & Lily

-New chapters every Tuesday and Thursday!= After the disappearance of the famous Killerpatty the fifth, the world is left without heroes to protect the people which leaves gangs and villains to take over streets, Oliver was a hero but after finding out his teammates were killed by a villain named Grin Scurvy he took to enforcing justice on all evildoers and out of pure revenge plans to find Grin Scurvy and show him a piece of his mind, along the way Oliver meets the shadow-being Atom who grants Oliver power that helps him on his quest and a School girl Lily who had part of her family killed by Grin Scurvy as well, they all want to help Oliver on his quest for revenge.

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33 Chs

Requiem Practice

"So where exactly are you taking me this time?" I asked Lily, moments ago she said to me that'd we be going somewhere pretty far from Hamburgs city area and to the outskirts so right now we're riding the monorail, "You'll see, look we're at our stop." Lily said as the monorail slowed down, "Now entering Hamburg Boundary." The intercom announced as the monorail came to a stop, "are you gonna tell me now?" I asked Lily, "Just a little longer Oliver be patient." Lily responded, "Whatever she's planning better be good." I whispered to Atom, "It does seem weird for us to go to the outskirts of Hamburgs." Atom speculated, the three of us walked down the steps to the Station's ground floor and there we were greeted, "Lily!" A man yelled out, "Uncle!" Lily yelled out as she tan towards the man to hug her, "How've you been niece?" Lily's uncle asked her, "Oh I'm been good, how was your Christmas?" Lily shot back, "Co Oh it was quiet as usual so how's-" Lily's uncle was saying before I decided to interrupt the both of them, "Hey, can we do the family reunion thing later?!" I yelled at the two, "Oh right!" Lily corrected herself, "What did you forget about me?" I questioned her, "This is Oliver Peddleton." Lily explained, "Nice to meet you Oliver, you can just call me Pete." Uncle Pete said to me, I just waved at him, "he's the reason I called you Uncle, we want to use your gun range." Lily explained to him, "You want to use my private gun range for this boy I've never met before?..." Pete said to us, "Alright then, anything for my Niece and her friend." Pete said, "Lets go kids." He said signaling us to get into his car, "Isn't my uncle cool guys?" Lily asked, "Sure I guess." I said as we got into his car.

The three of us just stayed quiet enjoying the ride to Pete's range, "So what do you do for a living Oliver?" Pete asked me trying to start small talk, I was trying to figure out a way to say I'm a hero in a heroless world trying to find his friend's killer when Lily decided to answer for me, "Oliver is a super-powered hero with a powerful being called Requiem, and then there Atom who is connected to Oliver's life-force in order to stay alive since he was exiled from his home that's in-between dimensions and I was recruited under his wing to help find a vicious killer called Grin Scurvy." Lily explained everything in full detail, "that's sounds cool." Pete said, I was stunned its like he wasn't even paying attention to what Lily just said.

"Here we are kids, my gun range, now then Oliver go practice to your hearts delight." Pete said to me, I look to see that there were two parts to his gun range, a actual shooting range and a house filled with targets, "I see you're looking at the Close quarter section of the range, its a 2 story house with 6 rooms in total, go on check it out I'll get the targets to pop up." Pete said as he headed behind the house, "Go on Oliver, this is all for you." Lily said trying to encourage me, "Alright lets get this done with, Atom stay with Lily." I said as I headed towards the front entrance of the house, "Hello, is this thing on?" Pete said through a megaphone, "Alright Oliver, just clear out every room of targets you see and just so you know you're being timed as well so good luck!" Pete said as the intercom went silent, "Alright Requiem lets do this!" I said summoning Requiem, "Ready, set, GO!" Pete yelled out as I began to run through the course, three targets popped up in the living room, two close by and one a bit far, I punched a hole through the two closer targets and pulled out my pistol to shoot at the farther target, next room.

I was in a kitchen, 2 more targets popped up and I did the usual punch and shoot, I was onto the next room which was the stairs that led upstairs, 2 more targets as usual popped up and I continued with my same strategy, I ran up the stairs and entered a hallway that led to 3 rooms, a target stood by a door so I quickly shot at it taking it down, I decided to go into the room to my left, as I opened the door no targets popped out... actually the room seemed empty with no decorations in place, I stood in the middle of the room thinking it must've been unfinished, I turned around and was scared when I saw Grin Scurvy there, "Poor little Oliver." He mockingly said, I tried turning around to escape when another Grin Scurvy appeared "I'll make sure your new friends end up like your dead friends." He continued to say to me, I turned all around only to see I was surrounded by Grin Scurvy, "You can't stop me, just give up, you're a killer just like me." The Grin Scurvys said in unison, I was balled up on the floor for some reason, Grin never scared me but now I felt the same feelings I did when I saw the dead bodies of Speedster and Colossus, I didn't know what to do... that was until I felt an angry feeling burning in me, "Shut up shut up shut up!!!" I screamed as I summoned Requiem to destroy the Grin Scurvys that surrounded us, I opened my eyes to see I was in the empty room again, was I hallucinating? Maybe it was from a lack of sleep? I didn't know but that I was done with this course even if I didn't take down all the targets, A loud buzzing sound went off signaling the end of the countdown, I made my way to the exit.

"So how was it Oliver?" Pete questioned hoping for a response, "Yeah Oliver how was the training?" Lily also questioned, I stared at the two of them for a second and looked back down to the ground, "I need some alone time." I said to him as I walked into the forest, I needed a moment to think cause after what I witnessed I didn't think the attack at Crimson Preparatory school was the end of Grin Scurvy, he's planning something I just know it, it's all a matter of time before he attacks and kills hundreds again and gets away with it like usual.