
Athena into the Multiverse

What if you are given another chance after death, the chance to live again, starting anew and that without forgetting who you are. Many would certainly pay any price to have such a chance. Such a chance, Athena a young girl with a dark and mysterious past received it after dying and having her soul wanders to a place it should have never been. Upon receiving such an opportunity, Athena chooses to head off towards the Anime multiverse filled with places she always dreams of exploring and where she sought to dominate all with her knowledges and cheats. Follow her as she went from word to word saving Damsel in distress, messing up with Heroes and making Villains doubt the sense of their existence.

Driftingleaf · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Unboxing the gifts Part 1

The moment she opened her eyes, what entered Athena's field of vision was not the cold and white hospital room ceiling but a completely different place with a more colorful and modern look.

After closing her eyes and opening them, she was once again greeted with the sight of the ugly hospital ceiling. Afterward, she proceeds to go back and forth between the mysterious place and her hospital room. She was behaving just like a child that has found a new toy and couldn't stop playing with it.

If anyone were to look at Athena right now, they would just see her lying on the bed, opening and closing her eyes like someone that was having some difficulty sleeping. They won't think that each time Athena opened and closed her eyes, she would find herself in a different place.

"Aiis, that really some incredible s***. Reading it and living it really does give a different feeling. Each time I closed my eyes and wished it, I would appear in this place but my body won't budge from its spot on my bed."

Glancing at her hands, she sighed, marveled by the experience she was living. If she was going back and forth between this place and the hospital, it wasn't because she was hooked with the feeling of going from one place to another just by closing her eyes, even if it feels good. It was more because of the spirit body her consciousness enter each time she comes to this place.

This spirit body was the same as hers and the feeling she got when she swapped to it was the same as the one she had with her true body. But there was something different about, if she had to tell, it was just like the state she was in while in the void, only that the body was more consistent and its features were clear.

"The experience of moving between two different bodies is truly unique. And to say that this is just the start of it. I really can't wait to see all the things the universe has to offer me. I just had to avoid acting like a country bumpkin each time I have a new experience, hehe."

Looking around her, Athena could tell she was in the same room she appeared in when she entered this place for the first time. The room is clean and looks cozy, it is bathed in a mild light coming through the glass wall at the right of the room.

Standing majestically against a dark blue wall, facing the entrance door, is a big contemporary bed with white and blue bedsheets and five or so pillows with flowery patterns. On each side of the bed, there is a nightstand made of sandalwood, filling the room with a subtle and fresh scent. On top of the nightstand is a pearl looking like a miniature moon.

As she walked towards the bed, Athena could feel the soft wool carpet under her barefoot. Arriving at the side of the bed, Athena jumped on it without hesitation. The moment she jumped on the bed, Athena couldn't help but moan in satisfaction as she caught a pillow and hugged it. The bed was so soft and comfy that she felt like melting and the soft fragrance of the bed completely relaxed her.

"Aahhh, that's what you call a bed." Athena said as she rolled on the bed.

After having fun for a few minutes, Athena stood from the bed and went towards the glass wall. Looking through the glass door, she could see a little clearing with a stream snaking through it. The only form of life one could see on this clearing is the tall grasses that covered the whole clearing. But beyond the clearing, there was nothing else but white and dense fog. Seeing the white fog, Athena sighed and once again went through her memories looking at the details of the boons she received.

The first thing she looked at was naturally the detail about the place she was currently in. This place was the inner world she asked for. When she asked for an inner world, she was expecting to receive a place where she could retreat if the need arises and a place where those she became close enough to could stay. But it seemed the voice went out of its way and gave her much more than that.

The place he was currently in was called the tower of eternity and it was a treasure that was fused with her soul. She could send her true body into the tower whenever she wants or just enters it using her consciousness and a spirit body like she was currently doing.

The tower of eternity is a treasure that has many levels. The level she was currently is the level where the inner world was. At the moment, the size of the inner world is limited and the number of people it can contain also. Right now all there is in the inner world is the mansion she was in and the clearing surrounding it. The area of the inner world has a diameter of 2miles. But as she grows stronger, the inner realm size and capacity will grow and it will start to look more and more like a true world.

About the other level of the tower, she only has access to 3 others. She hasn't visited any other level but she had an idea of what they were. First, there was the library level, from what she could understand the library could compile a complete database of knowledge on each world she would visit. She didn't know exactly to what extent the data would go and what they would be about but since it said 'complete database' she was sure she won't be disappointed.

The next level is the training level. She only knows that this level could create optimal conditions and training gears, and provide the best guidance, if you need one, for whatever skill or technique you are going to practice or learn.

And to finish the last level. It is the crafting level. On this level, you would be able to practice whatever craft you want. It provides all the tools for any craft, going from farm tools to alchemy ones and ending with spaceship manufacture. And not any tools, all the tools are the best, please.

"Ah, I'm sure lucky uh. This treasure only would have already been a godly treasure for whoever has it. I got a library with all kind if not all the knowledge about the world I am in; a training level that would allow me to obtain the best result out of my training; a workstation where I can make everything I want; and finally a private space where I can laze around whenever I want." Athena said, resuming the current benefit of the tower of Eternity. She couldn't help but feel like rushing and looking through each level herself.

"And to say that I'm just getting started. Hehe, anyway who I am to say no when I'm gifted with more. After all the more the merrier." Athena giggled, feeling satisfied with herself.