
Athena into the Multiverse

What if you are given another chance after death, the chance to live again, starting anew and that without forgetting who you are. Many would certainly pay any price to have such a chance. Such a chance, Athena a young girl with a dark and mysterious past received it after dying and having her soul wanders to a place it should have never been. Upon receiving such an opportunity, Athena chooses to head off towards the Anime multiverse filled with places she always dreams of exploring and where she sought to dominate all with her knowledges and cheats. Follow her as she went from word to word saving Damsel in distress, messing up with Heroes and making Villains doubt the sense of their existence.

Driftingleaf · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

The Voice and the Orb 1

In a vast expanse of void where time seemed to come to a stop and nothing, not even the smallest speck of dust could be found, a little shining orb of light suddenly appeared. The appearance of that orb in the seemingly infinite void greatly disturbed the eternal stillness that seemed to reign in this void since the beginning of time. Its presence in that place that was always devoid of anything breathing or not, and where light never shined upon was akin to a true miracle.

As the orb of light continued to vibrate and wandered around the expanse of space, an aged and disembodied voice sounded.

"Now, now, that some interesting things we have here. What are you little thing? And how do you get here?" the aged voice asked curiously as it looked at this being that trespassed upon its domain.

The moment it sounded, the voice of this unknown being seemed to trigger a change in the orb of light.

The orb of light that until now was dimly lit and drifting aimlessly in the void suddenly turned more bright to the point it looked like it was covered by a blazing fire that looked like a holy fire. Sometimes later the light released by the orb stopped increasing and a soft and confused voice asking a string of questions was heard in the void.

"Where am I? Who's there? And who am I?" the orb of light that seemed to have somehow gained consciousness asked.

"Oh, that's getting more and more interesting. A soul that stranded of the wheel of reincarnation, and after wandering in space for who knows long wasn't destroyed and even managed to retain its consciousness. And more interesting it broke through my domain." the aged voice was heard once again, but it didn't answer our little orb queries and just talked about things the orb couldn't understand.

" Please, mister the Voice, what are you talking about?" The little voice asked, confused.

"Oh my, that's an interesting name you gave me there. First, let me fix you up. While you have withstood well the damage done to your soul by the void I doubt you could have resisted much longer seeing the state you are in." as those words sounded, the void seemed to come alive and went on to wrap around the orb of light.  

For a moment the orb of light was completely drowned by the void and seemed to have become one with it, but soon enough a blinding and more intense light filled the void. Once the light went down the orb of light could be seen again but its form was completely different. In place of the orb was standing….no floating a young girl with unclear features and with her whole body covered by a simple and long white dress. Even though neither the features nor the body shape of the girl could be determined, anybody would find her likable due to the unique and warm feeling radiating from her person, well if they are afraid of ghosts that is another story.

Her appearance wasn't the only thing that changed with our little orb. She also regained all of her memories. Hum, to be honest, it wasn't all of them, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember anything having a link to her death. All she could remember was living her life one day and pouf the other day she found herself roaming in the void while losing her sense of self little by little. It was a painful experience and she couldn't even tell how long it lasted or how many times she almost became insane. Fortunately,  she managed to keep together even if she was reduced to a little ball of light that had to sleep most of the time and had the intelligence of a child. Anyways, now wasn't the time to sulk over past events, she should focus on this weird encounter and get the better out of it.

 After staying still for a moment, the young girl finally moved and the first thing she did afterward was to bow towards the void. Even though she didn't know who it was that was in there and what they want, she was still grateful for the fact that they were helping her.

"Thank you very much for your help. And sorry for calling you with such a weird name earlier."  She said blushing lightly when she thought of how she called the being that she was speaking with, The Voice.

"Oh don't fret over such detail child. You weren't so wrong by giving me such a name. For you, I am but a voice, and a name is but a way to define something. So in some way, you were right when you gave me such a name. " the voice that stayed silent during all the process of the orb transformation replied in a carefree tone. Hearing such an answer the young girl let a relieved sigh as she was glad to have not offended her benefactor.

"Thank you. Are you GOD? Is this afterlife?" Giving a short thank, the young girl proceed with the questions that were on her mind since gaining back her full capability. Afterward, she waited with anticipation for the answer the being will give. If it was what she expecting maybe her dream could come true.

" GOD? I don't know what kind of God you are referring to. The universe is wide, nearly infinite even. Many things could be called God or godly existence if we use the understanding you as a former human has of 'God'. I don't think of myself as a God since I don't do what you expect him to. You are however free to think of me like one if you want. I don't need to tell you who I am. Instead, I can tell you what I can do for you if you are interested in that. And no you aren't in the afterlife, you already escaped it, and don't ask me how since I don't know either."

Hearing the answer of the voice, the young girl was feeling downcast but the moment she heard the last part of the voice words her whole being became vibrant with energy and anybody looking at her could tell she was happy.

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