
Athena into the Multiverse

What if you are given another chance after death, the chance to live again, starting anew and that without forgetting who you are. Many would certainly pay any price to have such a chance. Such a chance, Athena a young girl with a dark and mysterious past received it after dying and having her soul wanders to a place it should have never been. Upon receiving such an opportunity, Athena chooses to head off towards the Anime multiverse filled with places she always dreams of exploring and where she sought to dominate all with her knowledges and cheats. Follow her as she went from word to word saving Damsel in distress, messing up with Heroes and making Villains doubt the sense of their existence.

Driftingleaf · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Becoming part of the Leaf

The jonin sent by the Hokage couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when he heard the story reported to him by the medical-nin.  True the story was sad and he could imagine how difficult it was for whoever went through those events but, there was something wrong here. The story sounds too convenient, it basically left the young girl without a background and the only things they would know about would be what she would tell them.

He had to be cautious and not let a spy in their midst that easily. As he was lost in his thoughts, he was interrupted by the voice of Oyone that was starting to become impatient after waiting and not receiving an answer.

"What are we going to do with her? That girl has nowhere and nobody to go back to. We will let her stay in Konoha, won't we?"

" I know, but we can just trust everything the girl told us blindly. With the story, she told us it would be very difficult to investigate her identity. The fact that the bandits let her go is already weird, I mean look at her... Add to that the fact that, weirdly, a little girl manage to survive out there alone for who knows how many day. Honestly, I think she is a spy." The jonin said

"What are you even thinking about, how can you tell such things about a little girl? And no, I'm sure that Athena-san is not a spy. I talked with her, she is a nice girl and I'm certain she won't harm Konoha." Oyone said, doing her best to defend Athena.

" I can't trust your judgment alone. I have to go to take a look and talk to her myself." The jonin said.

" No, you won't. She is tired and also you are going to scare her with that face of yours." Oyone said as she put herself between the jonin and Athena's room.

"What's the problem with my face? And did not you just talk with her? How come she is suddenly tired." The jonin asked with a frown on his face.

" You think I forgot what you said about not understanding why the bandits let her go. I didn't know Konoha had a jerk like you in its midst. I am not letting someone with such thought near a little girl. Disgusting. And if I said she is tired it means she is tired, I am her doctor so I make the call." Oyone said with a disgusted expression.

After hearing what Oyone said, the face of the jonin turned black and veins started to pop on his forehead. "I just want to talk with her. Is there a need to make things so difficult for me?" he asked as he was thoroughly pissed off by Oyone.

Afterward, the two shinobi continued to argue but neither of them managed to make the other change its position. Tired of the useless arguing, the jonin was the first to give up.

" Let's stop with this waste of time. I'm going to report to the Hokage, he will be the one to take the final decision." The jonin said as he turned around to leave.

"Hey, stop." Oyone said when she saw the jonin was leaving.

"What again?" the jonin asked without even bothering to stop.

"I'm going to the Hokage with you. If not, I'm sure you'll only tell bad things about Athena-san to him." Oyone said, following after the jonin with a resolute look.

" Do you know that you are annoying?" the jonin replied as he was starting to feel annoyed by the pushy behavior of Oyone.

Not caring about the jonin, Oyone walked silently beside him and soon enough they reached the Hokage building. Without hesitation, they walked into and went towards the Hokage office. Unfortunately, they could not meet the Hokage immediately and had to wait for a little he was in a meeting.

After waiting an hour or so the two were finally allowed into the office of the Hokage.  Upon entering the office the two of them could see the 3rd Hokage comfortably seated behind a table full of paper. He is an old man with light skin, his hair is grey and he has a small goatee of the same color, his face is gaunt, and he has many wrinkles proof of his old age. He was currently wearing the formal Hokage attire which consists of the customary hat and haori with a red, full-length kimono that is tied using a white sash.

"How have you been young people?" the Hokage was the first to speak, greeting the two when they entered.

"We have been well Hokage-sama, thank you for your concern." The two of them answered simultaneously.

" That's great. You should enjoy life while you are still young." The Hokage said before looking towards the jonin and continuing.

"So I suppose you are here to report about the case of the little girl that was found in front of the gates today." The Hokage asked

Before the jonin could even start talking Oyone interfered and started talking first.

" I am sorry Hokage-sama but I would like to be the one to report. I am the doctor that is taking care of Athena. I am also the one that talked with her when she woke up. I think I am more suited to report."

After hearing Oyone, the Hokage didn't immediately answer but instead, he looked towards the jonin as if asking for his permission. Fortunately for Oyone, the jonin agreed even if he had an annoyed expression on his face while doing so. He knew it was better to not argue with that blockhead in front of the Hokage. Taking a step back won't kill him.   

"Okay, you can report young doctor." The Hokage said

Hearing the Hokage answer, Oyone was overjoyed and she started to tell Athena's story once again, at the end, she added that Athena was a good girl and that she should be allowed to stay in Konoha.

After hearing Oyone report, the Hokage couldn't help but agree with her. The young girl was truly unlucky and they should help her.

" That girl is truly unfortunate. From what Oyone said I don't think she is a danger for Konoha. We should let her stay in Konoha and help her as much as we can. What do you think Ryou." The Hokage said after staying silent.?

" Hokage-sama, honestly I think we should be wary of her. I think she could be a spy. " Ryou said

" Oh, and why do you think so." The homage asked with a small smile.

" Her story is too convenient and we won't be able to know anything about her apart from what she would tell us. " Ryou replied

" I can understand you. But what do you want us to do? We can't punish her because of a simple suspicion.  I will allow her to live in Konoha after she recovers but don't worry I would let some Anbu monitor her from time to time. Like that everybody will be satisfied and we would confirm she didn't have any bad intention towards Konoha" The Hokage said

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Oyone and Ryou answered

"You can go now. And you Oyone take good care of our guest." The Hokage said, dismissing the two ninjas.

" I will Hokage-sama." An excited Oyone answered. She couldn't wait to tell to Athena that from now on she was a part of the leaf.

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