

Joshua opened his eyes to find himself lying on a soft surface. A warmth he hadn't felt in a while covered his entire body. He almost didn't get up, but with his memories still within him, he couldn't stay lying down.

Hurriedly Joshua lifted his body up and off of his bed. But on his way off his leg got entangled with his blanket and he came crashing down to the floor with a loud thud.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed. He realized he was nowhere near as agile as he was in Vurd. His body was the weakest it had ever been and for some reason, Joshua felt uneasy about it.

'Well, it doesn't really matter.' He continuously tried to remind himself that he would no longer need his magic and mana and runes and special items. He could live a normal life once more. Thinking of living a normal life brought happiness to his face.

But his happiness was cut short when he heard someone yell out, "Joshua are you alright?"

The voice took him by shock. How long had it been since he heard that voice? The perpetrator walked in and the full body of a woman was before his eyes.

The woman was extremely tired and spoke with evident tiredness in the voice, "Joshua are you alright? What happened?"

Joshua tried to speak, but no words came. The woman in front of him was the one who cared for him for over 16 years of his life. He loved her and seeing her in front of him brought fear to his eyes as he thought, "I won't lose her again!"

Overwhelmed with emotions Joshua ran up to his mother in tears and hugged her. She almost couldn't breathe.

It was now his mothers turn to be shocked. She racked her brain for a reason for Joshua to be showing this type of affection, but nothing came up.

"Joshua, are you alright? Did you happen to hit your head?"

But instead of replying Joshua hugged his mother tighter. Tears still finding their way down his face.

Only after a full five minutes of crying did he stop. With his mother still in shock Joshua spoke, "Mom, I'm sorry for any disrespect I've ever given you."

Looking at him with suspicion, "And what's all this for?"

But Joshua simply smiled and said, "I'm just expressing my love for my mother. Was it too much?"

"No...just unexpected that's all." His now fully awake mother was still suspicious of Joshua and decided to just go back to sleep.

"Next time, don't sleep so deeply that you fall off the bed! I'm going back to sleep. Good night, Joshua."

Walking back to her room Joshua's mother had a smirk on her face but the suspicion was still on her face. She even thought, "Maybe I'm dreaming. Time to get a good night of sleep..."

Joshua, on the other hand, couldn't sleep. He just returned from a different world. He had to get used to his home world once more. All the events happening at the moment in his life were only vaguely remembered.

But he had to test something first. Joshua thought, "Can I still use magic?"

Mana was the fundamental thing to the survival of every living being in Vurd. "Maybe it's the same here?" he thought. If he was able to use Mana on earth he would really be an overpowered existence.

"No! I want to live a normal life!" But Joshua cleared his mind of those thoughts and simply reminded himself that he wanted to live a normal and safe life. It was what his friends fought for and he wouldn't give that away anytime soon.

But he wanted to first confirm his theory. Gathering himself and clearing his mind Joshua sat on the ground and began to concentrate. He tried to suck in the mana around him, but he was surprised to find that the mana around him was in no way abundant.

"Why is this mana so thin in presence?" he thought. He tried once again but the same result followed.

Instead of gathering mana from the air he decided to try something else. He went inside his own body and connected to the mana he stored while still in Vurd. To his surprise, a large amount of mana was still there.

"If I'm correct, I have about 75% of my total mana left in my mana reserves." Knowing his limits Joshua decided to never use mana unless he was in a dire situation.

He would never anything out of the ordinary. "They brought me back here. I have to respect what they did for me!" Once again to keep himself humble Joshua reminded himself of the sacrifice of his friends and many others that died with them.

For the rest of the night, Joshua decided to try and remember the events occurring eight years prior but after experiencing what he experienced in Vurd he was mostly unsuccessful.

He was going to continue but was cut short at the sound of birds tweeting outside. The sun wasn't up yet but the sound brought joy to his face.

If he remembered correctly it was supposed to be Friday. Joshua was a junior in high school so he had to attend school today. One thing he did remember was his school life.

He wasn't bullied but he wasn't liked by anyone either. He was just the kid in the middle that people liked to use for their own benefit. This kept him in the forefront of most situations and he was able to go through a safe high school career.

As he prepared for school and re-familiarizing himself with his morning procedures Joshua's mother called out to him saying, "Joshua, come down and eat! I need to go pick your sister soon!"

Joshua cursed himself for not even remembering the second most important person to him, his little sister! The troublesome kid who always made fun of him but at the same time always brightened up his day!

His shock was another level from the previous night. He replied, "Coming mom!" After he finished brushing his teeth Joshua rushed down the stairs and found his mother in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mom!" He excitedly exclaimed.

His mother, still surprised at the sudden change in attitude, replied, "Good morning, Joshua. Come eat with me."

Walking towards the table Joshua sat down across his mother and looked down at the waffles in his plate. He picked up the knife after pouring a bit of syrup onto the waffles.

He stuck the knife into all the waffle and cut them into four equal sections. Then he picked up a napkin and placed it around his neck and began to eat with his fork. He slowly chewed each piece of the waffle with elegance.

His mother, who watched this whole scene, burst out laughing, "Joshua, are you really alright?"

"What's the matter?" He replied before realizing that nobody ate this formal on earth. He started to blush at his mistake and quickly removed the napkin from his neck.

It was then he realized that living in normal society again would really take a lot out of him. Despite that, Joshua smiled at his mother. He began laughing with her as they ate together.

Enjoy :)

RandomName2creators' thoughts
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