

"Haa..." the shopkeeper sighed deeply seeing Xiu Luo's firm attitude.

"The requirement to join is simple, anyone can register who are interested in alchemy and everyone will be consider as a outer disciples and those who have fire they will be taken as the inner disciples and those who have earth fire or above rank fire they will be consider as core disciples." The shopkeeper described about the immortal pill dao temple requirements.

"Boy do you have any fire." Shopkeeper asked to Xiu Luo.

"Well senior I have the beast fire." Xiu Luo showed Xiaohuo and Xiaohuo had changed its colour to scarlet red which is same as fire lion beast fire.

"Hmm...fire lion beast fire, you are lucky kid to get this fire." Shopkeeper exclaimed in surprise as he saw the beast fire on Xiu Luo's palm. But Xiu Luo got confused why the shopkeeper is saying the fire is fire lion beast fire not the golden fire.