
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · Huyền huyễn
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37 Chs

Treatment after saving

In the underground place everything is dark except there are some torch lights which are hanged on the walls and a person was bounded by the chains and he is not wearing any cloths except shots but if you look closely you will find this person is none than Xiu Luo. And his blindfold was removed.

But the condition of Xiu Luo is not in good as the blood is flowing from his mouth and he was getting beaten by the surrounding people. He was still in the faint state and groaning due to pain. 

After sometime Xiu Luo woke up as they poured water on him.

"Wh...where... I am." Xiu Luo muttered in pain. Then he remembered that when he removed the spiritual sealing talisman from the girl he was punched by her and he fainted due to exhaustion. 

"You dare to kidnap our young lady." The boy punched Xiu Luo in abdomen and the latter groaned in pain and spurted out blood.


"Huh..huh..." Xiu Luo's breathing became irregular and he would have fallen down if he was not tied by chains which is tied to the ceiling.

"Huh...huh..I didn't...kidnap ...anyone ...huh huh..." Xiu Luo said in a shaky voice looking downward as he was getting beaten by the boy.

"You dare to lie." The boy grabbed Xiu Luo hair and looking in the latter eyes. Usually Xiu Luo's eyes looks deep with no lustrous now inside the underground his eyes were like two golden light which illuminated the room.

The boy started beating again.

"Kukh... I ...I never thought...by saving the girl... I would be... getting this... treatment 'kukh' if I had known this ...I would have ...not saved her." Xiu Luo said groaning and stuttering as the beating became more aggressive. 

"Stop" then a voice came and the boy stopped punching and turn back, his attitude changed full three sixty degree as he start walking towards the voice.

The voice belongs to the girl who Xiu Luo saved earlier. The girl had fair skin, sharp eyebrows, large eyes, a small mouth and she had long black hair and she looks like a teenage girl.

The girl brought Xiu Luo to her family as she want to interrogate the latter so that she could find who is behind the kidnapping. Then the boy took Xiu Luo saying that he will interrogate the latter and she decided to just watch. And she stayed in the room whole time with other members and she is watching Xiu Luo and when the latter told he didn't kidnap she knitted her brows but didn't think that the latter is saying the truth because everyone will say like that when they were interrogated.

But when she heard what Xiu Luo said she told to stop the other.

"You just said you didn't kidnapped me but saved me." The girl came to Xiu Luo as she completely ignored the boy who just moved towards her.

"Yes." Xiu Luo raised his head to see the girl but can't see the latter due to blindness and blood is dripping from his mouth and after saying just one word his head dropped again because he didn't have any strength left.

"Are you not aquainted with the people who kidnapped me?" The girl asked again doubting Xiu Luo.

"No..." Xiu Luo replied flatly.

"How much... time... passed...I... brought here?" Xiu Luo asked the girl but the latter didn't reply.


"The people...who kidnapped you...huh... also kidnapped fourty five other woman... I told them that I will come after I save you...tell me how much time..."

"Hey you bastard do you think we will believe you if you say any nonsense...." the boy who had beaten Xiu Luo shouted. 

"Stop, boy tell the location of women you have saved." There is deep voice came from outside. From just voice it can be seen how much profound cultivation is of that person.

'Atleast someone has wits.' Xiu Luo chuckled to himself. Then he said the location.

"Elder Jin, go and investigate." The man said to one of the people inside staying inside the underground. 

Then the people stayed like that for whole seven hours and Xiu Luo fainted again due to exhaustion. 

"Bring that child to the guest room." The same voice came again but this time it was gentle may be he had verified the news and rescued the women. Hearing this the expression of people changed and the gritted his teeth in frustration. The boy glared at Xiu Luo with bloodshot eyes as he want to kill Xiu Luo but he didn't do anything because there are many people present.

The girl felt guilty because the one who saved her she did a terrible thing to him. Then the girl unbound the chains holding Xiu Luo and brought Xiu Luo to her own room and laid him on the bed.


"Hmm..." Xiu Luo groaned as he woke up but found there are no injuries on his body.

"Huh no injuries, did those bastards really killed me, am I really dead..." Xiu woke up and found there are no injuries on his body and he muttered to himself that he was killed by the people.

"Hmm...sniff..sniff.." then Xiu Luo started sniffing around him because he smelled many scents and perfume smell.

"Did I come to the heavens." Xiu Luo muttered himself inhaling the surrounding air.

"Giggle..giggle.." then Xiu Luo heard a giggling voice like someone is laughing and became cautious. And tried to use spirit sense technique but found that he had not recovered his spiritual qi.

The one who is laughing is none other than the girl who Xiu Luo had saved, she is present here the whole time.

When Xiu Luo woked up she tried to come but when she heard what the latter had muttered and started laughing as she found amusement.

"Who are you?" Xiu Luo asked cautiously as he turned to the direction of laughing voice.

"Well I am the bitch in your mouth who you have saved." The girl said in teasing tone.

"Cough..." Xiu Luo coughed in embrassment because at that time he was in angry mood because he saved the latter but the girl punched him ver hard.

"So what should I call you young master." Again the girl asked in a teasing tone as she watched the latter.

"Cough... well I am Xiu Luo." Xiu Luo introduced himself.

Then Xiu Luo got up from the bed and felt cool breeze touching his skin.

"Huh...where is my cloths?" Xiu Luo shouted facing the girl.

"This..." the girl expression also changed and there is a deep red shaped appeared on her beautiful face as she is looking at Xiu Luo. Before she just felt guilt so that's why she brought the Xiu Luo to her room without thinking anything and laid him on her bed. Then she treated the latter's injuries but at that time she didn't think about different sex but now Xiu Luo woke she found herself lost in thought because the latter is just in trousers. And she continued to watch the latter and after some time she throwed the latter's storage bag on the beg and went outside the room.

"Young lady are you okay?" When the girl came out hastily the young maid who is stationed outside the room asked her.

"Nono nothing happened, you go and bring them here." The girl said but her voice is stuttering and her face had become crimson red due to embrassment.

Hearing the order the young maid walked away.

"Hmm... why am I outside of my own room?" The girl muttered to herself as she is waiting outside of her own room. 

"Huh...what should I say..." the girl muttered as she moved back and forth but still there is red shade on her cheeks and she looks beautiful.

Then the door opened and Xiu Luo came outside as he wore ordinary black cloths and blindfold on his eyes. Then girl scanned the latter from top to bottom and then averted her eyes from Xiu Luo.

"Hmm I don't know how to adress the miss." Xiu Luo asked as he came in front of the girl.

The girl didn't reply but averted her eyes from Xiu Luo. 

"Young Miss may I know how much time had passed and what happened to those women, are they alright." Xiu Luo asked hastily.

"Two days passed and those women were brought by Elder Jin." The girl said politely as she tried to hide her embrassment. 

Hearing this Xiu Luo sighed with releif.