
Chapter 7

[Ayoki Seycus Mansion

LVL 2. Saved]


Ayoki awoke to a sense of paralysis, his body gripped by intense pain and discomfort. The darkness surrounding him seemed to press in, suffocating him with its weight. Gasping for breath, he struggled against the oppressive darkness, feeling as though it was consuming him from within.

"It's cold! It's cold!" Ayoki's voice echoed through the darkness, his words a desperate plea for relief. But the coldness persisted, gnawing at his bones and freezing his very soul.

As the darkness closed in, Ayoki felt a sense of dread wash over him. It was as though the darkness was alive, a malevolent force seeking to crush him beneath its weight. With each passing moment, the pressure on his chest grew heavier, making it difficult to draw breath.

Suddenly, a searing pain shot through Ayoki's chest as the darkness seemed to reach out and touch his heart. With a cry of agony, he jolted awake, his body soaked in sweat and his heart pounding in his chest.

As he looked around, Ayoki found himself in an unfamiliar place. Birds chirped in the distance, and the scent of flowers filled the air. Relief flooded through him as he realized that he was alive, spared from the clutches of the darkness that had threatened to consume him.

"I'm alive?" Ayoki murmured, his voice trembling with disbelief. "I thought I was dead for sure in that place."

As Ayoki examined his clothes, he noticed their intricate design and luxurious materials—a stark contrast to the ragged garments he had worn before. The realization dawned on him that someone had intervened to save him, providing him with new attire befitting of a noble.

Before he could dwell further on his situation, the sound of a voice broke through the silence. Opening his eyes, Ayoki saw two maids standing before him—one with vibrant red hair and a disdainful expression, and the other with dark violet hair, her features silent, unreadable.

"S-sir, it's time to wake up," the red-haired maid said, her tone tinged with impatience.

Ayoki blinked in confusion, still trying to process his surroundings. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice hoarse from his recent ordeal.

Ayoki listened as the red-haired maid spoke, her disdain evident in her tone. She informed him that he was in the mansion of their lord, Seycus, located in White Willow. The mention of being saved by their master left Ayoki feeling grateful yet bewildered by the circumstances.

"How rude," Ayoki thought to himself, though he remained composed outwardly.

The red-haired maid continued, informing Ayoki that Lord Seycus wished to summon him to the halls and that he should prepare himself.

"Alright," Ayoki replied, his voice betraying his fatigue.

With a tired expression, Ayoki watched as the two maids left his room.

Ayoki stood up, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of interacting with someone in this new world. He hastily prepared himself, gathering his belongings and taking a moment to steel his nerves before venturing outside his room.

As he stepped into the hallway, Ayoki was overwhelmed by the sheer number of doors that lined the corridors of the mansion.

"What the heck! Where am I even supposed to go?" he muttered to himself, feeling lost and directionless in the labyrinthine halls.

Determined to find his way, Ayoki began opening doors one by one, hoping to stumble upon the right path. But as he hurried along, his foot slipped on the slippery floor, causing him to fall with a painful thud.

"Ow, ugh," Ayoki groaned, rubbing his sore backside as he looked up to see a figure seated in a nearby chair.

To his surprise, it was a young girl, her expression impassive as she sipped iced coffee and perused a book.

"You," the girl murmured, her gaze fixed on Ayoki. "You have the scent of death."

Confused and taken aback by her words, Ayoki could only stare at her in bewilderment.

"Huh? The scent of what?" he stammered, unsure of what the girl meant.


"It's peculiar. I don't believe you've died in this world, yet the scent on you is unmistakable. It's as if you've experienced death multiple times," she mused, her words sending shivers down Ayoki's spine.

Ayoki's body broke out in goosebumps, his palms growing clammy with sweat. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered as how pinpoint that was, feeling a sense of unease wash over him at the girl's astute observation.

The girl sighed, her expression softening slightly. "Don't worry, I won't pry too deeply. I might die if i do that.

Ayoki nodded, grateful for her understanding, though still puzzled by her uncanny insight.

"But where are we?" he asked, gesturing around at their surroundings. The room was filled with toys, bookshelves stacked with volumes of all kinds, and displays of exquisite materials and artisan creations.

"This is my domain," the girl replied, with a smile and a hint of pride in her voice as she spoke. "But the question remains: how did you find your way in here?"

Ayoki scratched his head, a sheepish expression crossing his face. "Well, I was just wandering around aimlessly, trying to find my way," he admitted, feeling somewhat embarrassed by his lack of direction.


Thats it? To find you way here, you would have to opens all of the door of lord seycus mansion. the girl answered perplex.

Well, I guess im lucky. the boy laughs, as he never experienced a long conversation like this he was just an introvert.

But stranger, I guess you would have to leaved. the girl said.

"Why would I leave?" Ayoki inquired, oblivious to the girl's unspoken cues.

Rolling her eyes at his obliviousness, the girl sighed in exasperation. "Can't you see? It's the morning, and I'm clearly not dressed. You're supposed to take the hint."

Ayoki's confusion only deepened, his social instincts failing him once again.

With a resigned sigh, the girl simply commanded, "Leave."

As if under a spell, Ayoki found himself obediently exiting the room. Confusion swirled in his mind as he stumbled out, coughing and kneeling on the floor struggling to comprehend the strange turn of events.

"Son of a duck!" he muttered, realizing he had been manipulated without even realizing it. "Next time, just say 'leave' and spare me the mind games."

To be continued.

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