
Assassins Academy

Riku is thrown into a world of aspiring assassins and must survive through the daily life of a student at Assassins Academy. Follow him as he climbs to try and become the worlds greatest assassin.

Brightshadow · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs


The announcement threw Gavin off guard but he swallowed his pride and rushed forward thrusting his halberd.

Unfortunately for Gavin due to the sand his speed was cut in half allowing Nakita to see through his thrusts and dodged his attacks in a smooth motion.

Gavin in frustration swung his halberd down furiously. Nakita leaned back and watched as the halberd landed firmly on the sand.

Gavin, realizing he missed Nakita by a few inches, went to lift the halberd once more to ready for the second assault but things were already going downhill for him.

Nakita had already started to run up the pole of his halberd. By the time Gavin tried to drop his halberd Nakita's knee had already sunk deep into his face.

Gavin was set flying while Nakita stalled in the air for a few seconds.


Before Gavin could even land Nakita had already fired a round through his chest.

Nakita landed gracefully and dusted off her hands as she listened to the announcements go off.

[Winner is Nakita! Gavin has been demoted to Rank 103th.]

Riku looked dumbfounded with jaw agape as the announcement rang out.

Was Nakita really that different from him, up until now he had only seen her as a slightly above average teen but seeing her end a fight within seconds.

Before Riku could calm down, another announcement went off.

[Dante Ranked 26rd Vs Crixus Gaul 30th]

Riku was surprised and wondered if all of his colleagues were fighting today? He looked to his right where Dante was sitting only to see an empty seat.

Looking at the stage he could already see Dante fully equipped and ready to go. His opponent on the other hand was a little different.

Instead of the school uniform he wore elbow guards, knee guards with a thick leather belt strapped around his chest.

In Crixus' hand was only a knife with a curved blade looking like a crescent moon.

Crixus held a sharp expression exaggerated by the scar on his face. His silver hair held firm even in the slight breeze inside the arena giving him the impression of an immovable rock.

"So you think you can win this time, President?"

Dante asked as they waited for the nanomites to form the battlefield.

"I've improved since then. I just thought this was a good time to let you see"

The president spoke in a calm but cocky tone.

"I see, then let the battlefield determine the value of such improvement."

Despite his hardheadedness Dante didn't dislike the second year student president. Afterall, they had fought a few times and although Crixus had never won, he was phenomenal for a second year student.

For him to make it this far in rank really showed how much he stood above the rest of the second years and even among the third years.

In a few seconds the nanomites finished forming the battle ground. It was rather disappointing this time around.

It looked like a forest with a nice open space for the two to fight.


The countdown began and Crixus drew his short knife while Dante drew his blade.

"I'm here to issue a warning…"

Unlike normally Dante and Crixus didn't separate instead they stood a little more than arms length apart. Because of this Dante heard Crixus but was a little confused.



"A warning?"

Instead of attacking each other right away Dante wanted some clarification.

"It's about that pet you adopted recently."

Dante wasn't the type to argue even moreso now that the fight was technically still ongoing.

"He went too far Dante."

Dante scoffed.

"And you are going to do something about it?"

Dante asked with a bit of ridicule.


The announcement went off again most likely because neither of them had moved and the system assumed they didn't hear.

This time though Crixus was the one to rush forward. Crixus held his knife in a reverse grip and attacked Dante.

Dante parried with his sword and deflected the attack. Crixus used the momentum to launch a reverse elbow strike but even at point blank range Dante was able to block the attack.. But the strength behind the strike was still more than enough to push Dante back a step and a half.

"We already did what we had to do."

Dante looked at Crixus with a sharp expression and rushed back at him with his sword.

"You wouldn't dare cross me like that."

Crixus blocked the sword attack with his forearms that had armor protection and tried to return an attack with the knife to Dante's throat. Dante drew one of his shurikens and blocked the attack.

The shurikens let out a puff of smoke that blocked Crixus' vision momentarily.

Dante used the half a second to redirect his sword but when he swung down Crixus had already retreated out of range.

"I am the president and your little brother isn't here anymore.

So I do as I see fit!

I am only paying my respects by letting you know in advance since everything is already set in stone."

Dante looked at Crixus and with pity.

"Set in stone you say?"

Dante went into his pouch and grabbed a few shurikens.

"I will show you how malleable stone can be…"

Riku and Jose were cheering as they locked into the fight. The was the first time Riku had seen someone match Dante blow for blow.

"Hey Jose, who is that guy anyways?"

"Oh, that guy, he's Crixus Gaul, the president of the second years' student body. I think this is the third time he's fighting Dante.

But he has never even come close to winning. Knowing Dante he probably still won't.

Riku looked on with even more interest now. He looked at Crixus from head to toe trying to see what was so different about him. Apart from the scar he looked just as strange as any other strange second year.

'A second year can really go toe to toe with Dante?'

Riku rubbed his chin and pondered as the fight went on.