
ASSASSINATION (Book one of the Valerie series)

Valerie’s life changed the night the Demons attacked her. Everything was unlocked in her life. And it all became worse after she was asked to assassinate someone. Little did she know it was all a ruse. A set up to kill her. All because of her bloodline.

Trevor_Muma · Thành thị
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4 Chs


It was not that he was not good looking or anything; the bastard was as handsome as ever. But I was just not into such. He was also a nice personal in general, which gave him an added advantage on my list.

No matter how much I wanted to decline his offer, I had no choice but to say yes. He cornered me. No excuse I thought of would get me out of this one. I have used all of them.


"Before you make your decision. I just want to tell you that it's more of a friend thing. Not like boyfriend and girlfriend going on a date. So, don't worry about being in an awkward situation," he clarified.

"Well, if you put it that way, then I will reconsider," I said matter-of-factly.

"The move starts around seven in the evening. So, you might want to hurry with the decision making," he shot me a smile that I gladly returned.

Maybe giving the bastard a chance wouldn't be a bad idea. That also means I will spend some time with Natasha and her boyfriend. But there was just something in me that was against my decision.

My last date was when I was still at the university. Ever since that, I have never considered going on a date. The bastard I went with was a disappointment. After we came back from the date, he told almost the all class that we went on a date. Despite me telling him not to.

Also, just because I want to focus on nothing but my life right now. So, adding dating on the to-do list was a rather complicated scenario.

"Alright, I will go with you. Keep your mouth shut about it, ok?" he nodded, smiling from ear to ear. "I have to go to work, see ya," I went past him.

"See you. But wait," I turned, "Should I come and pick you up or we will meet here?"

"Meeting here is a good idea, don't you think?" I just nodded again. "Cool, see you then."

Without giving him another chance to hold me back, I left the hotel in a hurry. I looked around to see where Natasha was. Then I spotted her in the parking lot. Hopeful her boyfriend hadn't shown up or she will put the all blame on me.

"What the hell took you so long? I thought you didn't like Jeremey," she said as I reached her.

"Me talking to him doesn't mean I like him. Where the hell is Robert? We are already late. But if we arrive there at nine, then we will be at least thirty minutes late."

"He said he will be here. Let's wait for him just for a few more minutes," she looked around the parking lot.

"Natasha, let's go. We don't have all day. We will just take a taxi, and I think it's high time you start considering the fact that you are not his number one priority," I went past her and I heard her footsteps just a foot from me.

As I said earlier, I don't really know what was keeping Natasha to that man. The bastard was an ass. Just because he was a CEO, he thought the world revolves around him. They spoiled him to the fullest. Every time I ask her why she was still with him; she always says she loves him. Which I didn't believe in the slightest.

There was just something off with the way she answered me.

We reached the road and held my hand as I saw a taxi coming our way. A guy pulled the taxi, and we entered.

"Take us to protea hotel," I said as I made myself comfortable on the passengers sit.

"Sure thing, my lady," he said and began the engine.

Lusaka, been the capital city of Zambia, has many fancy buildings. The roads were well executed, and it was full of hotels, bars, shopping malls, to mention but a few. The driver kept on hooting the car due to many cars been on the road. It was way too packed, and the only time such things happen is when there is traffic. Which will worst our time even more.


After thirty minutes, we finally reached Protea hotel. I gave the driver the money, then me and Natasha left the car.

We rushed inside, trying to hide from our boss. If that bastard sees that we are late, he will surely deduct our salaries. We went into the kitchen and as soon as he saw us; he shook his head.

"Girls, I thought I talked about this. Why are you late?" Mr. Mulenga asked.

Mr. Mulenga was in charge of the kitchen department. He made sure everything is perfect; the food is cooked on time and that the customers get their orders as soon as possible.

He was a fat man, about forty years. Sometimes I even failed to recognize if he had a neck or not. There was just no way of telling.

He had short black hair that went well with his black complexion. He wore a white shirt, black trousers and well-polished shoes.

Every time me and Natasha are late, he covers for us. He was just too kind to us and a appreciated that a lot.

"That spoiled brat hasn't been here right sir," I said as me and Natasha put on our aprons.

"Valerie, he is your boss, ok? Stop calling him a spoiled brat," Mr. Mulenga said.

"But he is," I argued.

"See you around. Thanks Mr. Mulenga," Natasha said and left with a tray of food a lady gave her.

"You have to respect him."

"Not until he starts respecting you. That bastard keeps on insulting everyone with every chance he gets. Anyway, enough about him, my day is already been spoiled by another brat. I just don't know why she is dating such a man," I said and moved to Mr. Mulenga because the people around are just way too nosey.

"She loves him, that is why," Mr. Mulenga replied.

Not only was he my boss in the kitchen department, but he was also my therapist. Every time I have a problem, I always go to him for answers and he has been useful in the Natasha crisis.

"I think it needs a bit of sault," I said as he gave me the meat he was cooking to test. "I don't think that is why. Natasha would never date such a man."

"Pass me the sault," he held his hand, "that is what love does, Valerie. Come on, just be happy she is in love. Don't you want her to be happy," he added the sault.

"I do, why do you think I have been trying to find out why she is dating him? There is just no love between them." I added.

"You and your mythologies. You will end up losing your friend."

"Don't even say that, sir. She is the only friend I have."

"Then stop meddling in her affairs, ok? Let her just be happy. If she is with him for a different reason, then let her do that, she hasn't old you about it for a reason I'm sure," he took a plate from a lady and handed it to me. "Take it to room forty."

"Sure," I took the plate, "I will be back, you and I are still talking."

"Aren't you supposed to be working instead?" a man twice my age spoke.

He was the worst in the kitchen department, always trying to get in everyone's business. He was light in complexion, with long black dreads that he covered with a hairnet and was about three inches shorter than me.

"Dude, just mind your own business," I said.

"What happens here is my business, miss Valerie, or are you forgetting I was assigned the job to make sure everyone here does their work," he reminded.

While he was not watching everyone, he was mostly trying to watch my every move. But he was a pain in everyone's neck. Which was an added advantage to me.

"Jack, just do your work. I will worry about who is not doing what here, ok? Also, don't forget I'm your boss in this department, young man," Mr. Mulenga said.

"Why are you always trying to deafen her?"

"Because she has done nothing wrong. Valerie, take the order to the customer, as for you, Jack, just go and do your work for everyone's peace of mind."

Before I could go out of earshot, I heard everyone agreeing with Mr. Mulenga's statement.

My current plan was to actually get Jack fired. But I consider the consequences of that. What if he had a family to take care of? Then it will be on me if they die out of anger. But if he continues with his shit behavior, then I will not think twice but to come with something that will make that bastard spoiled brat to fire him. Though that will be hard, judging by the fact that I was not on good terms with my boss. But I can arrange for that.

I walked to the elevator and luckily for me; it was empty. I entered, pressed on the button and it led me to the fortieth floor. I went out of the elevator and matched to room forty.

As I made my way to the room, I kept on greeting customers as they went in and out of their rooms. I reached room forty and knocked on the door.

I waited for a few seconds, then the door got opened. A man about five years older than me stood at the door. Then, as I examined him more, his face ringed a ball in my mind. Where have I met him before?

"Miss, the plate," he said and stretched his hand.

I was taller than me, but I could reach in his shoulders so not to taller. Short black hair that went well with his complexion. He wore a towel around his waist and house slippers.

As I handed him the plate, he examined him more. I'm unquestionably about seeing the dude somewhere.

"Excuse me, Mr." I said before he could slam the door on my face.

"Yes," he responded

"Have we met before?" I asked, regarding him.

"I'm not sure, miss. Maybe you took me for someone else?" he suggested.

"Maybe, but not too sure either. I think we have----- wait a minute. Aren't you Richard?" I asked, finally his image was coming into view.

"Yes, and you are?" he looked at me questioningly.

"I'm Valerie. We met at the magical council meeting. I think you did something that made those old people angry at you. Hence, they summoned you," I explained, not knowing the all story.

About a month ago, I had to go to the magical council because, according to them; I was not allowed to use my powers anyhow. Which I highly object. How I use my powers is my choice, they were given to me to be used, not bottled up.

"Oh, Valerie, hi," he smiled from ear to ear. "how have you been? Let's hope you are not breaking any rules?" he shot me a mischievous smile.

"Well, I'm trying. But to be frank with you, I think it's nonsense that I can't use my own powers at will. Also, the crazy part is they assigned me the times I'm supposed to use my powers every month. If I exceed even a bit, they are likely to throw me in abaniza."

"That's crazy. How stupid of me? You can come in please," he said, gesturing for me to enter the room.

"Thank you, but I have to get back to work."

"Oh, that's bad. I wanted to talk more. Anyway, we can catch up sometime right? Maybe on Saturday?" he suggested.

"I will see. If I won't be busy, then Saturday it's. How long are you staying here?"

"A couple of days."

"Nice, then I will let you know if I will be free on Saturday. I gotta go, see ya," I turned and charged to the elevator.

"Wait, you didn't even give me your number. How are we going to communicate?" he shouted.

"If you are staying here for than a day, then we will be seeing each other," I shot him an amused smile and took a turn.

Something kept on bothering me, though. I did not know why the man was summoned by the council. I know sometimes they can be annoying and all, but at times they call bad guys and the like. Could Richard be one of them? If that was the case, then he can forget about meeting me on Saturday night.

What evil did could he have done to make the council summon him? I have to find out before our date night.

I entered the elevator and went to the kitchen after it stopped on the first floor.

The day flew by so quickly that I hardly noticed. Then, as I was removing my uniform, I remembered. I have a date with Jeremey.
