
Assassin System Or: How to Stop the Urge of Killing Just to Level Up

[Hello, Master! I am your one and only Assassin System! Please complete my missions for a chance to leave your mortal shell and enter the immortal realm!] Daniel just wanted to live a peaceful life, skimping off from the government's UBI month by month. However, when he went on a whim and climbed a mountain just to see a celestial event, he didn't expect a calamity to strike at him instead! Surviving a meteor impact, Daniel, who thought he was going to die, was instead bounded with an alien system, who constantly want him to assassinate others just to retrieve all the remaining fragments of the system's body! "No! I am just a normal teenager! How do you expect me to suddenly go around killing people for no good reason?!" The system: If Master does not complete your mission within 24 hours, you will die or turn into a vegetable for the rest of your life. Gambatte!

Niizawa · Khoa huyễn
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66 Chs

Application of 'Second Chance'

"The 'Second Chance' skill can divert all projectiles for 5 seconds." Daniel read from the system interface placed right in front of his eyes virtually. "But from my understanding, it should work much better on bullets than on Cornelium-reinforced energy beams, or laserbeams in short."

Daniel thought to himself as he stared at the shooting range located right in front of him. Since he did not want to get hurt from misusing his skill while being shot at by AI-controlled weapons, Daniel had to make a plan for himself as to how he would actually experiment with his new skill before actually applying on the field. After all, he only has one life. Even if Minerva has saved all of his memories from birth inside the Akashic Records, it wouldn't be good to have his biological body die in such a comical way.

That being said, Daniel wondered if his soul would still exist after being 'killed' and 'revived' by sending all of his memories up until his death to a new biological body. From the beginning, since there were no evidence for the existence of the metaphysical 'soul', this had never been an issue within his mind, but now that he had discovered the existence of the 'soul' from the System, he could not help but feel slightly worried for himself.

Unfortunately, since the system within his head claimed that he was only responsible for teaching young teenagers supernatural abilities, these sorts of philosophical questions were never included within his program. Feeling like the system has once again proven its own uselessness, Daniel could not help but click his tongue before finally focusing himself on the matter at hand.

Before entering this private shooting range, Daniel had bought a personal energy shield from one of the many student-operated shops located around the campus for his own protection unless something actually goes wrong.

"Now that I have this thing with me, even if my ability suddenly stopped working, or is less effective than I had thought, I would still have something to protect me." Daniel thought to himself.

Of course, Daniel would have wanted to enter a mech for protection, but since he is just a person who haven't even had his first class in the academy yet, it's obvious that he would not have the authorization to operate one, even if someone influential like David were to intervene. Therefore, this is the only thing he could do for now.


Although David had initially claimed that he had helped Daniel book a shooting range, turns out that the former simply booked another simulation room located underneath the training center that had a shooting range module installed, making it look as though he was standing in the middle of the empty desert facing several stationary targets at different distances.

Unlike last time though, Daniel now have full control of this module, so he wouldn't be randomly shot at by AI-controlled assailants like the last time with his roommate.

Connecting his biochip to Minerva, Daniel directly signalled that AI to release several drones and have them surround him at a 200 meter distance. In total, 3 drones holding machine guns filled with bullets and another 3 holding fully charged laser guns all pointed at him, with 6 red dots aiming directly at his vital points all around his body.

After taking a deep breath, Daniel steeled his heart, gritted his teeth and thought to himself, "Here goes nothing!" before willing the drones to shoot at him for 5 straight seconds before stopping while also triggering his own supernatural skill at the same time.

Unlike using his psychokinesis skill previously, the 'Second Chance' skill is much more draining to Daniel's mind as he can felt like his head had been directly drilled inwards by a screwdriver the second he activated his ability. Although the nausea he felt is still not as much as when he tried to use his abilities to safe 666 yesterday.

Even though 5 seconds sounded like it would end in a flash, Daniel could felt as though time had slowed down when he saw the bullets flying towards him at a frightening speed. Of course, the laserbeam directly attacked him at the speed of light, so he would not even be able to comprehend it before being hit by the beam.

Although 'Second Chance' generates an electromagnetic field around his body, forcing everything close to him to diverge, the laserbeam is truly too fast and still managed to directly impact against Daniel's energy shield, albeit the fact that some of the energy dissipated due to electromagnetic interference.

However, the bullets fired by the machine guns, which flew towards Daniel at a much slower, yet still frighteningly fast speed, did not manage to hit him at all. Of course, Daniel had to wait until after the onslaught of bullets and see their remnants landing far away from his original body did he know of this fact.

Since 5 seconds is way too fast for the human brain to comprehend, Daniel had Minerva directly record everything that happened through the camera footage surrounding the entire simulation room within those 5 seconds and display it in front of his eyes virtually in super-slow motion.

It was only then that he could see the bullets flying at him at high speed warping and diverting towards the two sides of his body at a 45 degree angle, making all the bullets miss him by just milimeters. After checking his energy field though, he noticed that it had directly reduced to 12% capacity. The realization that he would have died if the laser beam were to be fired for even an additional second made him subconsciously form a cold sweat on his brows.

"It's lucky I made sure and asked around on the forums how useful a standard issue personal energy field was against a laser beam attack, or else I would have directly disintegrated into dust." Daniel thought to himself, heaving a sigh of relief.

After using his abilities though, he looked at his abilities menu and found that the gauge for his 'Second Chance' skill is now half-full, meaning if he were to use the skill for a second time, the skill will already be able to upgrade to Level 2. Such a discrepancy made Daniel give out a frown.

"System, it took me almost an entire month just to get my Psychokinesis Skill to Level 5, how is it that with 'Second Chance', I can directly upgrade my skill to Level 2 after 2 uses!" Daniel grumbled within his heart.

[Reporting to Master! Since Master is completely unused to using spiritual energy before learning the psychokinesis skill, it would be quite challenging for someone past a child's age to manipulate spiritual energy without giving out a lot of effort. It's already quite amazing that you managed to level up your skills that fast, Master!] System exclaimed, not forgetting to suck up to Daniel on the way.

[Now that you have fully gotten used to wielding spiritual energy, it wouldn't be as hard for you to learn other skills now. However, the problem now is that skills more advanced than psychokinesis requires a huge amount of spiritual energy. That is why Master can now only use your skill once a week.]

"That's bullsh*t!" Daniel exclaimed. "In those cultivation novels, it take decades if not centuries for cultivators just to advance a single level, how come I get to advance a skill within two weeks!"

[That is before the Digital Age, Master! Since the Digital Age, cultivation masters have placed all their experiences and history to make the Training System Series. With the systems bounded to a host's soul, the systems would directly make use of the experience these cultivation masters spent centuries to master and directly get trainees to use their methods by subconsciously controlling their soul while they activate their abilities. This way, they would not need to stumble in the dark and directly master these abilities in no time!]

"So the Assassin System bounded to my soul is within the Training System Series?" Daniel asked with another grumble.

[Yes, Master! Assassins from sects all over the universe combined forces just to create the Assassin System so that future disciples would get the experiences of their seniors instantaneously, forgoing all the wasted time fumbling around, or even to the point of cultivating in the wrong direction!]

"Okay, but why haven't I heard of any of this from the moment you got bounded to my soul?" Daniel asked with a scrutinizing tone.

[Because you haven't asked, Master.] The system replied with an innocent tone, as though he had nothing to do with it.

Fuming, Daniel decided that after finding and recombining all the fragments of the system's body, he would directly rip the body apart one fragment at a time again and directly shoot them out to space, so no one would have the misery of being bounded to such a useless system ever again!