

The bright light began to fade, and the view changed. We were no longer in that little shop with granny. We are now a short distance away from a town that I call my home.

"What is this place?" Konan asked.

We are at the outskirts of Narron.

"Haha. Finally." I smiled and started running towards the town.

"Wait! Hold-!" I ignored Konan's gagging.

It's been so long since I've been back.

The town was surrounded by tall grass and colorful flowers, it was a beautiful sight, and there is a pathway where the grass stops growing. There, you will see a big sign that say The Lotus Home. At the edge of town, you can see a big Lotus Garden, with small hills and caves around the area, it's really eye-catching. The people who live there don't leave town, since they are the most targeted by many people, because they believe they know about the terrains in the inner layers of Narron. Luckily for the towns people, there are many strong people who live within The Lotus Home.

I arrived at the town's entrance where there are two people who are standing in front of a building's door. They are the ones who check the identity of each individual. To see whether they are residents of Narron. Of course, each resident has a stone coin that has a Lotus flower engraved on it.

"Welcome back! It's been a while since we've seen you." One of them spoke.

The two individuals are pretty big, though Konan is much bigger especially with his broad shoulders. They are a bit shorter than Konan, but these people have the most puppy-like eyes, with short black hair, they have a few scars on their face from the battles they been through. They are good people; I've known them my whole life. They have guarded this town for a few years. I trust them.

Luckily, I still have my coin.

"I'm glad to be back." I smiled.

"By the way, is he with you?"

Both of them simultaneously looked at the haggard looking Konan.

"Oh, him? yeah, he's with me."

They both looked at him with pity.

"Okay, anyways has anything changed since the last I was here." I asked.

"Same old, same old." One of them spoke.

"Oh, there was a huge celebration a month ago." The other said.

"Really? What for?" I asked.

"Do you know that competition they do every year at the Western Kingdom?" They asked.

There are about 9 continents in the world. Each continent has their own King and Queen. Our continent has 4 Kingdoms. The Northern kingdom, The Eastern Kingdom, The Southern Kingdom, and The Western Kingdom. We are in the east. Our kingdom is called the Aristea Kingdom.

The Kingdoms help each other to create powerful armed forces. By doing that they create competitions to see who is the strongest in the continent. From those competitors the Kingdoms can choose who they want to sponsor whether the competitors win or lose. They are usually put in a lot of obstacle courses, to see how well trained they are. They even do group competitions to see how well they can lead or contribute to a group. They put these competitors in a lot of different scenarios. In order to participate in the competition, the kingdom you're from has to give you permission.

I would have participated but due to working as an assassin, I couldn't make myself go public.

"I heard that participating in the competition is really difficult to win." I spoke.

"Yes, and our very own has been able to accomplish that."

That is not something to laugh about. I wonder who it is.

"Kitten, when someone tells you to wait, its best to wait." I heard Konan appear behind me.

I thought he was still recovering.

"May, I ask, who is he to you?"

I can't say he is a friend. They don't let just anybody in. Oh, well got to roll with the punches.

I smiled.

"This man is my husband." I grabbed Konan's hand to show them the ring on our fingers.

This should easily get him inside.

"Wow! The miss has finally brought someone home!"

"This calls for a celebration!"

Both of the guards began to give their congratulations.

A celebration doesn't seem so bad.

"We need to gather the whole town!"

"Wait! Hold on a minute!" I shouted.

Unfortunately, if a celebration were to take place, someone will most likely ruin the mood.

"A celebration isn't needed."

As soon as those words left my mouth, Konan pulled me closer to him and spoke.

"Kitten, don't you think we should celebrate before we have to get back to our home?"

This fool.

"Miss, you should really stay. Everyone will be happy to see that you are happily married."

Konan leaned in closer and whispered.

"You have a lot of explaining to do."

Yeah, kind of figured he would say that.

"Oh, my, you two are so in love."

"You make us singles feel so lonely."

Oh, shut up.

"Fine, a celebration is settled." I sighed.

I have lost the battle.

"Great we will let the town know." Both the guards left their post and opened the door. Inside you can see a few people waiting on orders and at the back of the building there was a white door with a lotus symbol largely engraved on it.

"Let everyone know, it's time to celebrate!"

"The young miss is back!"

"And she brought back a husband!"

As soon as they gave them the order they dashed into the white door and began to shout.

"Now, you may enter." One of the guards spoke as they kept the doors open for me and Konan.

What did I do?

I felt Konan pull on my arm taking me into the building.

"Come on now, wife. I need to meet your family." Konan grinned.

What the hell did I do?!

"Wait, Konan." We stopped just as we set foot into town.

There is no point in hiding things any longer. Besides, he will die. There's no harm in telling him the truth.

"Konan, look I-"

"Mom! Look great gramps, Mom is back!"

It was a voice of a little girl.

Followed by a little boy.

"Why are you lying? Mom is busy with work. She never comes home early-"

They were twins. The girl has long black hair while the boy has short black hair. They both have soft brown eyes. Both of them have scars on their faces that they had since they were a baby, the boy has a scar on his left cheek while the girl has a scar on her chin. They both have their olive skin covered in ragged clothes as if they fell from a cliff.


"I told you it was mom!" The girl scolded the boy who was a bit shorter than her.

Then there is an old man, well at least he says he is, holding their little hands as they walk in the open. He's wearing all white with a light blue cape around his shoulders.

Why is he wearing something like that?

"Do you know them?" Konan asked.

"Mom!" Both of the kids came running towards my direction.

Uh... what in the world!

As they got closer their bruises and several other scratches could be seen on their fragile little faces.

Did they get into a fight? Or is it that the old man is beating them? No, their bruises and scratches are too small to be abuse. They must have fallen somewhere.

"Mom!" Both the kids came into my embrace.

"You have children?" Konan asked.


"What brings you here? I thought you wouldn't come until next month." The old man said.




I looked down at the poor kid's clothes.

"Kid, what's the matter?" The old man's voice got my attention.

"What do you mean what's the matter?" My face stiffened.


"You let the kids run around with dirty clothes on?!" I shouted at the old man.

"How many times have I told you both not to go into the lotus garden!" I glared at the kids.

"Haha, sorry." Both the kids and the old man said as they backed away from me.

"We were just playing hide and seek with the other kids and in order to win we had to hide in a cave at the lotus garden, but it was a bit slippery since it rained last night, er..."

I want to stay angry, but I can't, my kids are so darn cute. No. I need to let them know I'm mad.

"Mom? Who is that?" The kids pointed at Konan.

"I'm your mom's fiancé." Konan grinned.

You sure are enjoying this aren't you?

"Is that true kid?" The old man asked.

I don't think anything matters anymore. I give up.

"Yes." I sighed.

The old man looked at me and squinted.

But he doesn't know who I really am.

"Does that mean we have a dad?!" Both the kids face lit up.

No, he is just a walking corpse.

Konan pondered at the question.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Sure, I'll be your dad." Konan said as he decided.

The kids ran into Konan's embrace and all three were happily laughing.

Look at this guy smiling. He doesn't seem the type to like kids?

I looked at the old man who gave me a glare.

What are you looking at?

"Kid, can I talk to you for a second." The old man sighed.

"I know what you're going to say." I spoke in a low voice.

"Oh, do you now?" He spoke half-heartedly.

You see the old man is none other than my grandfather. He is my only relative, and he took me in after the passing of my family. I owe this old man a lot.

"Anyways, does he know?" Gramps asked in a low voice.

"He doesn't know anything." I answered.

"Then why the hell are you married to him?" Gramps shouted.

Geez, didn't expect him to object. Since he is the one who always nagged me into getting married.

"Why didn't just marry Esteban? Since, he in fact does know you!" Gramps whispered loudly.

"Where is Esteban by the way? Is he doing good?"

"Oh yeah, actually he was the one who won the competition at the Western Kingdom. He should be arriving tomorrow-"

Gramps froze and looked at me.

"You little- Don't change the subject! You can't be married to him!"

This old man! It's just a lie!

"What's going on?" Konan came up behind us while he carried both of the kids.

Huh, they got along well.

"You!...." Gramps couldn't help but stay quiet and it's not his fault the kids are just so happy that they have a 'dad'.

Now, I can't tell the kids.

"Kids go with gramps, and go home, there will be celebration tonight so dress your best." I spoke to the kids in a motherly voice.

"Okay!" They jumped off of Konan's arms and ran to the old man.

"We'll see you home!" They waved as they went home.

"So, are you going to explain?" Konan asked.

"They are my family." I sighed. "The old man is my grandfather, and those kids are mine."

"Who's the father?" Konan asked.

I stayed quiet.

"Anyways, they are twins as you can see how similar they look, the girl's name is Mia, and the boy is named Liam. Just thought you should know." I began to walk towards the end of town where there is a big house standing all alone with a small white fluffy creature running around the house.

"Kitten, there is no need to tell me about yourself. In fact, I encourage you not to." Konan spoke.

Thanks again for reading and don't forget to leave a comment. :D

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