
Ezio's Story

"Tell us your story old Italian " I said.

"I spent the past year in Istanbul."Ezio said,"when I arrived there,the master assassin Youssef Tazim was there to welcome me."

-What happened to him.

- It's kinda journey in that year. Of course the Templare army was there but the do their crimes when the Ottman soldiers are not checking. The enemy was there to welcome me by an attack if heavy soldiers and rifles. But the government soldiers killed the Templares because of the stupidity of their actions on the Assassins and the civilians. I searched all days for clues to find the five Masyaf keys that open Altäir's library. And I met the prince of Turkey Suliman son of the Sultan Salim. I helped him to make the capital of Turkey Istanbul stable and removing the Templares from the city and kill their leader which was the prince's uncle Ahmad.And met an Italian lady that helped me to find the five keys.

-Where did you found the keys ??

-Well the first one were in sewerage of the city, full of Templares and rats. The door was found by the enemy but don't know how to open it;I killed them all without being detected. I opened the door, found the key held by the hands of an Assassin statue. The second was hardest one, in the caverns of Galata tower,no Templares there but worst,the caverns were collapsing down; it just needed time and luck there, I found the second one. The third was easy,only climbing and dodging the shots of the Templares riflemen. The fourth wasn't in the city, it was under a lighthouse near Istanbul. That one was like a puzzle, just open gates by pressing on rocks and cross it before it close. The fifth cost me a lot, it was in an underground city full of Templares and no Assassins to help me. I got it by killing a fat rich guy called Manuel.

But an incident led me to give all the keys to Ahmad to free the lady from his chains but his father threw him in a jail and got what belongs to me.

-What did you find in the library?

-No books,no wisdom, just Altäir bones holding a memory that tell how he died and where he put the Apple.

- It's a nice journey. I'm sure that you read a lot of books and heard prophecies. What about Ragnarok?

- I never heard about it. Did you Altäir?

"Yes." He said "it's the end of Asgard the end of Midgard (Earth) the end of everything,everyone. The extinction of the Asgard's gods, the death of prince Baldur Odinson ont the hand of his twin, sons of Fenrice swallow the moon, the World Serpent swallows the sun, Thor kills the Serpent but he'll die because of its venom,Surtur will destroy Asgard and burn Midgard (Earth) and kill Odin Borson."

"Oh I hope it don't happen." Ezio said

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