
Ashes of Tomorrow: The Rebirth Chronicl

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31 Chs

Chapter 12: The Lost Convoy

Word of the safe haven John and Mike had created began to spread, and one day, a weary scout from another group of survivors arrived with news of a lost convoy. It was said to be carrying supplies that could greatly benefit the base, but it had vanished without a trace.

John knew that the risk was great, but the potential reward was greater. He decided to lead a rescue mission. With a small team, including the carpenter's son and two other survivors who had recently joined, they set out.

The journey was fraught with danger. They encountered roving bands of marauders and had to navigate treacherous terrain. But they pressed on, driven by the hope of what the convoy could bring.

After days of searching, they found the convoy, or what was left of it. It had been ambushed, the supplies looted, and the survivors scattered or taken. But not all was lost. Hidden in a concealed compartment, they found medical supplies, seeds for crops, and even a few solar panels.

The team returned to the base, their spirits lifted by the success of their mission. The supplies were a boon, and the solar panels promised a steady source of power.

The base was becoming more than just a stronghold; it was becoming a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness.