
ascending to godhood then to multiverse godhood then to omniversal god

a man gets reincarnated with wishes and becomes a demonic hybrid read my book to know more

omnigodvoldigoad · Khoa huyễn
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19 Chs

the first to Gain true original inferno qi

SOMA was in the middle of his mansion/castle trying to cultivate, then he finally unlocks demonic QI.

SOMA: I'm finally done it, I unlock QI.

He starts to cultivate more braking through one major realm the mortal realm into the middle of immortal demon realm which true inferna emperor.

SOMA: I feel Like I'm can still make my QI still more pure.

He starts to working on a furnace he stole from a demonic cultivator witch are humans who use souls or death to cultivate and sometimes use demons they made a deal with aura to cultivate their soul's and essence and body or cores.

A week later he finished a QI purifying pill comes out with little galaxy on it, and the shallows the pill and start cultivating again the dark QI turn colors form dark purple and black to blue and light red QI becomes a billion times stronger form the purification of it.

SOMA: yes I purify my QI, I'm still feel like I'm can't purify it more.

He calls a maid to get him to more furnace's

SOMA: Aria I need you to bring me I'm true celestial furnace and true dragon god furnace.

He told her by the mind link which allows those who serve amsodeous to talk him and other way around by thoughts she Aria Rimmon her clan Rimmon clan and Adramalech clan and Phongor clan and Beur clan and Bune clan and Morax clan and Zagum clan are top 7 clan who serve under asmodeus family and only the Asmodeus family with Adramalech clan being the current king amsodeous right hand and current lord Asmodeus right hand they two different things you can be a king and a lord that the sometime once a king step-down he can be lord of his clan again if he or she is older than 15.

Aria: yes, king asmodeus. She cuts the link from him to start to go into asmodeus mansion/castle, treasure room number 3.

He waits a few mins a beautiful woman with whitish sliver hair with black bangs with dragonish horns with one red and another gold come''s out with one furnace size of an SUV

Aria: my lord, the other one in the backyard.

SOMA gets up motion for her to carry both furnace to the backyard she picks both up and follow's him to backyard he sees a furnace the size of small skyscraper it made out glowing gold and sliver metals with 7 foot gems on it different types of diamonds rubies and emeralds and tanzanite and black opal and red beryl and musgravite and alexandrite and jadeite the diamonds are in every color so are the other gems, and they are glowing too.

He looks that the furnace and waits for his one 66 hands there 66 demon clans that follow and serve SOMA will do so until he dies there the Phongor clan will follow the next king asmodeus so will beur clan both next lord of clan with follow the next lord amsodeous or lady asmodeus or next King amsodeous.


he hears her footstep, he turns around as she picks down the furnace's

SOMA: you may go Aria call me in for dinner in 4 four weeks

Aria: ok, my lord. She thinks even though he can go for a million-year give or take, that still unhealthy, but she keeps it to herself as she walks away.

SOMA sits down picks in the celestial dew miracle water and tear's of a Phoenix and water of rebirth and archangel wing in the celestial furnace he sends in his holy aura or what he has a which is working then he closes the furnace let it start mixing the herbs etc. then.

He pulls out purify dragon celestial he pulls out his amazing find purify dragon god blood and 10 Phoenix feathers and purify Hydra vemon and Gorgon eyes and siren blood and Minotaur skill tissue with purify werewolf progenitor vemon and a little purify celestial unicorn and purify Kraken celestial essence and little divine basilisk essence and purify celestial centaur essence and purify celestial fairy essence and Banshee essence and purify Banshee core and 15 purify celestial Phoenix essence the white Phoenix the red Phoenix the blue Phoenix the orange Phoenix the black Phoenix the green Phoenix the purple Phoenix the demonic Phoenix and angelic Phoenix the star Phoenix and galaxy Phoenix each one have difficulty abilities.

He sends in his what dragon aura he has, then more until it barely works.

(author here I pick all these herbs etc. in furnace for a reason you find out once he takes the pills in the future chapter's, author out.)

Then he goes to demonic furnace pick the something's he did last time but hellfire cores then hellfire then inferno cores then some inferno fire then very purify blood of original demon Kings then very purify essences of the original demon king's then cut his hand let enough it blood to mix in with the herbs and Cores and fire and blood then he sends his demonic aura and QI into after shutting the furnace it works with no problem


He stops sending his aura and QI to demonic furnace opens it up to see a pill with 66 galaxy like symbols on it, he takes the pill and shallows it a day later his QI start to change colors form blue and red the dark blue and burnt orange and Crimson the QI would have been felt everywhere if anyone knew how to sense this type the QI becomes trillion time purer more unholy and demonic becoming so much more powerful

SOMA: I did my demonic bloodline and essence feels so much purer and power even my demonic related abilities grow a few hundred times stronger he starts cultivating his new QI making his soul stronger and building 3 more cores making it so he has six of them now, and then he starts cultivating his mind and body now it 2 days later he reaches false celestial realm the small realm of it he's in the false deva knight realm he hears footsteps then he turns around and see Aria.

Aria: it's time for dinner my lord.

SOMA gets up and cracked his neck and shoulders and fingers and yawns.

SOMA: ok I'm was just about to go inside anyway Aria. He walks towards the dining room and sits.

(Author here those 2 of those furnaces being the demonic one call demonic deva furnace is in celestial rank which is right below true god rank and true God rank is right below supreme god rank then supreme God rank is right below the top rank true supreme God the true celestial furnace is of the same rank, but both can create true God pills sometimes if the MC really luck bottom supreme God pill but not any high, but he maybe has higher rank furnaces and cultivation books and weapons it will be revealed later in the book and the gems are super expensive in true God plane where the true God cultivators go when they're ascending or force going the MC won't be force to go because of who he was I'm planing on giving one or 2 systems in the future and currently lord or lady amsodeous there None who has position his sister will be lady asmodeus once she reaches the age and has the training to uphold the clan wreath and responsibilities etc. and do any of You want to see how the original demon kings die and some progenitor demon clans if so comment yes if no comment on if their more yes comments then no I do a chapter about how they die yes the biblical god die two along with 25 other gods the Greek Titans half of them dead and one primordial god Erebus it was multiverse war and I'm probably wont publish a new chapter for awhile author out.)