
Chapter#19: Queen Eve

"Guys I want your help and I want it right now." Wade exclaimed.

"Hey you know we're always there for each other." Kate put her hand on Wade's shoulder.

"What is it Wade?" Justin asked.

"I want you all to go keep an eye on Dara." Wade told, "Meanwhile I have to go talk to someone."

"Don't worry. We won't let anything bad happen to her." Angelina uttered, "We know what she meant to you."

"Just don't let anyone catch you." Wade spoke, "Those werewolves have really strong smelling sense."

"I thought Dara was a human." Justin said.

"She smells like one. This is incredible." Ben spoke.

"I thought she was a human too." Wade gasped.

"They'll kill her. Now they know that she's the wolf they've been looking for." Angelina told.

"Kate and Ben, I want you both to go to the wolfs town and keep an eye on what they do to Dara. Whatever they do, don't let them and don't get caught." Wade told, "While Angelina and Justin, you both stay here and get updates about what our chief says, while I'll go talk to William."

"William? Are you sure?" Ben got shocked and asked.

"I have no other choice." Wade sighed, "He's the only wolf who can bring her out from there."

"Remember what he did years ago. You both were good friends." Kate exclaimed.

"Plus his friend Stacy cheated on me." Justin sighed.

"Guys!" Wade looked at his friends and spoke, "I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back alive and I want you all to be a part of me in this mission."

"We're sorry for all that happened Wade and now we'll do anything to undo this." Ben solaced.

"Thank you guys. Thank you for sticking around with me." Wade thanked. Wade turned around and walked further towards the wood when a vampire from behind called him.

"I suppose you were the one who brought her here." that vampire said. He was the son of the vampire's chief. His name was Jonathan. He was a friend of Wade too.

"The chief's calling me, right?" Wade sighed.

"And I'd advise you to run." Jonathan chuckled.

Wade went to Jonathan and hugged him, "Thanks buddy!"

"Don't worry. I won't let them kill them." Jonathan winked at Wade.

"You knew we were bringing Dara here?" Angelina inspected and asked Jonathan.

"I was the first person he told about Dara." Jonathan smirked.

"I've to go see William now." Wade told.

"No, not William." Jonathan uttered, "Don't you remember what he did with you?"

"I know but I have no other choice." Wade sighed.

"Best of luck Wade." Jonathan said while putting his hand on Wade's shoulder, "You should be running away now because father called for you and you know he won't be nice enough."

"Why only Wade? We were all together in this." Kate inspected.

"I told him if we get caught he has to give my name only. You guys don't have to get into this." Wade gasped.

"You're such a jerk!" Angelina hugged him. They all hugged him.

"Best of luck Wade." Jonathan exclaimed.

"Thank you all of everything." Wade said while leaving the town.

Wade ran towards the human town. He had to find William. "Where could William be?" he thought. He couldn't go to the wolf town at this time. Vampires were searching for him. They will kill him if he gets caught. He was helpless. He couldn't die without saving Dara. Helplessly he sat on that big stone where he and Dara used to sit.

"How could I do this to her?" he cried, "I knew it wasn't safe for her, then why did I let her go there?"

He suddenly thought to go to Dara's parents and tell them that she'll be staying with one of her friends for the night. Without thinking anything he went to Dara's house.

"Wade I'm glad you're here." Ellen spoke, "Do you know where Dara is? It's dark outside now. She always comes back before sunset. She isn't picking up my calls nor she's replying back my texts."

"She's at her friend's house. Her phone broke and she told me to tell you." Wade lied.

"She never stays like this." Ellen uttered.

"She had to stay in case of some school project. She asked me to tell you that she was sorry she couldn't tell you." Wade lied again.

"I'm relaxed now. I was so worried."

"I should probably be going now."

"Take care son." Ellen smiled.

"You too Mrs. Greg."

Tears rolled down Wade's face as he left Dara's house. "How could I lie to her?" he thought while wiping off tears from his face, "Dara's in trouble because of me and I couldn't even tell this to her mother. I'm such a coward."

It was night now. Wade started hearing wolves howling. "The vampires and the wolves are about to come out. They'll be searching for me." Wade said to himself, "I should hide myself somewhere." He thought to go to Dara's room to hide himself. She went in there. He could remember the time he had spent with Dara. Everything in her room memorized of something special. "I can't hide like this. I have to do something." Wade thought while looking at Dara's picture placed on the table, "I have to go find Queen Eve. If Dara told me she's alive, then I believe that she's alive." Accidently he got hit by a vase on her dressing table. It fell down and broke.

"Honey, are you back?" Ellen asked while coming towards the room. She entered the room and found the vase broken. She found a paper placed on Dara's bed and the window was opened. She picked up the paper. It was a note, "She's not here because of me and I promise to bring her back."

Wade ran away from the town; away from everyone. He went to the seashore. There was nothing there except for water and rocks. He tried to find Queen Eve. He searched almost everywhere.

It was the next morning. "She told me that the Queen was in some cave." he thought. He searched every cave of the island. Wade was exhausted now. He went inside the cave. He found nothing there. "This was the last cave on this island." he sighed and sat down. Soon he fell asleep.

"You did this to me Wade!" Dara exclaimed, "I'm about to die because of you!"

"Dara!" Wade got up with a shock. "I can't sit hand to hand like this. I know Queen's alive and she's somewhere around us." Wade got up and started searching for the Queen again. Whole day passed but he couldn't find her. "Where could she be?"

He sat by the seashore and started to think. Far on the sea, he could see a very small island. He thought to go there and search of the Queen. "I won't stop until I find her. The Queen is the only one who can fix everything and this is what Dara wants." He stole a boat from a fish man and off he went on his journey to that island.

It was dark and thundering. There were big tides in the sea. His boat went up and down rapidly and roughly. It was his first time on a boat. He didn't know how to control it nor did he know to swim. The boat turned over and he fell in the sea. He tried to come out of water. He tried to grab the boat somehow but he failed. It thundered and rained. Everything was a mess in the sea at that time.

His eyes opened. He found himself in a room made of stones. At his right side, he saw a lady making something. He could see her back. He slowly got up and tiptoed towards the exit.

"Off so soon." that lady turned around and uttered.

Wade furiously turned to her, grabbed her from the neck and pushed her towards the wall. He showed his fierce sharp teeth in anger.

"You don't scare me." the lady smirked.

"Queen Eve!" Wade pulled his hand back and bowed down.

The Queen coughed and said, "You sure know how to scare a werewolf. Get up Wade."

"How do you know my name?" Wade asked.

"Dara told me."

"Dara? How?"

"She talked to me in my mind. I don't know I heard her speaking. She told me Wade will be coming to find me."

"She told me that you were somewhere in Nexorus island. I searched everywhere for you."

"This island is also a part of Nexorus. If you go deep down in the sea, you'll find them both connected." the Queen told, "I can't leave the island."

"Why not?"

"The curse I've been put in for thousands of years."

"Why have you been hiding? Everything would have been back to how it was only if you were there."

"I've been waiting for a change and Dara is that change. One thing I can't understand that how can she connect with minds and how did she find me only with a statue?"

"She's your granddaughter and the first werewolf in your family I think."

"What?" Queen's eyes filled with tears, "I thought the wolves and the vampires would have killed my family."

"Your people respected you. They respected your decision."

"But they all went against when I wanted to marry the man I love. It is said nowhere that a werewolf can't fall in love with a human."

"Your people still obey all the rules that you made a long time ago."

"And the same people cursed me. I'm alive yet I'm not."

"You have to come back with me your majesty. We need you. Your people need you. Dara needs you."

"Do you love her?"


"I can see love and passion in your eyes for her."

"It is said nowhere that a vampire can't fall in love with a human."

"I wish I could meet her."

"She's in real danger…" Wade told her all what happened.

"Wade, you don't need me. Go and save her. Tell her that she's doing what she was made for. She's the change I've been waiting for. Now this war will end. Everything will be back to normal as It was thousands of years ago."

"I don't know what to do?" Wade sighed.

"Your mother always wanted you to be a brave man when you grow up."

"How do you know my mother?"

"She ran away from her house and came here. I met her. She stayed with me for three days and then I sent her back, telling her that she has to live with the person she loves and there was nothing to be scared of."

"She got killed. This is what your people are doing." Wade cried.

"Your parents got killed in the war of love. They died hand in hand together. What love is for if you can't sacrifice yourself for the one you love?"

"What's the point of all this?"

"Go save Dara. Fight for your love Wade."

"It's a chaos between werewolves and vampires out there. If I go back there, they'll kill her for sure. I totally feel helpless. I've been out here searching for you for three days now and now when I find you, you tell me that you can't come."

"This isn't how it works Wade. They have to understand what they're doing to themselves."

"Dara thinks just like you. You both expect a positive change no matter what so ever is happening."

"And I believe you to think that too."

"Thank for your valuable time Queen." Wade bowed down to his Queen.

"Tell Dara that she's the change I've been waiting for all these years. Tell her that she's my Queen."

Wade got the Queen's boat and went off to his island. It was night. He ran towards the jungle. He was passionate and eager to save Dara. This time he thought to do whatever it takes to save Dara. Even if he had to give his life, he'd give it up for her.