

Ten Days passed since the Test and Today marks the end of the Final Joint Test for the Position.

Inside a spacious room, all the position teachers were seated behind a long table, accompanied by Hansung Yu and Leoro-ro. On a large couch with room for five people, Sasuke lounged, his attention fixed on the unfolding events displayed on a screen.

As he observed the outcomes, Sasuke's thoughts swirled, ' Team A lost as per canon except for some minor changes as there is no Fisherman Position involved. While Team B… How can everything go the same way as it was in the Anime. Even when a lot of major characters involved in this particular Event are not present. '

' It is as if everything has been 'Written' and it was meant to happen one way or another… all the butterfly bullshit effects he learned from physics are not even functioning. ' He doesn't know why, but when he thinks of interfering and changing something, it goes around and ends up within the the´Destined´ Result.

' I hope I'm not overthinking ' Sasuke got up from his seat and walked to the table where Hansung Yu sat, drinking coffee as if nothing happened.

" Thanks for lending me this " He took a black book from his Pocket and placed it in front of the Test Director.

Hansung, slightly surprised, inquired, "Oh... You've completed it?"

" Well it's normal considering you're one of them "

Sasuke didn't reply and left the Room under the curious eyes of the Teachers. Leoro-ro had already departed with Endorsi and Anaak, following Baam's injury during the tests.

The next day morning,

Sasuke walked along the same monotonous hallways, having finished breakfast. Laure yawned beside him,

" Quite the stunt you pulled there… "

" Not much than what you did till now "

" Hahaha, you're right— "

"Mic Test, Regulars. " A voice echoed everywhere,

"Good morning Regulars, This is Leoro-ro. I know yesterday's Test was exhausting but don't just stay in your bed and eat your meals. The Food is free now that the Tests are over. Now to the main topic, "

" All Regulars come to the 1st Hall by 6 P.M. The list of Regulars who will take the Final Exam will be announced. "

The entire place descended to silence before, everyone started to come out of their hiding and murmur around nervously,

" Do you think, I'll be selected ?"

" You? Then I'll just jump from this ship "

" SHUT UP! Move away, it's ' The End '. He is coming this way."

Sasuke's lips twitched when he heard that lame-ass sobriquet, 'Damn you Shibisu, don't let me catch you... '. He ignored the chatter and headed back to his Room.

In the past Ten Days, he passed his time by either Training or using Genjutsu to make Regulars fight among themselves and create Chaos to alleviate his boredom. Maybe because of this, His Sobriquet became widely accepted among the Regulars. Whenever he was surrounded by some Regulars, there was no good End for them.

Upon reaching his Room, he saw Baam waiting at his doorstep,

" What are you doing here Baam? Aren't you resting? " He asked curiously; did he want his help to heal that bitch's leg? Sorry, he might accidentally break it if so...

" Mr.Sasuk—"

" it's Sasuke! Drop the honorific, I already told you to do so… " He admonished Baam a little for a few minutes, again, for being overly polite and sissy.

Baam just heard his nonsense with a smile. A sweat dropped from his forehead.

Seeing him getting awkward, he stopped and heard why he was there. As he never got visited by another Regular...Maybe, that one time when Endorsi challenged him foolishly.

" Sasuke, Will you join the Team I'm forming."Baam then went on and explained his bullshit about how he wants to be the legs of Rachel and blah blah blah...

Lines formed in his head hearing him speak like a True Shonen Protagonist; wait he is one,

" Ok, ok… I'll join " he couldn't hear any more from him worshipping that useless girl, and,

'It's not like, you'll even go with the Team you so hardly built.. it's not that I don't want to help you Baam, at least not now. Being weak is a Sin, I learned it firsthand…'

He watched Baam leave happily. Alas, in a few days it will all End like an early morning wet Dream; When he wakes from it, Will he go full Edge Lord mode? or retain his personality?

Even he doesn't know…. as he hadn't read the Season 2.

Inside an Auditorium with long curved benches and tables, the Regulars sat each occupying a place. Sasuke sat in the front row, languidly.


The Doors of the auditorium creaked open. The Test Director walked inside first and came in tow, Leoro-ro, with a solemn expression.

" Good Afternoon Regulars, Starting now I'll announce the Regulars who passed the Final position Test. " Leoro-ro declared, without wasting any time.


In a flash, a screen displayed the names of the Regulars along with their positions,

{ FISHERMAN } - Sasuke | Endorsi | Anaak

{ SPEAR Bearer } - Rak | Akryung | Paracule | Alexay

{ WAVE Controller } - Baam | Laure

{ SCOUT } - Hatz | Shibisu

LIGHT Bearer } - Khun A.A

" Oooh .. I know this Great God Paracule will easily pass these Tests of Mortals "

" Huff, thank lord I passed! "

" No, I won't accept this. Why am I out ?!"

Admists the celebrating Regulars are those that lost all color from their faces and drowned in Despair.

" Come here " Hansung called the Regular who started cursing him for not being selected and the rest is history. He pressured using the Shinsu so badly that almost not a single Regular opened their mouth even if they were dissatisfied, except,

" I also disagree with the Results, Director. " Khun stood up and walked to the platform in the middle where Hansung Yu and Leoro-ro were standing.

" You passed the Test with High scores. I'm sure you're not here to ask me to fail you. " Chuckling a little, Hansung spoke amused.

" I want Michelle Light to move on to the Next Round "

" Why do you care about Michelle? "

" It's important to my friend "


" hahaha haha hahahaha ahahaha …. Oh I'm sorry. But she is too wounded to take the Next Test. According to the Rules, She can't participate in the next round. " regaining his Bering a little, he added.

" Under normal circumstances Yes, But, I'll meet the 'ADMINISTRATOR' of this Floor myself. And take his Test. "

Silence descended on the entire Auditorium. From Rankers to Regulars. Khun used this to gain a little momentum and explain his plan of getting the Permission of ADMINISTRATOR for Michelle Light to rejoin the game.

Khun and Hansung argued back and forth till everyone got silenced once again by a fact that no one here knows except Sasuke and the speaker himself.

" You must be an IRREGULAR like King Jahad or Urek Mazino to take the ADMINISTRATOR'S Test. "

"What?! " Khun was shocked at this new revelation.

" I'm sorry to inform you that your plan won't work. Now go back to your seat. "

Khun gritted his teeth and tried to think of another method, but he couldn't come up with anything immediately. Just when he lost all hope,

" WAIT! " Baam got up from his seat and shouted,

' There he goes ! ' crunching the popcorn a little while sipping the soda, Sasuke watched everything from the front row…

" I'll take the Test "

" Baam, Didn't I just tell you? To take the test you must b— " Hansung Yu turned and faced Baam,

" it doesn't matter! Because I'm... I'm an IRREGULAR !! " Baam shouted at the end, afraid they wouldn't hear him.

' What—? An Irregular ? ' From Khun to Rankers and Regulars, everyone looked at Baam with different gazes. The most shocked out of all were Baam's close friends.. they couldn't believe he was an Outsider. As the Auditorium was about to erupt in chaos,

" Follow Me, Right Now !! " Hansung Yu spoke a little excitedly, a smile could be seen at the corner of his lips.

Everyone in the Auditorium watched as Baam and Hansung Yu walked alongside to the Door.

Just as they were about to exit, Hansung Yu paused in his footsteps. His body froze for a second. Then with a tremble, Beads of sweat soaked his entire body. His face became ashen white. Trying to control his breathing, He turned around slowly and faced Sasuke,

Sasuke with a mouthful of popcorn felt a bad premonition.

"The Administrator Summoned both the Irregulars to assemble before him, for his Evaluation."

' Well, Shit ' Here it goes his peaceful days!

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