
Arrogant Meets Spitfire (Formerly known as The Billionaire's Spitfire)

Like every other rich kid, Trevor Reynolds was born with a silver spoon. He's a ruthless billionaire who has every businessmen at the brink of his feet. Trouble comes knocking when Alessia Maxwell scratches a very egotistical billionaire's Lamborghini, choked with piled up medical bills and two exhausting jobs, life couldn't be anymore better when Trevor crashes his way into her already messy life. What are the odds that on a fine monday morning, Alessia Maxwell would begin her rollercoaster ride with her partner, Trevor Reynolds. Give it a chance!!! Ps: The updated and rewritten version is labelled with nothing but the chapter's title. (The original/old version(unedited) are 10 chapters, I guess, I don't know, you'll figure it out)

Sammeeha · Thành thị
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21 Chs

Original: Sex and Spitfire

Trevor's POV

After I excused myself from Alessia, I made my way to the Jewelry store. Tiffany & Co. stood proud and elegant at the front of the store.

Two workers accompanied me to the ring section, one being the manager who by the way looked stupid following me like some lost puppy and the other — just some attention seeking whore.

Do not judge me but I've been in this game way too long to know that shit, and I know girls like her.

They are the type that would do anything to get a rich guy into their pants, they don't have self respects for themselves and that's why men like me treat them the way they want to be treated, as objects.

"Hello Mr Reynolds, it's so nice to have you here with us. Here are the most expensive engagement rings," The sales representative said, gesturing his finger at the rings that were in the glass frame.

My eyes scanned the frame, surely, the rings were really pretty but it just felt wrong like they just weren't the one. I pictured Alessia's big brown eyes, how they lured me to her without her knowledge.

"I don't think she would like any of these." I said truthfully. Nothing seemed to be perfect for her in my eyes.

"That's okay sir, let me get the other fame," He said, making his way to the bigger fame. I took that as an opportunity to scan the place. If I get caught in here, my face would be splattered on tabloids, I've been in Jewelry stores more than I could count but it's not everyday you see New York's top playboy in an engagement ring section. Yes, I earned that title, it's no stressful work, the girls didn't stop coming.

That was until my eyes fell on a particular ring, I've never seen its kind. It was stunning, that was the only word I could say use to qualify it. Gorgeously sitting in my gaze was a ruby ring, fragments of a blood-red diamond circled around it like a bon fire. Immediately I saw it, I knew. I knew it was meant for Alessia, the ring was just too perfect.

"Sir, here it is!" The worker cut off my trail of thoughts.

"Don't bother. Pack this one up for me" I said, pointing at my Alessia's ring.

"That's a limited edition sir. In fact, we only made one." The manager said. "If you want, we could have ano-" I silenced him. I understood he wanted to get into my good book, well everyone does but he shouldn't have kept on blabbering- scratch that- concluded for me.

"I'm sorry sir." He muttered, his voice low at the end. Glad that did it!

"Good. Pack it up. Since it's only one of its kind, I want it to stay that way."

"Of course sir. What words should we engrave in it?" He asked slowly, more like carefully. He passed the ring to the slutty worker who looked shell shocked but that didn't stop her from batting her fake eyelashes at me. Give it up woman, I am an almost married man! I nearly screamed. Key word- nearly.

"My spitfire." I replied, smiling mentally in my head. I didn't know why the thought of her always brightened my mood, it felt like, no, she was like a light that continues to shine brightly in my dark room. With her, everything just felt right.


Successfully completing my transaction, I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't wait to see her face when she sees the ring I bought for her, of which she clearly had no idea of.

She really was the most gorgeous woman I've ever met, she didn't even have to try. For her, I'll step up my game any day.

I cleared my throat to cover up my nervousness. Not going to lie, she was the only girl I get nervous around, "You know we can't get engaged without a ring right?" I paused waiting for the words to sink in, she craned her head to my side and nodded. After having her attention, I continued "good, I bought a ring. I don't know if you would like it but I hope you do"

Sure another episode of her sarcasm came up of which I tuned down.

She placed her soft hand in mine, her hand could pass up as a baby's. I wondered how it would feel if she were to caress me with it, I couldn't wait to make her mine, all mine. I slipped the ring in her index finger, one she didn't know has words engraved in it.

She gasped, eyes wide with shock, "This is too much Trev, you shouldn't have bought something this expensive, after all it's not a real wedding. You could have gotten something lesser"

Did she have to remind me? That was a low blow. No woman has ever turned me down and she indirectly did. No wonder all the girls I broke things off with always left crying, immediately she said those words, it was like a punch in my gut. It felt as if someone was continuously piercing my heart, pure pain.

"That's all it's been to you, a fake wedding?!" I almost growled.

That was the worst pain ever, when the person you wanted didn't want you at all.

"Sorry, I meant a convenience wedding," she rectified her previous statement.

She didn't even looked sorry, of course she wasn't aware about how much I wanted to make her mine.

"Of course, a convenience wedding."

Honestly, I couldn't keep up with the words she said after that. I needed something to punch. If only I didn't decided to be celibate for her. You know what? Fuck it. I brought out my phone and messaged Priscilla. One of the top models right now.

Trevor: At my place asap

Prhoe: be there rn baby.

Baby? I wanted to barf, who the fuck is her baby? No commitment, she was very much aware of that. I had made sure they all knew what they were getting into, they were just arm candies and urgent fucks.


"Yes baby, fuck me harder"

After grunts and screams, he was done. He didn't care if she wasn't satisfied, as long as he was. He's cool with it.

"Get dressed Priscilla, my driver will drop you"

"But baby, I thought I'm staying ove-" I didn't hear the rest of her words because I left her right there in my guest room. I've never slept with either of them in my bedroom, that's just disrespectful to my bed.

I strolled into my kitchen, opening the fridge, I brought out a chilled table water. I opened the cap and drank it in one go, I was really thirsty.

I exhaled slowly. No doubts, George was already at Alessia's apartment. I sent him there over an hour ago and Alessia's place to mine was only a 45 minutes drive.

I went back to my living room, picking up my phone, I dialled Alessia's number. After two rings, she picked up.

"Hello" that voice, that sweet voice but I noticed she sounded stressed, probably her mother's health issues.

"The movers are at your door and my driver" i said hastily. I didn't want her to suspect I had sex from my voice so I hung up.

"Priscilla! Get your shits outta my house now!" I yelled. Alessia must not meet her, it could complicate things. Well I didn't have the best record but I didn't think she knew that part.