
Arrogant Meets Spitfire (Formerly known as The Billionaire's Spitfire)

Like every other rich kid, Trevor Reynolds was born with a silver spoon. He's a ruthless billionaire who has every businessmen at the brink of his feet. Trouble comes knocking when Alessia Maxwell scratches a very egotistical billionaire's Lamborghini, choked with piled up medical bills and two exhausting jobs, life couldn't be anymore better when Trevor crashes his way into her already messy life. What are the odds that on a fine monday morning, Alessia Maxwell would begin her rollercoaster ride with her partner, Trevor Reynolds. Give it a chance!!! Ps: The updated and rewritten version is labelled with nothing but the chapter's title. (The original/old version(unedited) are 10 chapters, I guess, I don't know, you'll figure it out)

Sammeeha · Thành thị
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21 Chs

Original: Fiancee for how many what?


"Whew!" I breathed out, sitting straighter on the queen sized bed. Just to rest turned into a long nap.

Hours has passed since I started living in Trevor's house, more like a palace. I hadn't seen him since he shut me out, it was already night time but he was no where to be found.

He made me feel so dirty, to top it all, I slept in the same room they had sex. No matter what I did, I couldn't get the picture of the red thong out of my head.

It's surprising that he affected me so much, his words, his actions.

I was already mad at myself for agreeing to this farce, but it seemed like he wanted me to feel the part of being a bloody nobody in his life. I didn't need him, he forced his way into my broken life.

Okay, the first one was a lie. I totally need him, my mom needs him.

"Miss?" Clarisse called out to me after few soft knocks that didn't have any effect of me.

I got up from the queen-sized bed, I moved my sorry butt to open the door her.

She smiled widely at me as I opened the door for her, whilst shoving different foods in my face, foods I never thought I would ever see in my life.

She's such a good soul, i thought.

"I thought we already established the fact that you can call me Alessia?" I said to the woman old enough to be my mother.

She smiled sheepishly "Yes, we did. Alessia" she corrected herself.

"Good. What's with the various foods Clarisse?" I asked, confused I never asked for anything nor did I planned on hosting a party in my room.

"Before master left, he told me to feed you and make you healthy before the wedding. His words." She quickly added.

"It's alright." I smiled at her.

"But you know I cannot finish these right?" I pointed towards the foods.

"Hahaha" she laughed.

I laughed along with her.

"Alright, alright. You can join me."

"No! I dare not Alessia. You are the boss' fiancee, I'm sorry, i can't." She apologised carefully.

"I insist and don't you dare say a word unless we want the boss to get angry when he sees his wife at the altar looking like a stick, huh?"

"Haha, Alessia, you're a very smart woman." She laughed and proceeded to the little cushions in the room.

Thirty minutes later, we were done with the food. It was already nine in the night and there were still no signs of Trevor.

I sat down in the living room, worry clearly written on my face for the asshole that doesn't deserve bits and pieces of it.

After what felt like forever which in reality was only twenty two minutes, Hailey banged her manipulative hand on my door.

My door? Wow! I liked the sound of that.


Clarisse let her in after few colourful words from Hailey's mouth.

She stormed at me like a hungry lion who just caught a prey to feed on. If it was anyone in my shoes, they would probably be scared because of the way she looked right now. But it's Hailey, she's harmless as a fly and it's not like her little fury could work on me. Ha!

"Why didn't you open up for me you bitch?!" She yelled, another colourful word.

"Shut up and sit your ass down. I need a moment with you."

Like the 'all talk and no shit she is', she listened to me.

"What's up? What's got wonder woman all riled up?" She jested.

"It's been a while since Trevor left and i don't think he's coming back. Is this how my life would be from now on? Sitting all day, waiting for my darling husband like the obedient wife that I am. Ha! He's got another thing coming for him. He wants a submissive wife right? I'll show him submissive when we get married, and then he would be forced to ask for a divorce. I'm so smart! Do you think it's right?"

"I think you should just call hi-"

"Yes. I know I'm right. Do you think he deserve me?"

"One thing fo-"

"Of course he does not. Who does he think he is? Just because he own a couple of companies?"

"A couple of companies? Ales? I don't think you should be doi-"

"I know right. He thinks he's all mighty and shit because of that, joke's on him. He can't take this chick down, I'm nobody's and I'll show him just that. Thanks for the advice Hailey, I'll do just what you said." I finished.

"I didn't say anything Hailey, it was all your words. You wouldn't let me say anything, you cut me off thrice baby. Are you okay? I'm worried about you."

I laughed out "of course I am, I'm just stressed, wedding jitters as they say."

"If you say so." She looked at me suspiciously.

What girl?

"How about we go out for a couple of shots, it's been long since we've done that? You up for it?"

"I don't think it's advisable, i mean, what would Trevor thinks?"

"Who cares? He's got no hold on you, you said it yourself."

"You're right. Party time, yay!" I screamed out.

"So let's get you dressed up, it would be a huge turn off for the men at the club to see you in your jammies." Hailey spoke, her footsteps clashing with mine as we walked towards the direction of my new room.

"Jammies? Seriously, Hailey?" I asked.

"Whatever" she said, whilst I opened the door to wonderland.

I took a long shower and left Hailey to feast her eyes on whatever she wants, i was sure she didn't notice I left the room.

Totally acceptable.

Who would blame her? I too was bedazzled from the magnanimous light the room shined when I first entered the little chamber.

I turned off the faucet, I grabbed the large robe and adorn my body with it, not missing the luxurious scent.

I get to do this everyday for the next few months, who would have thought?

I twisted the door knob, I pulled the door and walked briskly into the room. Hailey stared at me for a couple of seconds and rushed over to where I stood.

She stripped the robe off me and threw a very short black dress at me. I yanked it off my face and inspected the dress, shorter than I envisioned with little slits on both sides. The upper part was a cross from the waist, the neck serving as the meeting point, giving off a turtle neck kind of look.

I gave her a look and fled to the closet with the dress.