
Arriving in Middle-earth with a system.(LORT, THE HOBBIT - FANFICTION)

In an unexpected twist of fate, our protagonist is transported to the world of Middle-earth, long before the pivotal events that will unfold in the movies "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings." Awakening in an unfamiliar time and place, the protagonist faces a blank memory of their past identity but possesses a profound knowledge of books and memories from their previous life. Struggling to grasp their situation, the protagonist is taken aback by the arrival of a mysterious login system. With this new element in their life, the journey of the greatest hero ever seen in Middle-earth begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This story will be uploaded at a slow pace, as it's just a pastime. The translations are done with ChatGPT. Furthermore, this is my first time writing, so I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. If you don't like it, simply stop reading. Lastly, this story isn't perfect, and you might come across many things that could be unnecessary, but it's written to my liking. In the story, everything present doesn't belong to me; I only take care of my character. Also, the images are taken from Pinterest.

Louriem_9876 · Phim ảnh
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Year 880 TE




"And… 3000."

"Finally finished."

After swinging the sword three thousand times, I decided to take a few minutes of rest before resuming practice.

--- 15 MINUTES LATER ---

"Alright, let's continue."

I stood up again and walked to a nearby area, preparing for the next practice.

"Sword Dance – First Form."

As I finished speaking, I felt my spiritual power draining rapidly. Behind me, a group of swords began to materialize. They had a bright white color and were somewhat translucent.

Once I reached thirty swords, I couldn't create more, so I began moving them around. Sometimes I separated them into groups and directed them to attack in multiple directions simultaneously. This happened naturally, as I had been practicing this move for a long time.

This was to be expected, as around fifteen years had passed since I received the reward for mastering basic to medium swordsmanship. I had practiced it to the level of a Grand Master. The same applied to the other skills granted by the system, except for the Sword Dance skill.

The Sword Dance skill proved to be much more challenging than I had imagined. It required not only spiritual power and concentration, but also a deep understanding of the sword itself. To comprehend something like the "intention of the sword" was no simple feat. This notion surpassed mere technique and physical skill. It embodied a person's essence, will, soul, and understanding of the path of the sword. This complexity made it far from easy to use or understand.

It might sound straightforward, but it took me considerable effort just to grasp a bit of this concept, enabling me to create these thirty swords.

"My sword is my life, and within its edge lies my destiny," I said proudly as I watched the sunset.

"I've progressed very quickly in this. Could I be the unrecognized child of some famous swordsman?" I pondered while smiling. Obviously, I was well aware that this was impossible, but who cares? Having some fantasies isn't a bad thing; they make practice times more enjoyable.

Yet, while I happily indulged in my daydreams, a sense of understanding suddenly struck me. I promptly sat down on the ground to begin practicing, as such opportunities were rare.

Thus, without my realizing it, about a month went by. During this time, I remained seated in the same spot, moving my hands to continue practicing my cultivation method. If someone were to see me, they'd be greatly impressed by the swirls of light entering my body rapidly, as if I were a bottomless pit.

Numerous ideas flooded my mind, prompting me to investigate them one by one. I discovered various ways to use the sword and comprehend its intention.

By the end of the month, I felt like my body couldn't contain the immense spiritual power anymore. Eventually, the energy became so intense that I shattered my restraints and achieved a significant breakthrough.

"I've finally broken through to the 9th realm," I said excitedly, as I had been stuck in that realm for several months.

Amid my happiness, I noticed that my body was once again covered in a foul-smelling black liquid. Quickly, I headed for a bath. When I emerged from the shower, I realized my skin looked much healthier. I couldn't explain it, but each major breakthrough seemed to enhance not only my longevity but also my appearance – a welcomed bonus.

"If I'm not mistaken, I should be able to create around fifty swords now."

As I assessed my strength, I grew increasingly satisfied with my progress.

[Ding... The host has successfully advanced to the realm of Spirit Serenity.]

[You are rewarded with 'Elemental Control - Thunder' and 'Pet - Griffin.']

"System, do I really get rewards each time I make a breakthrough? If so, why didn't you give me gifts during previous advancements?"

[Host, you only receive a system reward when you achieve a significant breakthrough – each time you enter a new realm – due to the increasing difficulty in the future.]

Upon hearing the system's words, I realized what it meant. It had taken me about thirty years to reach the next realm. What would happen with the subsequent levels?

"Alright, I understand. Now, explain the two items I obtained."

[Of course, host.

Elemental Control - Thunder: The host skillfully manipulates spiritual energy imbued with the essence of thunder in their surroundings. This allows them to summon lightning, control its intensity and direction, and modulate its electrical energy at will. Additionally, the host can unleash precise electric discharges, generate controlled storms, and shape lightning into various forms of attack and defense. (As the skill is perfected, control over this power becomes more versatile and its range expands.)

(Note: The vital spiritual power used in your longevity cultivation method is distinct from that needed to use thunder elemental control. One is attuned to vitality, while the other is attuned to thunder.)

Griffin Pet: A baby griffin that depends on the host's care to grow. If well-cared for, it will obey in the future and treat the host like family.]

[All items are stored.]

"Things are getting more and more interesting."

As I reflected, I decided to summon the small griffin from the system. To my surprise, despite being a baby, it was considerable in size. I had to hold it with both arms to lift it. Its feathers were as white as snow.

"System, what do griffins eat?"

[Host, griffins are omnivorous and can eat almost anything. It's preferable to include meat in their diet, but don't forget to provide some plants as well for a healthier growth.]

While the system spoke, I noticed the little creature starting to open its eyes. After a moment, we gazed at each other.

"Squawk... Squawk..."

"It seems that even though you've just opened your eyes, you're already asking for food. You're quite the little glutton, haha," I said happily as I headed to the cave to find food. I felt truly content having company, as even though I spent most of my time training, a bit of loneliness was inevitable.

While feeding it, I decided to name it.

"From now on, you shall be called Calinor."

The young griffin looked at me for a moment before returning to its meal. It seemed quite hungry, devouring almost as much as I would in three whole days.

"It seems we'll need to watch your diet. Getting too chubby would hinder your flying," I murmured. I observed the little one becoming alarmed, looking at me with a touch of fear, as if it truly comprehended what I said. This struck me as a bit amusing, so I stopped teasing it and let it eat in peace.

"System, show me my status."

[Of course, host:

Name: Anaraviel – Nameless One.

Race: Human - Spiritual.

Gender: Male.

Age: 47/700 years.

Cultivation Method: Source of Life.

Cultivation: Spirit Serenity (First Level).

Pet: Calinor – White Light (White Griffin).

Skills: Storage Seal (Grand Master), Basic to Medium Swordsmanship (Grand Master), Sword Dance (First Part – 50/100) (Proficient), Swift Shadow (Grand Master), Musical Talent (Grand Master), Thunder Elemental Control (Novice).

Storage: Cultivator Attire x15, Orange Tree Seeds, Storage Scrolls x10, Airancia Seeds x10, Flying Sword....]

So, I decided to keep practicing sword control. I also began cultivating spiritual power with the thunder attribute and focusing on longevity. It would keep me busier in the future.

One Month Later.

"Ladies and miss, run! Don't worry, we'll take care of the Orcs," one of the guards protecting the two beautiful young women exclaimed. Meanwhile, the group of people accompanying him nodded, drawing their bows to shoot arrows at the numerous enemies approaching.

The women stared at the guards in bewilderment for a moment, unsure of what to do.

"Miss, please hurry!" The guard quickly shouted, snapping them out of their trance and urging them to run as fast as possible.

"Nimrodel, you and your group will protect them."

"Yes," the young elf replied, swiftly running with his group to catch up with the lady and her daughter to provide protection.