
Arms Mech : Rewrite the stars

Within five hundred years, the world's technology was growing rapidly. Gene modification, biotechnology, nanomachines, and giant robots named Arms Mech appeared one by one. That's a great achievement for humans. But... Along with the development of technology, war erupted. Different countries are trying to destroy other countries. And in the end, the world was destroyed. The earth is becoming uninhabitable and natural resources are decreasing. Then, as much as humanity travels into space to survive. They're looking for a new home. This story does not tell the story of those who left earth. Carita focuses on a young man named Niel Argant who comes from the past using the Hibernation Capsule. The young man must survive in this ruined world as a pilot of the Arms Mech. At the same time, he must help an AI that wants to save the world. Can Niel do it? Who is this AI? Why do they have to save the world?

Pandora_Phantasy · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

File 6 - The first battle

< Warning! Intruders detected! >

< Warning! Intruders detected! >

"Okay, what happened?" Niel started at Teresa who was playing with her WMC, asking for answers.

"Few G Mutations sneaked in, brought the assault rifle, and follow with me!"

Seeing the girl's behavior and listening to the word of G Mutation, Niel unconsciously felt a dangerous situation. He quickly picked up six magazines full of bullets for his assault rifle before going after the girl.

Niel tried to remember what G Mutation was while striding behind the girl. Later, he memorizes that G Mutation is a monster. They were created after an animal received an injection of G serum.

G Mutation is divide into eight Grades, starting from Grade F, E, D, C, B, A, S, and lastly is Grade SS. The threat and size of each Grade increases as they go higher.

An SS-Rank G Mutation could destroy a city in a matter of minutes using their gigantic bodies that reached a height of over fifty meters.

Niel's body shivered as he imagined how terrifying the SS-Rank monster was.

"What rank, G Mutation that attacked this place?"

"C-Rank," replied Teresa shortly.

Then, they arrived at a room filled with dozens of sets of Battle Armor. Teresa approached a closet and took something from it.

"Wear this safety suit." Teresa gave a black Safety Suit to Niel.

"Ugh! Do you have a Safety Suit that isn't tight?" asked Niel as he carefully examined the Safety Suit in his hand.

"No, I don't have it," replied Teresa who then attached a WMC to Niel's wrist without permission.

Niel let the girl do what she wanted. As long as the girl didn't try to kill him, Niel wouldn't give a counterattack.

"Once you're done wearing the Safety Suit, I'll give you directions on using this WMC. Make sure you follow those instructions as best you can."

Leaving that sentence behind, the girl left the room.

"Hey!" Niel called and she stopped walking.


"Why did you tell me to wear these clothes?"

"For once, try using your bird's brain to think. You need Battle Armor because you will face the G Mutations that attacked this place."

After giving an answer, Teresa was excited. Her figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I just want to clarify," whispered Neil. He looked back at the Safety Suit and Battle Armor that was in this room. A moment later he sighed. "Come on! There must be other clothes in this place!"

Before wearing the tight Safety Suit, Niel decided to ransack through the room first. And luckily for him, he found a dark green camo trouser accented black. Although he couldn't find a shirt, he was satisfied.

Niel wears a safety suit. Then, he made a hole on camo trousers at the top of its buttocks parts before wearing it. The thing he did made the trouser wearable even though he had a tail. As for the Safety Suit, Niel didn't need to do anything to it because Teresa had modified the Safety Suit.

When Niel was in the middle of wearing battle armor, his WMC rang. The young man touched the Mini PC to answer the incoming call.

[Are you already wearing Battle Armor?]

"Wait a minute, I'm in the middle of wearing it."

[Hurry up! The G Mutations have already entered sector Seven B! Don't waste time!]

"Okay! I'm ready now!"

[Follow the directions at your WMC!]

Carrying out the girl's orders, Niel walked out of the room. A few moments later he stood in front of the elevator.

[Make sure you go to the B-3 floor.]

"Okay!" replied Niel who walk to the inside of the elevator then pressed a button labeled B-3.

The elevator door closed and Niel began to descend to the floor in question. Again, Niel followed the instructions at his WMC as he reached the B-3 floor. At the same time, he prepared his assault rifle.

A few minutes later, he heard gunshots accompanied by a strange scream. After taking a deep breath, Niel walked over to the source of the sound. He was ready to face the C-Rank G Mutations that became intruders.

When he reached the battlefield, he found six Teresa's clones wearing white Battle Armor shooting at dozens of dog-sized white spiders.

The sight made Niel freeze.

"That was so strange..." Niel whispered when he remembered video about how Teresa makes clones.

Maybe those six twins were Teresa's clones, Niel think before nodding to himself.

"Hey! Are you the reinforcement that the bitch sent?" asked one of the Teresa clones.

The clone that looks like Teresa have a blue short hair. There is number 09 printed on the chest part of her Safety Suit.

"Hey! I am talking to you!" The clone said once again when she saw Niel daydreaming.

"Ah! Yes, I am the reinforcement." Niel answered when he regained his consciousness.

"You are so slow like a bird," comment the clone who then use her Assault Rifle to kill the G Mutation.

Niel who didn't know what to do after the conversation over was standing right there with out doing anything.


She was so annoyed with the stupid youth.

Niel who hear that orders quickly used his assault rifle. He joined the battle and he shot at the spider monsters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Sree! Sree!"

Dozens of bullets shot out and shed the blood of the spider monsters. Then, one by one, the spider monsters were killed.

The monsters had no chance to pass through the barricades created by the six Teresa's clones and Niel.

A few minutes later, all the spider monsters in the place were successfully exterminated.

"I didn't expect it all to end so soon," Niel commented after the battle was over.

"No, it's not finished yet. We just killed a small percentage of them," explained the clone.

[Zero Nine, several G Mutations passed through corridor four towards the main Hangar. Destroy them immediately.]

"Roger that," Zero Nine replied before seeing Niel. "Follow me bird's brain!"

"Okay," Niel answered.

After I thought about it again, I can say that seeing six Teresa feel so weird, Niel thought as he sees the back, one of Teresa's clones.

Their group moved quickly. A few minutes later...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Niel and six of Teresa's clones confront the spider monster again. However, different from the previous one, the spider monsters they were fighting this time were more numerous. Their numbers reached dozens.

"I don't think we're going to be able to last long enough here," Niel said as he reloaded his Assault Rifle. Then, he attacked the G Mutations again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!




Niel managed to kill three spider monsters before his bullets ran out. "I'm out of ammunition."

"Then use your hands!" Zero Nine commanded. Then, she made a hand sign to tell the other Teresa's clones to stop their attack.

"Wait! What did you just say?"

"Kill them with your hands!"

"You're crazy," said Niel, who then saw dozens of spider monsters that come closer. "I'm not sure I can defeat them empty-handed."

"Then use this." Zero Nine threw a dagger at Niel.

Although Niel was surprised by what Zero Nine had done, he managed to catch the dagger without any problems. Then, the young man looked at the dagger in his hand before returning to look at the G Mutations.

"That monster won't die by itself, kill them!" Zero Nine commanded once again.

"Do I have any other options?"

"No!" Zero Nine replied. Then she threat Niel using her assault rifle. The other Teresa's clones also pointed their rifles at Niel.

The attitude showed by six Teresa's cones made Niel sigh. He grasped the dagger in his hand more tightly before running towards the nearest spider monster.