
Armor Annihilator!

Max got sent to a medieval world by our beloved truck Kun. In this world people use something called "qi" to power their kickass armor suits, known as Macs. He's just a regular guy, or so he thinks, until he finds out that he's got double the qi of anyone else his age. Suddenly, he's accepted into the best warrior school around and ready to kick some butt! And with his modern world know-how, he's gonna take on this medieval world like a boss. Let's see what kind of trouble he can get into! Alright, listen up folks, I'm a total noob when it comes to writing, so don't expect me to churn out daily updates like a well-oiled machine. I'll update whenever I finish a chapter, and if any of you got any bright ideas on how I can spice up the story or where to improve it, do not hesitate to let me know! This is my first time attempting to write something original, so I'm diving into the deep end here. Wish me luck, folks, because I'm going to need it!

LuxEnos · Võ hiệp
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5 Chs

The Walls

I woke up to the bright sunshine that was shining upon the world, and looked around to see that my fellow passengers were still sleeping. They were drowning in the world of dreams, but I was wide awake and decided to check something that had been on my mind.

I tried to activate the voice system by saying "System," but nothing happened.

I tried again, "Status," but still no response. Disappointed,

I muttered to myself, "One last try, Lord System, please answer your humble believer's call." But still, nothing happened.

I slumped back and told myself, "I guess I don't have cheat codes like in those anime and novel worlds." But I refused to get depressed and promised myself that I would find a way around it somehow. I started sorting things out in my brain and strategize my next move.

As I was lost in thought, I noticed that the others had started waking up. There were a total of seven boys, including me, in the carriage. We introduced ourselves, and I learned that Jason was a farmer's son, and the rest were all comments who had been given silver coins by different knights of Kingboom.

I suspected that it was a recruitment method for kingdoms, so that the church wouldn't have too much power. We exchanged conversations and rumors about the Blood Iron Academy, but I couldn't gain much information as they didn't know much about it either.

Finally, the driver of the carriage informed us, "Keep your silver coins ready, maggots. We are reaching the Blood Iron Academy."

I was full of excitement. Back on Earth, I had consumed an ungodly amount of manga and anime during my college days, and I was excited about living the academy life

I looked outside the window of the carriage and saw the massive wall surrounding the academy. It reminded me of the walls in Attack on Titan, and I couldn't help but quip to myself, "What is this, some kind of Attack on Titan world? You have to build these high walls to keep the creatures out!

walls were made of dark stone that looked as though it had been chiseled by the hands of giants. The surface was rough and jagged, with sharp edges that could easily cut through flesh.

As I got closer, I noticed that there were intricate carvings on the surface of the wall. It was as if the stone itself was telling a story. There were images of warriors in battle, mythical creatures, and scenes of everyday life. I was fascinated by the detail and skill that had gone into creating these carvings. I couldn't help but wonder how long it must have taken to create this masterpiece.

As we reached the main gate, we saw that there were many other new students who had arrived before us. There were students from all over the kingdom, dressed in various outfits, and carrying different kinds of luggage.

I looked around and noticed that some students were still arriving in carriages of all shapes and sizes. One carriage was so old and rickety that I wondered how it managed to make it all the way here.One had gold plating on its wheels, while another had a beautiful painting of a unicorn on its side.

I noticed a group of students who looked like they came from a wealthy background, with their fancy carriages and expensive clothing. One of them, a girl with long blue hair, caught my eye and smiled at me.she was breathtakingly beautiful

As we reached the gate, the guard told us to give away our silver coins, and we did as we were told. After entering the academy, the others ran towards the main entrance, but I went to the carriage driver and thanked him for his service.As corporate slave i knew how important it was to have a good relationship with others, so I tried to make some brownie points from the carriage driver.

I turned to see the driver of our carriage, who was a gruff-looking man with a big bushy beard. He looked like he had seen better days, but he still had a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Thank you for your service, sir. I appreciate your help," I said.

As I was talking to the driver, I saw some hands giving him by knight for a meeting later. I decided to take a shot in the dark and asked him about it. The driver laughed and said, "Lovely, you little maggot. Not that bad, huh? You have some manners, huh? Let me give you some advice. Go to the right, and there is a place for us carriage drivers to rest. Clean yourself, and then go inside. Seriously, you stink like a roasted moth."

"Moth de?" I asked, confused.

The driver chuckled. "It's a delicacy here. Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

I decided to take the advice and started walking towards the place the driver had mentioned. After I reached there, I cleaned myself with water and thanked God that this world had invented soap and a working toilet system. I mean, imagine having to live in medieval times where there were no proper toilets. You'd have to go in the woods and hope that nobody sees you doing your business. And don't even get me started on the smell. It would have been unbearable. But luckily for me, In this world has proper toilets

I wondered if there was a way to make soap even more fragrant and beautiful and sell it to the nobles and kings to become a wealthy businessman

I checked myself in the mirror and was satisfied with my new body. I had a handsome face with blonde hair and blue eyes, but my back was covered in a plethora of scars. My body wasn't that muscular, but it was healthy, and I was packing some heat between my legs.

After changing into a white shirt and black pants that I had stolen from my uncle when I was leaving, I packed everything back and headed towards the main ground where new students were gathering.

As we waited for the opening ceremony to start, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I felt like I was going for an interview, and my future was on the line. But I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I was here to learn and grow. Who knows what kind of adventures and challenges awaited me at the Blood Iron Academy?