

A man in a glorified bat costume admits himself into Arkham asylum, the worlds most secure psychiatric prison. The question every inamate is asking is why?

CRYPTID_ · Tranh châm biếm
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“Hell’s Bat”

March, 6th 2003

Inmate name: Vincent M.

Sex: Male

Height: 5'9

Race: white

Age: 37


"I didn't see much, I saw what I saw and I can't even tell what that was completely. One second I was alive and the next it felt like my life had been ripped from my body. Me and my boys never thought he was real. We thought the big "bat-man" was a fairytale, nothing more than a story."

Dr. Emily:

"take me to the night you met him. What happened?"


"He showed up around 3-ish weeks ago. He was quiet so my first conversation with him wasn't anything to write a book about. At the asylum me and my boys always run paper checks on new inmates to see if they're gonna be punks or if they're gonna stay to themselves and it was no different with him. I walked up to him while he was sitting on those cold steel lunch table benches and told him, "hey, newbie! lemme see the paper works…" He just shrugged and handed them right over. Usually we get some sort of hesitation but there was none with him. Just pure cooperation."

Dr. Emily:

"Did this concern you any?"


"Not in the slightest. If anything it was a good sign because he didn't have nothin' to hide. My only gripe about how we met was Who he was and what he was. He was pale skinned with a clean shaven beard and nice longer haircut that went down to his eyebrows. We didn't like how quiet he was so we really scanned his paperwork to make sure we didn't miss anything."

Dr. Emily:

"So, what did you find?"


"We saw that he was only in for resisting arrest, which didn't make no sense because that wouldn't have put him in Arkham so we looked a little more and found where he requested to be put here. How he managed to get what he asked for is beyond me but it looked bad for him. Me and my boys all thought the same thing, that he was an inside snitch of a sort. It was for that reason that we decided we were gonna try and snuff him out."


"my boys had plans and some sounded better than others. My second in command, poke, said we could stick him while he was in the shower. I liked the idea but it was gonna take all of our resources to pull off. Nonetheless it was set in stone that we was gonna do it. Two weeks passed by and we decided the new guy had stayed past his welcome and we were gonna take him out that Monday night. I sent some of my crew down to the halls to make sure no guards would be comin', and I sent more of them down to the outside of the wash room to take care of him once we finished. I sent my last group of guys to follow em' to the bathroom and make it a done deal."


"It shouldn't have taken long. it never did. We did everything by the book it was routine, yet my guys hadn't come back when I expected them to. I was worried we had gotten caught by the guards and that we was gonna get sent to solitary so I didn't even bother goin' to investigate. I'd be damned if I got accused of being responsible for this, so I just prayed my boys would come back safe. After so long of praying, I fell asleep. I never was much of a religious guy ya' know. I don't know how long I was out for but soon enough these white beams of light that almost seemed like bright bridges began to burn through my eyelids. The more I opened my eyes the more I saw of a dark shadowy figure with white glowing eyes and tall black ears on top of its head."


"The thing reminded me of a story an old bunky of mine would tell me. My Bunky's name was Kent. He would tell of a tall humanoid bat that would come up from hell and punish those who've done wrong. He said it seemed the bat had no morals but one, he would never kill any of his victims. He'd do everything else imaginable to them but he'd never kill them to ensure they suffered his vengeance."

Dr. Emily:

"And this is the bat that you claim you encountered?"


" yes ma'am. It was. Kent's encounter with the bat left him without an arm and with half of his face melted off from some sort of explosion. We always assumed this was nothing but a story, a way for Kent to cover up what really happened. The second I saw the bat I knew Kent meant every word he said. The bat was tall standing around 6 '3, maybe 6'4. He was large too; he had to be around 300 pounds of pure muscle and hate."


"The bat stood in my cell's doorway, just staring at me and breathing heavy enough for me to see his chest push in and out. I was scared. I could feel my knees begin to buckle and beg for me to fall and curl up into a ball but I didn't want to show the big man I was scared! I stood up to him. I pretended to be a tough guy and I would soon regret that decision. He stepped closer to me and I got to see that his lower half of his face was completely exposed unlike the rest of his body. This was the fucking newbie. The bat-man lunged at me engulfing my entire body into his black void of a cape. I couldn't see anything, only the faint silhouette of his frame from the cell lamp."


"The bat began to tear away at my body. First he pulled every one of my bones in my arms and legs out from their sockets. Then he twisted each limb until the bone ripped from the tissue of my tendons and fibers of my muscles. I wanted to scream because of the pain but when I tried he shoved a gag into my mouth. Thirdly, he began to grab every one of my bones toward their center and he snapped every single one of them like a fucking toothpick. This made me lose consciousness but he wouldn't have that. He woke me up using Ammonia packets and told me with his deep hollow voice, "I won't let you enjoy the bliss of shock. I will force you to endure your punishment." I was wailing under the gag as anyone would've. Finally the bat picked me up and threw my body into his knee, breaking my spine. I couldn't feel anything anymore beyond my neck. Nothing could move. He left me to soak in my own blood and tears on the cold hard cement flooring of the cell. I stayed there until you came to pull me out, miss.``

Dr. Emily:

"And that's where you obtained all of these injuries then…

Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Maroni. We will be getting back into touch with you shortly."

Dr. Emily signals for the guards to take Vincent back to his cell in the psychiatric unit via wheelchair. She walks out of the interrogation room slamming the door behind her.

I just figured writing a Batman story from the perspective of an Arkham Asylum inmate would be interesting since we all know Batman never “directly” kills any of his enemies but most definitely scars them for life. I want to write more chapters to tell a complete story about why Batman was admitted into Arkham to begin with so if you enjoyed the first chapter you can expect more in the near future.

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