
Arise Of The Darkness God

story about King Ethan The one who had become the king of the world by his own strength but stll he was alone at the age of 39, he started to feel there is nothing left for him here anymore and jump from clef where darkness was waiting for him to come, and then he found main culprit bihind here family murders however he don't have god level powers to fight against them and from then his new journey to become god with power of darkness begins.

KROMLEN · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs


Aiden - It's been five years since I was born and I learned to walk when I was born, the very next moment I saw my parents, that too is a bit of a shame because I peed on my father's face when he grabbed me high immediately after I was born. I was born with the memory of my past life, so I consider children of my age too small, that's why I don't go to them and I studied and trained my sword at home, my father also learned my sword style from me and They use the same things while living with them, I came to know that both of them are not normal, both of them have hidden their power and that magic artifact, it completely suppresses their mind, it seems that they are hiding something from me. My level is also 25, by next month I will increase it to 30, but still don't know why there is still something missing, so I thought to kill some demons and monsters.

Lucy - honey Aiden, come on, have breakfast, have something, and then get on with your work.

Noah - yes honey, come Aiden we will resume our practice after breakfast

Aiden - No, you go, I had already eaten bread and eggs, I will sit here for a while, you go and come back fast.

Noah - ok, you rest I will come in a while

Aiden - (I found a map of this world while reading books, looked at it very well, and came to know that there are five continents in this world: first is the kingdom of the dwarfs, whose name is Nindun Kingdome; second is the Lestrodh kingdom of elves; third is the kingdom of demi-humans' dragon kingdom. and fourth is the Demon's Kingdom, Daral Kingdome, and fifth are the humans Kingdom, Lodir Kngdome, and I can see what is happening in all umpires because of this system. When it was updated, it made a barrier over this world so that light god can't sense me, and there is another great thing inside that I can access that barrier from which I can see everything that is happening in this world. ) Someone seems to have come, let's see who has come.

Noah - This is my son Aiden son this is Uncle Lubis You used to train with me when I was studying Uncle Lubis this is my son He can use all elements and I also learned his sword style And but his power can kill anyone and is very sharp his sword style can cut anything in two clear my son is more talented than me Aiden say hello to uncle.

Aiden - hello uncle welcome to our humble house.

Lubis - You have taught your son the right manners as you have and your other brothers and their children do not have manners at all.

Aiden - This means that father also has a brother and sister, so mother would also know about it, but she never told me.

Lubis - didn't your father tell you anything about his past?

Aiden - no, if he has to tell, he will tell. If he doesn't want to remember the past its better for us too that he doesn't tell because I don't want see my parents sad and if they get hurt because of someone, then I will not let them alive.


Host name: Aiden Mathew Level: 25

Intelligence: 125 Mana: 1500

Vitality: 200 HP: 1550

Strength: 300 Defens: 225

Agility: 80 Damage: 2450

