

Bell is an half vampire. He desire to become a hero. He desire to protect people . He got rejected by some, accepted by some, hated by some and even liked by some. Hestia is the only one who always stand by his side. With her by his side he moves forward towards his dream.

ABHIJITH_J_B · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

The Enemies

Bell cast two firebolts at the minitour from his back. Minotour roared in pain. Minotour turn his attention towards Bell. It then charged toward Bell. Bell barely manages to dodged the attack.

Bell wasn't doing good with the fight. It was clear that minotour had overpowered him. Bell was thrown away and he clashed on to the wall of the dungeon.

Bell was struggling hard to get up. His friends struggle to handle the monsters with Ouka and Welf in bad condition.

Other monsters start approaching Bell to eat him up. It was at this time Bell noticed the mask that he brought the other day next to him on the ground. It has fallen to the ground. He smiled an then put the mask on and pull down the part of his jacket to cover his head. It won't offer any power to him. But he felt different whenever he wear that mask.

Bell stood up against his approaching enemies. He pulled out 'Hestia Knife'. With a burning fury in his eyes he charged forward.

(Bell fight the minotour just like in the light novel. Only difference is that he is fighting with the swords.)

Bell's furious fight just in front them makes them believe in themselves to do just like him. Even with so many wounds they all fought against their fates.

(Bell won against the minotour just like in the light novel . Only difference is that he blasted the minotour with his black sword. )

Just like Bell all of them managed to pull out everything they got. They defeated all the monsters around them. They all fell to the ground.


The Loki Familia members were returning to the surface after a successful adventure down in the 59th floor. On their way they met a adventurer calling for help. They treated him. He informed them that a black minotour did this to him and it had gone to the upper floor. He also said that it took his sword along with it.

Finn got to know that he is level 2. Finn ordered to find that minotour and dispose it before it causes any more casualty.

The executives hear a someone shouting ' Firebolt'. They ran towards the sound. The Loki Familia was late to the party. The fight was already over. The result of the battle was clear. They have won the battle. But all of them are terribly injured and were unconscious. It was at this time they noticed someone still standing in front of a minotour's drop item.

The boy's hair was white. He wore a broken mask of a jocker. He has cuts all over his body. He was standing there unconscious with a mind down. Some of the parts of his shirt was torn off but not completely.

Aiz recognized that white hair adventurer. This scene helped her remember something important in her life. As she move towards him he fell to the ground. Aiz immediately catches him before he hit the ground.

Bete " Is he that rabbit from before."

Aiz after removing his mask said yes.

Finn " Looks like he defeated the minotour by himself. That horn like drop item confirms it. "

Bete " Don't be ridiculous Finn, this tomato head is nothing but a looser "

Tione " Is he the new record holder? "

Finn " Yes he is, level 2 in just three months. Bell Cranel "

Bete shocked in disbelieve " Nani "

Riveria who was taking care of the other fallen ones " All of them need medical attention."

Finn " Alright then, lets take them to Amid everyone"

They carried them to Amid. It was Aiz who carried Bell.

Aiz with a simile thought ' You have gotten even stronger. Keep moving forward. I want to know how far you can go. '


2 days later Bell have completely healed up. But the others are still recovering only. Hestia updated his status. She was shocked that he had grown so much. All his status were rank A. She handed over his status sheet.

Hestia " You have a new skill. "

Bell " Argonaut"

Hestia " It developed in you because of the strong desire to be a hero "

Bell " A hero..."

Hestia " You know you can level up already, but I think it's little too early."

Bell " That's right, let's wait for little bit longer."


Bell resumed his training with Ryu. Ryu was amazed to see that he had really grown so much. Ryu also congratulated him for saving his companions from a strong monster.

Bell told Ryu about his skill ' Argonaut'. Bell wanted to activate his skill and asked Ryu for advice. But Ryu didn't exactly know how to help him.


Hestia got an invitation to the Denatus. She went there for the meeting. She was forced to accept a name for her child. She got him the title of "little Rockie" which was only normal one.

Bell and Syr were talking in the tavern. Someone from the other table talk ill about Bell and Syr. They were the members of Apollo Familia. It was Luan ( a parum) who started the joke. Then everyone started laughing on the joke. Bell felt really bad for Syr. Ryu, Chloe ,Lunor and Anya were really were also there. Bell felt like something is off.

Bell left the tavern without any complains. This surprised the Apollo Familia members. Bell sensed that they were not the usual members. They entered the tavern as the same time as Bell entered. A level 3 was there too. They were about to cause a problem between Hestia Familia and Apollo Familia.

Bell sensed a big storm coming.


Next day training section

Ryu " Bell why didn't you say anything when they insult Syr. "

Bell " I am sorry to keep my mouth shut. "

Ryu " It doesn't answer my question at all"

Bell " I don't know how to describe it, but they doesn't seem to be good people to talk to."

Ryu " Or is it because you think their claim was true."

Bell " No, not at all."

Ryu " Unless you explain yourself to Syr I am not going to train you any more. " Ryu started walking away.

Bell " Wait wait sensei I didn't mean to insult her. "

Ryu didn't stop but walked away. Bell didn't know what to do. He sat down on the ground leaning to the wall. He then decided to apologize to Syr. But he don't know how to explain his part. He become really sad.


That night Bell when to another tavern with Welf. Bell explain everything that had happened and asked for his advice. Welf asked him to open up to Syr so that she can understand the situation very well.

The Apollo Familia members came to the tavern. After sometime they drank and started talking ill about Bell and Welf.

Bell become really angry this time. As he stood up to tell them that they are wrong Welf threw a bottle at Luan and said " Sorry I slipped"

Then they fight. Welf and Bell brought down all of them except Hyakinthos. He was quiet all this time. He stood up and attacked bell and Welf. Both of them were defeated in a then began insulting Bell in his beaten up state. Bell couldn't move because he was thoroughly beaten up. Nobody dare to step forward to help him. He was finally knocked out.

Hyakinthos then tied Bell and take him away with him. Bell wake up in the Apollo Familia home. Load Apollo was staring at him with a perverter look on his face. His hands were still tied up.

Hestia suddenly popped up behind the door and asked Apollo what he was doing.

Apollo " It appeared that your child had a fight with my children and one of them is severely wounded."

Hestia " Bell-kun is that true ?"

Bell " Y-Yes"

Hestia " Is there any particular reason ?"

Bell " They insulted my friends"

Apollo Familia member " We were just telling the truth and on top of that you were the one who started the fight."

Hestia " Is that true Bell-kun?"

Bell couldn't say anything and was just looking down. Hestia was bit serious. She knew that he wouldn't do something to cause any problem to her.

Apollo " We will take that as a Yes. Alright Hestia what should we do. As a compensation we will take Bell Cranel to my Familia "

Hestia " Not happening, don't put everything on my Bell. Your children are the ones who agitated Bell and his friend."

Apollo " Then how about we settle with a war game."

Hestia with a serious face. She looked at Bell for a bit. Then she turned toward Apollo and said

" SO be it."