
Arcane Conqueror

Tristan Nash, a genius with engineering skills bordering on the supernatural, aspired to shape his world according to his visionary ideals and create a better future for humankind. With his approach of the ends justify the means, he was labelled as a villain, conqueror, and tyrant, and ultimately met his end at the hands of a coordinated assassination. However, upon awakening from that life, he finds himself reborn as Eamon, the child of a poor family in a new magical world. Follow Eamon as he journeys through this new world, as the once would-be conqueror sets his sights against those that would try and stop him.

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7 Chs

New Parents

The young girl would take her leave, practically skipping out of the hut, the door closed behind her with a muffled thud, despite that, it did little to shield the interior from the lively sounds of cheers and laughter resonating from outside. The atmosphere just beyond the door was charged with an infectious energy, and even within the confines of the dwelling, the festive spirit permeated the air.

Eamon and his mother were left to share a moment alone. Eamon's mother, even though I was soaked clean through to the bone from labour, was still a beauty, she possessed fair skin that glowed like porcelain, and tiny freckles were scattered over her nose. Her long auburn hair cascaded down her shoulders in a waterfall of different shades of red. Her emerald eyes were so bright that they gave her whole face a magical quality.

The door to the shack would creak open, a large man whose build resembled that of a seasoned lumberjack entering gingerly. His presence was an instant comfort, the man had thick, dark brown hair that framed a face marked by a single large scar that ran down the side of his face, his blue eyes beaming with joy as they rested upon the faces of Eamon and his mother. He moved with purpose and joined them, taking both mother and child into his arms in a delicate embrace.

Observing the interaction between the two, it was evident to Eamon that they were exchanging more than just a friendly hug; there was an unspoken language of love and affection that flowed between them. Their connection transcended mere friendship, shared glances, tender touches, and an overall warmth that radiated between them. Eamon didn't even need to guess, he could feel a connection, this was his father. 

Eamon's father would lean down to peer over the small figure of Eamon. His broad shoulders cast an intimidating shadow as he towered above, his weathered hands bearing the evidence of a life filled with toil and labour.

As he gazed down at Eamon, a sense of paternal pride illuminated his features, etching lines of contentment on his face. In that tender moment, the man reached out, his calloused fingers delicately brushing over Eamon's cheek.

Eamon, with keen eyes absorbing every detail, memorized each word and context clue, he'd need to study up if he was to learn whatever language they were using in an appropriate amount of time. Yet his mind would stop racing as found himself enveloped in the man's protective embrace. The man's arms were both sturdy and comforting as if the man aimed to shield Eamon not only from the physical world but also from the uncertainties that lay ahead.

With deliberate yet gentle steps, the man carried Eamon to the foot of the door, where he revealed a small gathering of people. The unfiltered noise of celebration outside flooded into the confined space, creating a vibrant contrast to the hushed tones within.

The man stood proud and addressed the assembled group with a booming voice that echoed like a war drum through the air. The man's chest rumbled with the force of his declarations, each syllable another beat in a rhythmic percussion.

The small crowd hushed, their attention drawn toward the man and the child in his arms. It was as if the man's voice carried not just information but a sense of tradition and history. 

= "Each one of us has faced hardships, encountered trials that tested our mettle, we have all navigated through the storms that our lives have thrown our way. Yet, here we are, standing tall and proud, a testament to our indomitable will to overcome. Today we celebrate our survival, new life and promise of a better future." =

Despite the fact that Eamon was unable to comprehend what his father was saying, he sensed that the words held significance, the cadence of his voice that of a leader addressing a nation. His father boomed out one final declaration and it ignited the small crowd in cheers and applause.

Eamon got his first look into the outside world, his eyes widening in amazement. The village that unfolded before him painted a stark picture of hardship and daily struggle. The majority of buildings were constructed from weathered timber and reinforced with piled stones lacking mortar, the structures conveyed a sense of haste in their construction, they appear temporary and easily torn down and repaired.

The villagers, clad in plain, well-worn rags that appeared to have undergone countless hand repairs, spoke volumes about a life marked by necessity. The lack of cleanliness suggested a community accustomed to prioritizing survival over superficial comforts.

Despite the evident hardships in their living conditions, each member of the group gathered around, their faces adorned with genuine smiles they thought not of labour or struggles, but only to share in that single joyous occasion with everyone. There, in the midst of their humble surroundings, a sense of unity prevailed.

Rose-coloured liquid was passed around the group in clay cups. The aroma of soup, rich and comforting, wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of freshly baked bread. These simple offerings, though meagre by Eamon's standards, were shared with generosity and kindness and enjoyed by all.

Eamon lifted his gaze toward the horizon, a different narrative began to unfold. The vastness of the landscape stretched out for miles, revealing a beauty that transcended the material. On the silhouette of a distant mountain, a tower rose, adorned with several purple circles that seemed to emit a mystical aura. In the sky above, despite the high position of the evening sun, a faint red moon graced the heavens.

At that moment, a profound realization washed over Eamon. seeing the vast world before him he came to finally accept that he was no longer in his old world and that this marked the start of a new life. The familiar world he once knew had dissolved, and Eamon stood on the starting line of a life yet to live.

In his previous life as Tristan, he was often perceived as stoic and indifferent, emotions were a luxury he seldom indulged in. His demeanour earned him a reputation for being cold and callous. However, as Eamon, the barriers crumbled, and an unfamiliar warmth enveloped his being. It was a sensation that swelled within his chest, squeezing his heart with an intensity he had long since thought himself incapable of feeling.

His heart, once seemingly impervious, now trembled as if awakening from a long slumber. His eyes welled up with tears that mirrored the surge of emotions swirling within him. Eamon, once the unyielding Tristan, released a cry that echoed through the air. It was a cry that encapsulated the weight of two lifetimes, a primal expression of the rebirth he had undergone.

Eamon's father, overtaken by panic, swiftly retreated into the safety of the hovel, tenderly passing his son back into the waiting arms of Eamon's mother. The relief in her eyes was palpable as she cradled him close, her maternal instincts kicking in to soothe the infant in her embrace. With gentle whispers and rhythmic strokes on Eamon's back, she worked to calm his distress, her soothing words and gentle maternal touch becoming his sanctuary, his cries softening with each passing second.

As the atmosphere within the home settled into tranquillity, Eamon's first challenge in this new life revealed itself. His mother, with a nurturing gaze, began to reveal her chest, a gesture signalling her intent to nurse him. A rush of embarrassment and confusion washed over Eamon, a child harbouring fragments of memories from multiple lifetimes where he'd lived many years. The simple motherly act to him seemed unnecessary and unsettling, leaving him mortified.

With a resigned acceptance, he closed his eyes, mentally blocking out the details, as his mother brought him close in an attempt to initiate the necessary nourishment. It was a moment of surrender, and recognition that some challenges in this life would demand adaptation beyond the intellectual understanding that his fragmented memories offered him.