
Apprentice Summoner: Summoned Eastern Cultivator

A talented young sorceress decided to become a Contract Summoner, only to find out that the summoned entity was a human. What the crowd didn't know was that the human was a eastern cultivator. And, he is also the strongest cultivator in the entire universe.

Seres_Thunders · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs


Only saw Zhu Qingyun slowly raise his hand, fingers slightly apart.

"Northern chill!"

With Zhu Qingyun as the center, the cold breath spread out like dark tentacles, continuously exploring outward.

The raging sea was directly frozen into ice.

The fallen dragon and the mysterious realm finally realized something was wrong, and both sides stopped fighting.

Incredibly, they looked at the "mortal" below.

Zhu Qingyun yawned and stretched his neck.

"Well, now you're surrounded by me. Two choices!"

"Come down by yourself and be killed by me. I guarantee your corpse will be intact."


Before he could finish speaking, the fallen dragon spewed out a breath, getting faster and faster.

It was about to approach Zhu Qingyun.


The dragon's breath heavily hit the ground, creating another huge crater, mixed with the power of death.

The smoke cleared, and the fallen dragon saw that the place it hit was empty.

It was somewhat puzzled.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind it.

"Second, I take the initiative, and your bones will not remain!"

The sudden voice startled the fallen dragon.

It couldn't figure out how this mortal had avoided its attack.

And how did he appear behind it!

There were clearly no fluctuations in power, so how could he achieve this level.

Zhu Qingyun grabbed the fallen dragon's horn before it fully formed.


The horn was directly pulled out by Zhu Qingyun.

The fallen dragon's brain trembled with pain.

The dragon horn was the source of power for the dragon race.

Now that the horn was pulled out, its strength was directly reduced by 95%!

Not to mention the mysterious mortal in front of it.

Even the mysterious realm that had trembled with it for a long time couldn't defeat it.

Inside the mysterious realm, the murmurs of the evil god continued.

Seeing the fallen dragon's greatly diminished strength, the extradimensional evil god was unwilling to give up such a great opportunity.

Continuously using mental power to corrupt this S-class monster.

"Light prison!"

A faint light turned into the shape of a prison, quickly sealing the fallen dragon inside.

Zhu Qingyun confirmed that the fallen dragon could never escape.

He turned and jumped into the mysterious realm.

At this time, the majority of the Exorcism Department's forces had arrived on the scene.

Although the S-class experts had not yet arrived, they absolutely could not sit and wait for death.

But when they arrived at the scene, the high-level members of the Exorcism Department were dumbfounded.

There seemed to be no problem with the beach in front of them.

The wind and waves were calm, making it seem like a perfect place for a beach barbecue party!

"What? What's going on?"

"Report, the nearby energy field is completely chaotic. I suspect that the coastal space has been completely isolated from another world."

"The beach in front of us is just an illusion."

"Let the personnel proficient in magic quickly crack it. We must rush to the beach!"

Inside the mysterious realm.

Zhu Qingyun strolled leisurely, as if he were walking in his own backyard.

The types of monsters here are very special.

They are hermaphrodites, half male and half female.

Their methods of attack are also unique.

When they saw Zhu Qingyun, they began to kneel on the ground.

Muttering words in their mouths, a large amount of mental pressure enveloped Zhu Qingyun.

However, Zhu Qingyun seemed to enjoy this mental contamination.

Instead of resisting, he accepted it all.

The monsters thought that their methods had succeeded since Zhu Qingyun didn't resist.

Little did they know, Zhu Qingyun spread out his palm.

An extremely evil small light ball slowly appeared in his hand.

"Your power is like the tail of a firefly. Is this all you've got?"

Zhu Qingyun directly removed all the evil oppression from the spiritual world and gathered it in his hand.

Then he threw it forward.

The light ball burst.

The murmurs of the evil god continued.

Even though the monsters were created by the evil god.

But in the face of the condensed spiritual contamination, they still couldn't resist.

In an instant, the monsters went crazy.

Like they were demented, standing in place, not even retaining their instincts.

"Well, that's just the appetizer. Don't hide behind anymore."

"I've seen through you!"

Outside the beach,

members of the Exorcism Bureau were still attempting to decipher the prohibitions left behind by Zhu Qingyun.

"No! This prohibition is unlike anything I've seen before. It seems to be a force not native to this world!"

"Is there no possibility of breaking it?"

"None, unless a master of prohibitions from headquarters comes over! Maybe they can do something!"

"Damn it, are we just going to sit here and wait?"

The higher-ups of the Exorcism Bureau, infuriated, kicked down a nearby tree.

Their eyes revealed impatience and frustration.

Inside the mysterious domain,

Zhu Qingyun watched from afar.

A dense gray mist slowly materialized, and from within emerged a seductive woman.

She held a long whip in her left hand and cradled an ancient book in her right.

The woman's expression was sly as she gazed at Zhu Qingyun with a hint of allure.

"Human? I have never seen such a formidable human before!"

"I am But He Lin, a demon god, the sole being who comprehends all truths in the world."

With that, the woman raised the book in her hand.

"Human, I offer you a chance to become my slave, and I will grant you eternal life."

Zhu Qingyun rolled his eyes.

"Alright, let's get on with it, no need for the theatrics."

The woman smirked coyly.

"Unruly? I don't mind."

"Book of Omniscience, heed my call and reveal the weaknesses of the individual before me!"

The woman's book floated in the air, its pages flipping one by one.

"The Book of Omniscience records the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of all individuals. You, who stand against me, will surely fall!"

As the woman performed her act, Zhu Qingyun remained calm, his eyes revealing a hint of pity.

The flipping of the book's pages grew faster and faster, seemingly never intending to stop.

The woman grew somewhat puzzled.

In the past, the Book of Omniscience took only a few seconds to find an opponent's weaknesses.

Then she would effortlessly crush them.

Why was it now flipping for nearly a minute without stopping?

Finally, the book ceased its flipping.

It landed back in the woman's hand.

"Mortal, I will give you one last chance to become my slave!"

The woman looked at Zhu Qingyun confidently.

It seemed she had him figured out!

With a contemptuous smile, the woman awaited Zhu Qingyun's response.

In the blink of an eye, a dark figure appeared before the woman.

Upon closer inspection, it was a massive slap.

The palm slowly approached the woman's face, as if time itself had stopped.

Smack smack

The crisp sound of a slap reverberated throughout the entire mysterious domain.

"Too much nonsense, here's a taste of reality!"

With a single slap, the woman was sent flying dozens of meters away!

At this moment, Lin Xiaonuo gradually regained consciousness, conveyed through the spiritual realm.

She witnessed the battle between Zhu Qingyun and the demon god.

During lessons at the academy, it was emphasized that the effectiveness of any technique, martial skill, or ability was determined by one's realm!

The stronger the individual, coupled with powerful techniques, the stronger they became!

Any strong individual could not escape this law.


Zhu Qingyun actually sent an S-class demon god flying with a single slap?

Just one slap?

What kind of martial skill was this?

An S-class powerhouse, regardless of the faction, would always be sought after and approached.

An obscure small sect.

If an S-class powerhouse suddenly appeared, the sect's influence could be directly elevated to a medium level.

One person raising a sect, one person raising a nation.

Such events were all caused by the appearance of strong individuals!

Due to the different power systems of the two worlds,

Lin Xiaonuo knew Zhu Qingyun was powerful, but she didn't know how powerful he truly was!

Previously, when he destroyed the Hundred Practice Tower, the Heavenly Human Nine Swords indeed shocked Lin Xiaonuo.

She thought that was Zhu Qingyun's trump card.

It was understandable for an S-class powerhouse to be defeated by someone of the same level using powerful techniques.

But now?

A single slap sent an S-class demon god flying!

What level was Zhu Qingyun exactly?

Inside the mysterious domain,

But He Lin was dumbfounded.

No matter how it contemplated, it couldn't understand how it was sent flying by that slap just now.

It was clear to But He Lin that Zhu Qingyun had merely delivered a casual slap.

If he had used a technique, it would have been dead already.

This kind of power, as a demon god, it had only seen in the Great Demon God.

But now, this mortal also possessed such strength.

In an instant,

But He Lin understood that it was definitely not Zhu Qingyun's match.

Quickly getting up, it immediately hid its presence.

At this moment, all it could think about was one thing.

Absolutely! Absolutely cannot engage in combat with this man.

It would die!

Seeing the demon god vanish before his eyes, Zhu Qingyun sighed.

"In such a small space, where else do you think you can hide?"

"Playing hide and seek, huh?"

Zhu Qingyun pointed his finger lightly in the air.

"Endlessly, I search your soul and seize your essence!"

Within the space, countless divine powers condensed into spikes, relentlessly piercing every corner.

But He Lin hadn't even had a chance to resist before being pierced by countless spikes.

In the air, blood sprayed, and the demon god, having lost its life, vanished without a trace.

"Don't get too cocky... mortal... the Lord will avenge me..."

"Your world will eventually become food for the demon gods!"

With that said, it completely dissipated.

[Merit +50000]


Zhu Qingyun didn't care about the demon god's words at all, he was ecstatic to see the merit increase.

He danced with excitement.

Looking around, with the mysterious domain losing support, it was about to collapse.

Zhu Qingyun dashed out.

As the domain was on the brink of collapse, the Book of Omniscience fell to the ground.

On the blank pages, Zhu Qingyun's weaknesses were written.
