

"BRO STOP" I yelled as I was being chased by a maniac equipped with a water gun. "Stop wasting the water!" I turned around and tried to stop him but was too late, the last thing i saw before I was shot was a crazed young man who seemed to be in his early 20s with jet black hair and as soon as I finished turning around, my face was hit by a water bullet.

"Hahaha" Adam could be seen putting his gun down whilst simultaneously rolling on the floor laughing. I took my glasses off and wiped them clean. As I was cleaning my glasses another young man walked down the stairs off the side of the the ship and said "Guys knock it off I'm trying to sleep."

We both looked at him and started laughing. "You look like a zombie bro, you good?" I asked. His disheveld brown hair and messy stubble couppled with his dead fish eyes made him look like a dead man walking. "I feel like one no thanks to you two."

He continued down the stairs until he was at the bottom and then pulled out a can of pepsi from who knows where and started to chug it. Once he finished he threw it overboard the ship and proceeded to the storage rooms. "Hey man we are gonna dock soon so we should probably start getting ready." I said to Adam. He nodded to me and we both proceeded to the storage room where Ben was already getting ready.

The storage room itself was lined with boxes, barrels and supplies. Multiple guns were on display aswell. On Ben's back a massive black military backpack could be seen and two similiar ones of different colors could be seen lying on the floor near a few containers. In the backpacks were our guns, special clothing and numerous supplies. There was also alot of space within them allowing for alot of extra storage for any of the loot we found. I squatted down next to the light green one and unzipped it. Inside the bag was a fully loaded g36k with a 50 rnd mag. I pulled the gun out and strapped it onto my now dry clothes. While we were getting prepared for yet another journey that would more than likely end in bad fortune, a loud alarm started blaring and the three of us at the same time picked our heads up and ran out onto the deck.

A dock could be seen a few hundred feet from us and on it were numerous bandits who didnt look the least bit happy to see us. I signaled to the other two to come over to me. "Guys what do we do? There's 7 of them and they're just as geared as us." I asked, "Fight them of course." Adam and Ben looked at me with eyes burning with the desire to fight. 'These battle maniacs..." Alright but how are we gonna do it?" I asked Ben totally disregarding Adam.

Adam was good at shooting but not so much planning an attack, almost as soon as we finished talking a loud voice could be heard coming from the direction of the docks. "STOP THE BOAT AND STEER YOUR SHUP TOWARDS THE DECK AND THROW YOUR WEAPONS OVER!" A tiny man with a loud voice was yelling at us from about 150 ft away. He stood at a staggering 5'1 and had brown short hair. It seemed as though he was standing on a box and because of that you could see his figure which had a massive lmg hanging around his neck. It was amazing how he could actually carry it. It looked almost gravity defying. Surrounding him were men of various shapes and sizes and they were all carrying either machine guns or automatic rifles. It was quite a scary but at the same time comical sight.

Well it would've been one, if me and these 2 other dumbasses weren't always looking for trouble. Before I even had a chance to respond Ben swung his rifle over his shoulder and fired 3 shots into the head of one of the guys behind the man on the box. Adam also quickly took out his m249 and unloaded on them. I honestly felt sorry for them because before I or them could even get a word out the remaing 2 bandits, including the hedgehog were hiding behind some metal containers. Now that I think about it I should've expected my two companions to fire on sight. After all they both bave a screw or two loose in their heads.

I quickly put away my rifle and pulled out 2 G18s both with an rpm of over 750 and loaded with 32 bullet magazines. I hopped over the boat edge once we were close enough and sprinted towards the container that they were hiding behind. I speedily climbed over the container and before they even knew it I was above them and firing. But to my suprise instead of firing back or even looking up the two men were actually dead or so I thought until the hedgehog looking man opened one of his eyes and quickly closed them again. It's worth mentioning that he was curled up in the fetal position and rocking back and forth. I felt kinda bad for the guy but, he started it. "Don't s-shoot me m-man I honestly didn't mean to hurt you guys, we were just gonna take some food and then let you go!"

The hedgehog was pleading for his life and I could feel that he was being genuine. Also the fact that he looked so pitiful made it so I couldn't help but feel bad. I decided to give him a second chance and pretend I didn't hear or see him. But I didn't forget to take away his weapons and ammunition. The next second I changes my mind, I had an idea.

I then turned around and walked back to him, I said. "Hey hedgehog you want to live right?" He got up and dusted himself off. "Yes please I will do anything!" I looked at him with an amused expression and turned around. When he looked up and saw that I had started walking towards my 2 friends he decided to do what any normal person does and follow the people who killed everyone he knew, to god knows where, although this was probably the best decision he had ever made.

Walking up to my two friends who were discussing loot distribution as always I asked "What happened this time?" Adam in an annoyed tone spoke first. "He stole my kill and wont give me this dead guys share of bullets." "You braindead idiot It cleary shows that There are only 5.56 Rounds here. You don't use them." Adam's face shifted a bit knowing that he had been found out. "Well either way I need the ammo, you know how I fight." "Yeah like a fucking chimpanzee" Ben spat back. "Guys chill out we all get 33% no matter what, and the extra 1% is used on zombies, you guys remember right?" The expressions on their faces shows that they totally "forgot" about this rule. "You guys never give up do you?" They both broke into laughter.

Meanwhile Hedgehog was standing beside the metal container where he was previously laying and watched the spectacle infront of him with horrified eyes. 'Didn't they just kill a bunch of people? How the hell are they so calm?' He was still shivering because of the near-death expeirience he was just apart of. 'Maybe I should go with them, they can definetely keep me safe.'

I called out to the man standing beside the metal container, "Hey Hedgehog! C'mover here!" I beckoned him over and he obediently came over. "Hedgehog? I feel like hes more of a groundhog." Ben said. Adam on the other hand spoke, "He's definetetly a Porcupine.." "Guys thats besides the point, we now have a personal luggage carrier!" I made a ta-da motion with both my hands and smiles grew on both of their faces. Hedgehog on the other hand was no longer wanting to go with them, he didn't want to become a fucking luggage carrier!

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