
Skilled humans

Noah from a corner watched the ongoing battle with no intention of helping the group, he had almost been killed because of a human earlier so he wasn't going to take his chances.

"Shit, they're too strong!" A tanned skin man with blonde hair said in anger as he pushed back against the dog that attempted to bite him with a club surrounded by nails.

"We have no other choice than to fight them, we can't bring them to the group," Another man said, he had long brown hair and was armed with daggers.

The dogs weren't simple to deal with since their sizes were increased and they had instincts that guided them from danger.

"Haaaa!" The tanned-skinned man yelled as he hit one of the dogs with great strength crushing the skull in a single hit.

[+10 Experience]

[+10 Coins]

"Nice one Bruce," Said a purple-haired lady who was armed with only a single dagger.

Seeing one of them being killed raged the dogs even more as they rushed at the group.


The purple-haired lady proved fast and agile as she dodged the attack of the dog and slashed at the neck of the dog with her dagger.

A large cut was formed but the dog didn't drop dead instead it attacked more fiercely.

"Tsk, Zombified bitch" She cursed slashing at the dog again this time exerting enough strength to remove the whole head.

[+10 Experience]

[+10 Coins]

Noah who had been watching could only stare in amusement, he never thought he would meet such skilled humans in his whole life.

Their teamwork and individual strengths were nothing to joke about.

Suddenly the blade that the brown-haired man held shined as he slashed the dogs, their skin was easily cut through and their heads were cut off easily.

[+20 Experience]

[+20 Coins]

The last zombie dog stared at the group, hatred burning in its eyes like flames.

The group stood their ground waiting for the dog to attack but it suddenly turned back and ran in the opposite direction.

"Ha... I didn't want to use that skill" The brown-haired man exhaled with a sigh as he stared at his sword.

"I'm getting hungry, I think we should get a rest," Bruce said with a soft smile as he rubbed his stomach.

"We only have cupped noodles left" Layla the purple-haired lady informed with a blank face.

"Would you care for some rice?" Noah suddenly appeared bringing out a flask from his bag and showing it to the group.

Instinctively they raised their weapons and stared at Noah with a cold gaze.

'I didn't even notice him' Layla thought gripping her dagger tightly ready to move into action.

"I-I mean no harm I was just passing by and heard his comment so I thought I should offer some food" Noah stuttered pointing at Bruce who only frowned his brows.

Max the brown-haired man knew that this boy had heard more than he said he did, it was likely that he had been watching them for a while now.

"Could you please put down your weapons?" Noah begged he was unsure if he would come out alive if he were to fight them.

Upon hearing him they slowly put down their weapons but they were still ready to strike at any moment.

"We'll have to accept your offer then" Max replied with a small smile as he broke upon the door of a house and led them into it.

After they were all inside he put the door back to prevent zombies from noticing them.

"How do we know this is not poisoned" Layla asked with her usual blank expression as she stared at the rice and curry.

"I guess I'll have the first taste," Noah said as he had a mouthful of rice and curry, he chewed then swallowed it.

"Does that satisfy your doubt?" Noah questioned as Bruce and Max joined in and had mouthfuls of rice and curry.

"Ha! Such delicious taste" They both said with starry eyes as they continued eating.

"Sorry for doubting you kid, you just approached us unexpectedly..." Max apologized, bowing his head lightly.

"It's no problem I understand," Noah said shaking his head, he then turned towards Layla for a moment before he faced his food.

"She doesn't speak much-" Max said noticing that Noah had looked towards her but he was interrupted, "Around strangers," Layla said with doubtful eyes starting at Noah.

"..." Noah didn't know how to reply instead he only continued eating his meal.

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