
Apocalypse Reborn Villainess's Evil Fat Brother

MC is bisexual Amelia is dead. Her spirit pet brought her to another world and threw her nascent soul into the body of a dying adopted Wang family's second young master. Unfortunately for him, his adopted sister is a reborn soul who knows that in the future he will torture his entire family for not loving him. Wang Ning is the Wang family's only daughter. She has a boyfriend who will fall for the heroine of the original work and leave her to share the powerful heroine with her elder brother along with a few others. In the novel the heroine who was previously ugly and poor, awakens the power to control the dead. The original heroine is not a delicate flower but a powerful woman who rises with the change. She can turn zombies into her own skeleton army as long as they are not more powerful than her. Her face that was previously hideous because of a large birthmark is purified by her power to control the dead. It is an innate aura that is accumulated in her body over time and then she can send it out to control the minds of the dead. This energy is very good for her and cleans her system making her as beautiful as a goddess. This is partly why men are willing to share her in the apocalyse.

Nangonjing · Khoa huyễn
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85 Chs


"You are really not aware?" Huo Jun's deep voice is tinged with surprise.

"I have been busy. I don't usually pay attention to the news outside my villa when I am busy with a project. Is anyone arrested yet?"

"Not yet but things are not optimistic." Jun watched Kai's reaction closely and concluded that he really doesn't know.

"How do you find my strawberry juice? Tasty no?" Kai changed the topic.

"It's also spirit juice. Where are you getting the spiritual ingredients? If you can tell me I will pay you handsomely." Jun leaned forward making Kai see his exposed skin in the unbuttoned collar.

"Mr. Huo Jun, are you seducing me?" Kai's eyes sparkled with delight at the prospect of this happening.

"That is not what is happening here." Jun had thought maybe this young man has access to a mysterious land where spiritual food can grow. 

"Oh...okay, you can tell me why you came here then." Kai is now interested to find out what is happening with the Wang family.

Seeing Kai's dejection, Jun is suddenly in a good mood. "I wanted to know if you have any other spirit medicine you would like to sell." He told the truth.

"I am in no hurry to offer up any products for now. But you seem like a reasonable man so maybe you can tell me what you need and If It is with in my abilities I will do whatever I can." Kai said

"Anything useful."

"Not very specific. How about giving me more artisan stone and I will pay with pills that I can take out? Also, what other types of ore do you have in stock? Can I see?" Being stared at by those eyes he just kept blabbering.

"Sorry, I get nervous when you have your eyes on me like that." He looked at the quiet guy in front of him in happiness. "Beautiful things really do improves the mood." He mummers low but Jun can hear him.

He has been good looking his entire life and many women and men have flirted with him over the years but none of them had such clear eyes while doing so. Kai's words are out there but they don't make Huo Jun feel disgusted in any way.

"So you like men?" Jun asked wondering what his response will be.

"I like you. Man or woman if you have the same eyes and the same cold breath on you. I will like you. Are we dating now?" Kai asked with a bright smile.


"But I just poured my heart out to you like that." Kai pouted.

"Did you steal the supplies belonging to the Wen family in the West?" The sudden question made Kai almost choke.

"Hey, you have to tell me if you're a police right?" Kai asked defensively making Jun's lip twitch.

"I am not a police. I will call you when I have a sample of more ore from our stock."

"You will call me?" Kai opened a draw in the kitchen and gave a small box to Jun.

"Better service network. Plus I get to see your face whenever you call." Kai gave him a smart bracelet.

"A gift?"

"It's a meeting gift." Kai said.

"I didn't get you anything." Jun wanted to return the gift but Kai opened the door for him to leave.

"I have to take care of something now please be on your way. I hope you contact me when you get the materials ready." He hurriedly made him leave.

For the first time he saw such a beautiful fairy, he is not about to let him return his first gift to him. Jun left and found his butler outside waiting for him diligently.

"You should have gone home."

"It was my pleasure to wait for young master." The butler answered humbly. 

Huo Jun is distractedly thinking about why Kai suddenly gave him a gift, opening the gift he saw a watch but there is something different about it somehow. He put it on and it attacked him drawing his blood.

"Welcome to the interface of the smart bracelet." Jun is rarely surprised but this surprised him. Especially after he spent time using the smart bracelets.

It seems Kai is more powerful than he had initially anticipated. He must be well connected if he is able to have something like this and give it up so easily. He decided to trade carefully where Kai is concerned.

The matter of the Wang family is escalating. Many witnesses and evidence is suddenly coming out in favor of putting Wang Yan to jail. It seems like it will be an open and shut case.

Kai decided to investigate who is targeting the Wang family through the embezzlement case and found that the trade union did try to build a case for years and didn't have any solid evidence but a few days ago they received a file anonymously.

Kai cracked the origin of the file and found it is the headquarters of the national defense department headed by the first leader of the country. He then searched their history and found that this is not the first time they do something like this.

Whenever they have their eyes on a research project and want to keep it for themselves, they would target the owner of the patent and made sure they are unable to fight back before walking over their bruised and broken bones on the way out with the patent on their hands.

Currently they probably want the Payne battery production rights and production methods. Instead of negotiating a deal, they did something sleazy like this. Kai is pissed.

This is why he wanted to be anonymous. People are just horrible. Feeling angered for some reason, he located all the members of the Payne battery team and wore a hoody.

He has level six spirit power. He can now take some memories from a person's brain. However, messing with the brain of people whose livelihood depends on the power of their minds doesn't feel right to Kai, so he found another way.

He used a sedative to knock them out. There are six people and they are all without spouses or families of their own. He then read their minds to see if they have any hard copy of the project. He destroyed the hard copies and all those on the computers for everyone including that first email to J. Payne.

After doing all this he took the fight to the defense department using an unused smart bracelet, he hacked into their system and released all the information about the previous project patent owners they have destroyed and put it on the internet.

These series of events took three days to complete. Kai is two cities away from his home with a mask on his face. It is a face that he created using the synthetic materials. It is a face of a person who doesn't exist. After he was done laying out the dirty laundry of the government in the internet, he disappeared.

The public became aware of all their shady practices in the past and how they force talent into their camp by putting them in jail and destroying their lives. Then they would appear like saviors in the last minute and pretend to help them.

Six years ago a mathematics genius was framed of murder for his school bullies but it was really these guys putting him in a situation where he would need them. This case was very big and the kid got sentenced life in prison.

The world now knows it was these guys who did it and framed the child. The country boiled in justified anger and took it to the streets. Highways, malls and even the people who are looking for ways to change the government system came out.

The department head was fired and many others resigned and a new body was appointed. The previous victims were compensated and Wang Yan went home.

Huo Jun always felt that something is wrong about the timing of the exposure.

"Wang Yan has already been released and all charges against him were dropped." Huo Jun spoke to his father, the current head of the family.

"We lost a lot of capital this time. That battery is a step in the right direction, but we won't have it now because some hacker with a god complex picked up a keyboard." Huo Guo is angry.

"They have no idea who did it?" Jun asked calmly.

"No clue. That person is a ghost. Even the best of Europe couldn't get a whiff of him." Huo Guo said.

"Do you remember where the accurate calculations and a working model for the Payne battery came from?" Huo Jun asked his father. 

"I remember, it was some fat kid pretending to be a ghost."

"Fat brain." Jun corrected.

"Usually we would find out about any projects before the team even starts but with this one it was too fast." Guo lamented.

"I think I know why." Huo Jun played with his smart bracelet.

"Why?" Guo raised an eyebrow in question.

"I will go confirm my conjectures first."


Huo Jun summoned his shadow guards and gave them specific instructions.

Wang Yan stayed at home to accompany his wife who had a scare when he was not around and was apprehend forcefully by the police 2 days before. It is just the two of them today in their manor because Chen has taken up residence in the new flats.

Out of nowhere a man appeared in front of Wang Yan and his wife scaring them. The several men walked in from all sides surrounding them and then a gap is created from which a young handsome man walks towards the couple.

Wang Yan recognizes him from a banquet he attended a long time ago. "The Huo family does things this way now?" He stood up and glared at the young man shielding his wife.

Huo Jun gave him one look that somehow made Yan shut up. As a business man he is able to read people and that boy feels like a dangerous man.

"It was not my intention to frighten you or your wife but I have a small mystery to solve. You were recently targeted by one if not the most powerful groups of people in the world and yet here you are, smelling flowers with your wife." Huo said taking a seat in front of the couple.

His entire aura is a mixture of charm and ruthlessness that makes people instantly feel threatened. Making Wang Yan not dare to be careless. He quickly thought whether h has done something to incur the anger of the almighty Huo family.

"Do you think you were lucky?" Huo asked him coldly.

"I think so, I was arrested the same time that defense department will be targeted for their misdeeds." Wang Yan is a selfish person, he hadn't even considered any of this and had assumed he got luck or else who knows what they would have done to him.

Huo Jun chuckles at the ignorance of the man. "Do you know how many projects were obtained by the department using the same means in the past?" Jun asks him.

"I don't know." 

"Hundreds. As long as the department wanted it. Buy as soon as they target you for the battery, they get burnt. Aren't you curious?" Jun asked Wang Yan whose eyes widened at the revelation.

"You might have realized now that you have a guardian angel fighting the world for you. Are you happy?" Huo asked but his tone doesn't show any interest. There is even a hint of mockery.

"There's too much speculation here." Wang Yan is skeptical.

"Understandably you may doubt my suggestion but soon you will change your mind."

"How did you know that Payne got that email that day? We interviewed him and he said it was a few minutes after he received it that you called and offered to invest. Do you know fat brain?" Huo Jun asked the big question at last.

Wang Yan held his breath. "Are you saying that fat brain protected me?" Why would he?

"I know you may have many thoughts in your head about possibly trying to deceive me but let me run something by you. The reason I suddenly appeared in your home like this is because this meeting never happened." Huo Jun smiled when he saw dread in Yan's eyes.

"I am currently holding a conference call with a local oil company and we may have a deal that will benefit both parties soon." Jun continues.

"What's your point?" Yan slapped the table making his wife close her eyes in fear.

"My point is that I have many ways to make you talk and they are not very....majestic. It is the kind of thing that happens in the dark dungeons of places that do not exist on Google maps." Wang heard this for what it is, a threat.

"And remember, I was never here and unless you give me what I came here for, the two of us will visit one of those nonexistent places we were chatting about just now." His tone has gotten colder making Wang Yan feel suffocated.

"Kai is fat brain. I don't understand why would he go against the government and the office of the first leader for me after what I did to him, the logical thing to do would be to watch and enjoy my demise."

"There is no place for logic in the human heart. Mr. Wang." He stood up "Thank you for your time." Huo Jun left the Wang family manor.
