
Apocalypse Reborn Villainess's Evil Fat Brother

MC is bisexual Amelia is dead. Her spirit pet brought her to another world and threw her nascent soul into the body of a dying adopted Wang family's second young master. Unfortunately for him, his adopted sister is a reborn soul who knows that in the future he will torture his entire family for not loving him. Wang Ning is the Wang family's only daughter. She has a boyfriend who will fall for the heroine of the original work and leave her to share the powerful heroine with her elder brother along with a few others. In the novel the heroine who was previously ugly and poor, awakens the power to control the dead. The original heroine is not a delicate flower but a powerful woman who rises with the change. She can turn zombies into her own skeleton army as long as they are not more powerful than her. Her face that was previously hideous because of a large birthmark is purified by her power to control the dead. It is an innate aura that is accumulated in her body over time and then she can send it out to control the minds of the dead. This energy is very good for her and cleans her system making her as beautiful as a goddess. This is partly why men are willing to share her in the apocalyse.

Nangonjing · Khoa huyễn
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85 Chs

Huo Auction House

It is not just Ning who is suffering. The energy exchange system is being drained of all its power. In the end, Ning is left with a space jade that has a large space occupied by materials. Her previously stored supplies are organized neatly inside.

She will not have the ability to cultivate in the future but she may use the space with her remaining mental strength. Wang Ning regretted it now. She shouldn't have gone after Kai so strongly especially after she knew he is different from before.

She keeps calling out to the system in her head but the system reported lower and lower percentage of power remaining. Previously the system had slept for a long time before it was awaken by her, now there is no telling when it will come back.

Wang Ning felt numb as the police officer took her to the hospital and cuffed her on the hospital bed so she doesn't escape. When she could finally move her hands, she found out she is cuffed on both hands.

When the doctor said she is okay but just weaker than normal people because of the foreign substance in her system, she was transported to the maximum security women's prison.

Her case was open and shut, there was no need for too much proceeding. She killed a defenseless woman on tv. The state had long issued a sentence of life in prison.

The Huo family is one of the four most prestigious families in the central city. They are never involved in open conflicts like most wealthy families but the other three families are well aware of how powerful they are. For instance, the Wen family is very rich in terms of liquid assets and general trading prowess.

The Huo family is more into the heavy stuff such as oil and other minerals that countries would go to war for. They dabble on such trading with international bigwigs. When the Huo family speaks, the world leaders listen. This is the difference between money and power.

All the families would sacrifice their family's first born to be in good terms with the Huo family. It is that exaggerated and that is just the surface.

Kai seemed to have been taken into an expressive looking private box. He sat down opposite a young man of about 26 years of age. His eyes are shining with curiosity as they follow Kai into his seat. He wears a suit and the impeccable hairstyle makes him look like a beautiful drawing.

Sharp jawline, straight nose and sword like eyebrows. What drew Kai in is his obvious European lineage. His black hair and deep blue eyes showing a mixture of Asian and foreign bloodline.

Seeing how Kai is openly ogling his face without an ounce of shame, Huo Aiguo felt amused. This child seems simple enough.

"Good evening Mr...?" Aiguo wanted the other party to introduce himself.


"No last name?" He is testing to see his reaction.

"No, you are?" Kai asked unbothered by the man's question.

"I am Huo Aiguo. I hear you are selling? I'd like to examine the goods." Aiguo said and Kai took out a bottle of bright green pills and handed them over.

"Can cure mild to high level poisoning. It is a medium high grade. This is a delightful surprise for our Huo auction house. How much do you want for it?" He looked at Kai who doesn't seem nervous or intimidated by his presence.

"I want you to tell me how much I can get for it Mr. Huo, I am not a businessman."

"This is rare items, people don't usually sell items like these, but it will go for 3 million dollars a pill."

"I see, you sell it for me then." Kai said dismissively.

"If I may, are you selling these because you are short on money?" Ai inquired because he wanted to accept more pills if Kai has them.

"I am short on research materials. I came to take a look around. Is it possible for me to get a private room?" Kai doesn't want people in his business.

"Are you the alchemist who made these?" The man gave Kai a scorching look making him swallow all of a sudden.

"Mr. Huo, if you want to know what's under my skirt, at least buy me a drink first." Kai sad with his now black eyebrows playfully moving up and down.

"Ehem..what I meant to ask is whether you happen to have another type of medicine you would like to sell?" Huo Aiguo coughed. Kai didn't notice the red tip of his ears.

"Well, I have a pill to grow hair and nails. The results are immediate."

"I want to test it out first. I have never heard of such a pill before." He made eye contact with a woman who was just standing by the door and she left. Coming back shortly with a man who has a large bold spot on the back of his head.

They made him eat the pill and Aiguo can see hair growing out of the previously empty space covering his head in thick silky strands. A short while later, his hair reached up to his waist.

"Very freaky." Kai said in disgust. He has never tested the pill before. It is not a spirit medicine so he doesn't value it too much.

"This will make many people very happy." Huo Aiguo said after he dismissed the man. "But how long does the effect last?"

"That excessive growth will only happen once but from now on, every place that should have hair growing will have it. If he shaves it off, it will naturally grow back at a normal pace." Kai explained.

"In other words, this pill cures balding completely?"

"Yes." Kai readily agreed.

"How many pills are you willing to give us?"

"Three." Kai took out three pills.

"The materials you lack. Are they for making medicine or?"

"Anything that will catch my eyes."

"Then I wish to join you, in fact you may stay here and bid on whatever you want." Kai doesn't like the way the man is now looking at him, like he is a treasure chest. But this box is very comfortable.

"I will accept your invitation. When is this thing starting any ways?" Kai left his current position and sat on a comfortable couch a distance away from Huo Ai.

Looking at Kai closing his eyes as if sleeping, Aiguo knows he is meditating. He, like most members of his family are a military people who cultivate spirit qi. They are not in the military database and can only be called in when there is a crisis.

There is not many of them in the family but enough to hold a fort. Their family is very secretive about their heritage so no one knows this part of their family unless it is a member of the family born with a spirit root.

The most powerful members of their family is a gold core formation realm expert that non of them know where he went. Their cultivation manuals are only at this level but non of them had been able to reach it because of the scarce spirit qi and other spirit resources.

Seeing someone who can make medicine is his fortune but this little ancestor seems a little peculiar. He left the private room promising to come back.

"I thought he will never leave." Kai fell asleep.

On the lower ground of the auction house, Aiguo made a report to his younger brother who is currently in S city. "An alchemist? Are you sure?" A deep voice came from the speaker. The tone doesn't sound like a younger brother talking to his older brother.

"He gave the medicine but he won't say whether it is him who made it or not." In fact, Aiguo's tone sounds nervous as if he is taking to his superior.

"He caught someone who snuck in using an invisibility charm. He threw something on this person and they appeared in front of everyone. The substance he threw also took away the girl's cultivation base turning her into a normal person." Aiguo reported everything.

"That is a dangerous substance. Did you ask him about it?" The to e got colder.


"Good. I will come back after tomorrow's meeting. I want to meet the alchemist myself."

"He seems very young though, around 16 years."

"I see." He is surprised by this news but miracles do happen.

Kai woke up when the auction began. Items came one by one but they are mostly useless to him. Most are very old medical herbs that Kai has in his space in bundles. He can grow normal spirit herbs into thousand years old priceless herbs that he will use for pills later.

He now has a warehouse built for spirit herbs. The robots help him harvest whenever the plants are ready. Kai has been buying a lot of medical herb saplings for this purpose. The space black soil allows her plants to mature faster.

A white stone is put up for auction downstairs. No one knows what exactly is it but Kai knew at a glance what it is and he wanted it. Because of lack of information, he bought it at 500 dollars without anyone fighting him for it.

"Master Kai, may I ask what is it?" Kai is in a good mood.

"Do you have more?"

"No. But we have other exotic minerals that we don't know what they are used for." Huo Ai answered honestly.

"Can you show them to me?"

"Yes but if you know what they are you must tell me."

"Alright." Kai agreed.

The next item is a dagger. It can allow the person to be very light when using it. The dagger is a low level artifact with wind spirit rune carved into it. When a person grabs it, their entire body is engulfed in wind element making their movements light and fast.

Kai didn't seem very interested in this item which surprised Huo Ai who thought the little alchemist would be amazed at the power of a simple dagger. But the boy is so bored he is even yawning.

A servant walked in holding a tray of rocks. Kai saw two that he recognized according to the pictures and descriptions in the artifact book. One is very valuable to Kai, he can use it to turn his robots into powerful puppets materials.

The robots that have artificially created bones and muscles, they are not strong enough to endure attacks. But if he has this material, he can turn their bodies into armor materials. This is how some artisans make clothes that are armor and can protect the wearer from attacks even as they are soft to the touch.

He has the refinement method, now he just needs this resource. He pointed at the ore and asked "How much of this item do you have?"

"A few mines outside the country and many inside the country. Do you have knowledge of what this is?" Ai has obvious anticipation in his eyes.

"It is a material that when refined properly can be turned into artifacts depending on what the artisan wants to make."


"Artifacts such as armor or even rune weapons. It all depends on the other available materials." Kai explained.

"So this item is of great value?" Huo Ai asked.

"To the right people, it is very important."

"What about the others?"

"The one I bought is a space stone. It can allow an artifact to have a separate space that can only be accessed by the owner."

"Really?" Huo doesn't sound very convinced.

"I don't know the others." Kai didn't bother explaining himself or trying to convince the man.

"Thank you Mr. Kai. As for your payment." He gave him a few hundred pounds of ore and Kai is very happy with it.

He now knows these mineral ores exist. All he has to do is look for it. From now on he will refine the body parts of his army. Kai had ask for the driver to take him home.

He took back the several heavy sacks of ore into his space. There is only a few weeks before he is free from going to do community service at the home.

He received an unexpected call from Paige. She sounded out of it. "I am outside your house." She said. Kai opened the door and saw her in a skimpy dress. Although sexy, it does make her look cheap.

He looked at her standing there and wondered what is her plan? Take him to a club and get him in trouble again?

"Kai, are you going to invite me in?" She walked in before he could answer her.

Kai is 15 but he is very tall and have wide shoulders with strong arms that he is now almost as tall at Wang Chen who is 1'7 he looks 19 years old if one doesn't look closely at the immature face with a bit of baby fat.

"What are you doing here Paige?" He seems tired. This woman is really at making Kai wonder about his choices in life.

"Would you believe me if I said I missed you?" She held his arm. He can smell the alcohol in her breath.
