
Apocalypse Reborn Villainess's Evil Fat Brother

MC is bisexual Amelia is dead. Her spirit pet brought her to another world and threw her nascent soul into the body of a dying adopted Wang family's second young master. Unfortunately for him, his adopted sister is a reborn soul who knows that in the future he will torture his entire family for not loving him. Wang Ning is the Wang family's only daughter. She has a boyfriend who will fall for the heroine of the original work and leave her to share the powerful heroine with her elder brother along with a few others. In the novel the heroine who was previously ugly and poor, awakens the power to control the dead. The original heroine is not a delicate flower but a powerful woman who rises with the change. She can turn zombies into her own skeleton army as long as they are not more powerful than her. Her face that was previously hideous because of a large birthmark is purified by her power to control the dead. It is an innate aura that is accumulated in her body over time and then she can send it out to control the minds of the dead. This energy is very good for her and cleans her system making her as beautiful as a goddess. This is partly why men are willing to share her in the apocalyse.

Nangonjing · Khoa huyễn
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85 Chs

First Encounter

Kai had stayed with his brother while talking with the girls as they try various means to charm him into making him give them his beauty products, in the end they took his number and promised to call him.

In the parking lot a man with an overly pale complexion and white eyes approached their group. The people are mostly tipsy while the drivers opened the door. No one saw where the man came from he jumped on Wen Mo and bit into his chest. The stench from the individual is overpowering that everyone took an involuntary step back.

The girls screamed and the others moved away. Liu Aang pulled the man away from Wen Mo but the man turned and growled at him. He wanted to bite into Liu Aang's neck in response. They are so close to each other, so much so that there is no way for Aang to avoid it. Liu Aang can smell the rotten breath from the man's mouth, there is even foul smelling liquid dropping from the creature's mouth. 

Liu Aang became petrified by the ugly thing. He couldn't move or shout, he is so scared that his heart beat loudly in his chest and his legs couldn't move no matter how much he wanted to run away. He became sure that this is the day that he dies in the hands of this thing. He even closed his eyes and waited for the pain.

Kai took a step forward as if to confront the zombie, Wang Chen tried to pull him back but it is too late. Kai reached the three people in a few steps and without hesitation pulled the growling man by the hospital gown and slammed him on the ground so hard it made the ground crack. Liu opened his eyes and saw this sight. 

Stunned, he quickly regained his bearings and moved away from the scene with labored breath. Kai quickly moved away careful not to be grabbed by the man. Wang Chen dragged him back to their previous position with an iron grip on his brother's arm. 

"The man is infected with some kind of infectious diseases. If you let him scratch or bite you, you will become like him." Kai cautioned and everyone moved away from the man and someone called the police.

"How do you know that?" Wang Chen asked. He is still angry at Kai for jumping into danger before. But seeing that he is okay helped him calm down. 

"I saw it in the movie. The people there eat the meat of the living. Brother, I think that was the start of the apocalypse. Do you think I can be the male lead and have many women in my harem?" Kai asked the amused Chen with shining eyes.

The driver is also amused. "Try by getting one woman first." Chen asked with a laugh.

"I can get a girlfriend if I want." Kai grumbles making the two people chuckle at his expense.

"Like I said, try getting one girl to like you before getting an army of them to fight for your attention." Chen said.

"You are wrong brother. It's better to have more, that way they can manage each other. Women are seem like a lot of work."

"Hahaha.." Wang Chen laughed at his silly jokes but in his heart he has questions.

Is the calamity Ning'er spoke of finally happening? Then....is the supplies he had stored enough? Should he get more supplies? If this is true then the ones to come out on top will be the Wen family that has big supply chains of supermarkets all over the world.

Should he treat Wen Fang to a meal and talk to her or should he sabotage their local warehouses and take them over somehow? But dealing with a conglomerate like the Wen family is not a small matter.

Perhaps he should speak with his father about this. Sighing he decided to think about it more when he gets home.

"I am going to buy seeds and water tomorrow morning so that we can still have food and water if the world end." Kai said in a low voice but Chen still heard him.

The police took the man away. They found out that he escaped from a hospital morgue and it seems he is not the only one unaccounted for.

Kai opened the computer and ordered large water tanks with water inside. He asked to collect them tomorrow morning. It seems that the man had a burning stench that he has been smelling in the air.

He fell asleep still thinking how similar the man was to the zombies in the movies.

Kai called the family doctor to heck if he still needs to take the heart medication.

"Young master I hate to break it to you but heart diseases are not cured as easily as losing weight."

"Gee, thanks. Now do the tests I have an appointment." Kai didn't give this man a good attitude. He was looking at him like he is looking at an idiot. The doctor wanted to have an attitude of his own when Wang Chen gave him a look.

He did the tests and the preliminary results showed no problem but there is still the other tests that need to go through a lab. He will have to wait for tomorrow for that one.

"All this so you don't have to take medication?" Wang Chen asked.

"These medications will give me other problems if I take them without having the right disease." He explained to Wang Chen.

"Young master you have had it for so long, you don't think just by losing weight it will automatically disappear do you?" The doctor's tone is thick with sarcasm.

"Dr. Wei, is this how you talk to the young master of your employer?" Wang Chen frowned.

"We are done here are we? Then please let me know of the results as soon as you get them Dr. Wei." Kai said to the flustered man and then turned to look at his brother when the doctor made a run for it.

"Why do you have time to come to me anyway?" Kai asked his older brother.

"What did you give the girl named Paige?"

"You saw that did you?"

"Yeah. What was it?"

Kai took out a green pill in a small bottle after going to the basement. "It is a detoxifying pill. It will cure minor poisoning. She was being annoying so I detoxed her. Is she suing?"

"No, I was just curious. Do you mind if I keep it?"

"Go ahead, in fact take more. Incase you encounter a human octopus who doesn't want to let go." He gave him a few more.

"Which college are you going to?" Wang Chen suddenly asked.

"Is this urgent? Can I think about it?" Kai scratched his head.

"You already graduated from high school you should think about the future." Chen spoke in a serious tone.

"But the future is so far... besides the most brilliant scientific papers have been read and proved by me. What can they teach me at this time? How about I just think about it for a few more years? Schools are not going anywhere." He rambled.

"Have an answer by Monday." Chen said sternly

"Argh." He whined. "Anyways, is the old lady okay? Dad didn't do too much damage did he?" Kai asked worried about Wang Yan's reputation.

Wang Chen shook his head. "She is in a coma but the doctors said it is because she was frightened too much."

"I see." Kai didn't really care about that woman but if it will disturb his peace here he might have to do something.

After small talk Wang Chen left to take care of gathering more supplies and open more land in the family mountains which his father approved without much hustle.

Kai went to the largest water company in the country which is a long drive away. That is why he took a taxi there.

The manager took him to the warehouses where they store the hundreds of liters worth of water tanks. He bought all of them and paid with a card. He took the key and left to come back for it in the future.

He came at night and took all the items into the space. Large tanks, big bottles and small bottles in large quantities were all stored in the space in one go. He left with the key and gave it back the next day.

Kai visited the market and bought many seeds as long as it can be eaten after it ripen he bought it. Vegetables, fruits, rice, wheat, corn, greens and others.

Ever since seeing that monster in the parking lot he has had a bad feeling like his relaxed life will be fucked up any moment now. He hopes that he can at least feed himself and the Wang family if something bad really happens.

Kai doesn't want to be the hero but he wants to still have the same space he has now. He also doesn't want his family to suffer. He checked the news and the information in the black market said that a virus is spreading carelessly and will probably affect the way of life soon.

So Kai will take on the duty of getting supplies for the family and also make more of the robots capable of protecting them so that if the man eating monsters came, they can still survive and live like before.

Kai thinks this is why he has that mysterious space to store food and water for the Wang family and facilitate his easy life. He compiled a short list. Make the robots, get seeds, get the meat from the country side.

If the zombie apocalypse like in the movie happens then no one will make and sell meat in the shops anymore. He will have to raise the cattle himself and make meat from there as time goes by.

But if he puts living animals in the space wouldn't they be tempted to drink the devil water and die miserably? He sighed and entered the space to make walls around the lake using his thought.

He can somehow change the terrain of the place with a thought.

He opened a place to make a fish pond. It ended up being a very big pond so he bought living fish to put inside. When he saw that things stay fresh in the space and living things can be brought in, he went to the farms and bought back four of each animal.

He rented a barn and at night he put all of it inside his space. He may have also put tap water in another open pond for feeding the animals and watering the crops at that time.

Now, he has water, food that can be planted and live animals for meat. The only thing missing is necessities. He looked on line and made a deal through the email to buy all the stock of a large supermarket including the things in the warehouse.

He knew he will be stuck with all these things if the zombie apocalypse doesn't come but he is not worried at all about this. Don't be afraid of ten thousand just incase.

He had accidentally taken the shelves which is very weird since they should be nailed to the ground. But he prepared the items in the boxes or packed neatly in the shelves with clear descriptions of what they are.

"Mr. Wang You didn't pay for the shelves." The man who had made the deal to sell everything inside his supermarket complained.

"Aren't you selling the shop?" Kai asked him coldly. This person had taken the chance to sell the items with 20% above the market price when he heard Kai's request to keep the sale a secret.

"Yes but it's a shop, how can it be bare like this?" The man is probably trying to get more money out of Kai.

"The people are going to make a hotel here I don't suppose they will use your shelves will they? You see a young master and you want to rob? Should I delay this little deal you have with the Liu family? If you don't pay the bank loan this month...who knows what those black hearted banks will do to the value of your property." The blue iris looked at him in amusement. The shop owner felt goosebumps.

"Are you cold?" Kai's face returned to being friendly again.

"Say hi to Isabel for me. You have such a sweet family Mr. Shore....appreciate it. Bye bye." He left. The man exhaled long and sharply. 'What a little devil.'

Kai had researched the man he was going to buy his items from, after all he has already done this 4 times already. He is very pleased with the organization system he implemented in the space.

There is a raw of warehouses for the staff he bought from the supermarket. The food, the cold food, the beverages. And then there's the non food area like soap and other everyday items.

Then there is the fields for planting crops. There is the wide area that has been separated into segments for the animals. Since the space is very big, he wasn't stingy with the space given to each animal type.

There is the water in the large lake where the fishes are grown. He feels like he is almost done and it only took the two days to collect after the online purchase.


The weather is suddenly windy all the time. It is still in the middle of summer so it should be warm. This plus the abnormal behavior of the animals these days people started saying the world will come to an end soon.

Kai decided to get a warehouse of blanket and winter clothing. He has space anyways it will remain as good as new in his space.

After doing the same thing in a variety clothing shop and the blankets and bedding shops he decided not to buy furniture. It may be over kill.