
Apocalypse: A Gathering of Beauties in My Base

In the haze of the world's end, humanity is plunged into despair. Yet, amidst this desolate apocalypse, there is one who shines like a meteor piercing the dark night. Dylan, a fortunate soul reborn by accident, possesses spatial abilities from his past life. He returns to the world ten days before the impending apocalypse. Unlike others, he does not succumb to fear and sorrow but brims with ambition. To him, doomsday is merely a millionaire's vacation. He lavishly hoards supplies, constructs the most luxurious temporary shelters, customizes deluxe off-road RVs and large yachts. While others struggle to acquire temporal energy, he indulges in luxury, reveling night after night. Yet, he is not merely a hedonistic tycoon. Confronting the invasion of extraterrestrial species, he faces them without fear, directly challenging their strongholds. Behind him, stands a group of beauty supporters who find hope because of Dylan's existence. And those extraterrestrial species will face unprecedented threats. In the world of doomsday, Dylan becomes a beacon of light, his life akin to an eternal flame, illuminating humanity's path of hope. As for the extraterrestrial species, they may think they can easily crush humanity's last hope. However, they fail to realize that they will face a challenger brimming with courage, an indomitable symbol of humanity—Dylan.

MidnightEcho · Khoa huyễn
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100 Chs

Women Only Admire the Strong

"Are you willing?"


Dylan stared into Georgia's eyes, earnestly inviting her.


Georgia's eyes glistened with moisture. She was delighted that Dylan and his group valued her so much.


Yesterday, when she first saw Dylan and his team and witnessed their formidable combat power, she had thought about trying to recruit them.


However, after this morning's battle, Georgia understood that her combat skills were way below par.


She and Dylan's group were not even in the same league.


Especially Dylan, the leader, his combat power was off the charts. Even with ten of her, she might not be able to match him.


Women always admire the strong. In Georgia's eyes, Dylan was the strongest person she had ever seen.


Besides his strength, what made him more appealing was his handsome face, which she couldn't help but admire.


Moreover, Dylan's attitude towards outsiders and towards his own people was completely different.


She could sense that Dylan was a protective person, someone trustworthy and reliable.


Besides, there were three beautiful women here, so it wouldn't be so awkward for her to stay.


So, she had already wanted to stay.


"Agree to it, agree to it!" Jodie couldn't help but clap her hands and shout.


Alberta glared at Jodie harshly, making her shrink back in fear.


"Oops, my bad!" Jodie chuckled nervously.


Dylan had a black line on his face. Jodie's disruption made it seem like he was going to propose to Georgia.


Georgia felt a little embarrassed, her face turning red.


But she still took a deep breath and said firmly to Dylan, "Okay, I'm willing!"


"Yeah! That's great! Georgia sis, from now on, we're family!" Jodie jumped up.


Alberta also hugged Georgia happily. "Welcome to join us, sis!"


Dorothy picked up a bottle of wine and stood up, holding it up. "Great! We should celebrate. Celebrate that we have one more good sister!"


Now, the happiest person was Dylan.


Although he seemed calm on the surface, he was actually excited inside.


He opened all the beer bottles and put them on the table, then grabbed one for himself.


"Well, we should celebrate. I'm going to chug three bottles in a row."


"Sure, go for it!"


True to his word, amidst the cheers of the women, Dylan chugged three bottles in a row, still not changing his expression.


Being influenced by Dylan's emotions, Alberta and the others each chugged a bottle too.


It had to be said that since they followed Dylan, their tolerance for alcohol had increased.


"Oh, there's still a procedure, right? Georgia sis, please make a vow to Dylan!" Jodie reminded.


Georgia was a bit puzzled. What? Do I have to make a vow? And to Dylan?


Are we still doing that here?


She looked at Dylan with some confusion, and the latter laughed, "No need, no need, it's just a formality. Let's skip it!"Jodie pouted when Georgia declined, saying, "What do you mean, you didn't want to? You made us swear back then!"


Seeing Dylan's embarrassment, Georgia seemed to understand his concern.


What's the most important thing in a team?


Of course, it's loyalty and cohesion!


Georgia understood this.


 To avoid putting Dylan in a difficult position, she faced him, stood straight, and said sincerely, "Dylan, I don't believe in oaths.


 But, I give you my word as a person, I will definitely treat you all as my family.


 I will never betray you!"


"Good! I trust you!" Dylan nodded solemnly.


"And one more thing, you must obey Dylan's commands without question," Jodie added.


Before Georgia could respond, Dylan quickly spoke up, "How about this, Georgia has received professional training and has been a team leader.


She's more experienced than us.


 In the future, she'll lead our team in combat operations.


 This is her specialty."


Dylan paused, then looked at everyone sharply, emphasizing, "But! The overall strategy and deployment must be decided by me! You must obey unconditionally! Because I know the future changes better than any of you!"


Although Georgia didn't understand why Dylan was so confident, she understood that Dylan must have the ability to lead the women so powerfully.


Moreover, Dylan already valued her, and she wasn't one to underestimate herself.


"Okay! I obey!"


Seeing Georgia's commitment, Dylan reverted to his harmless look.


He glanced at Alberta discreetly, and she nodded subtly. Dylan smiled knowingly. Alright! Passed!


"Oh, by the way, now that we have five people, we can form a small squad. How about giving our squad a name?" Jodie suggested suddenly.


Dylan noticed Jodie's sharp wit. She could come up with anything. It was completely inconsistent with her calm demeanor when playing the flute!


But Jodie's suggestion was good, and Dylan felt they should establish an identity for themselves.




"Afterwards, anyone who wants to join our team, let's call it 'flock of sheep,' haha!"


Dylan was quite satisfied. "Good idea, I like it!"


Just as he was feeling pleased with himself, Jodie suddenly remarked to Georgia, "But, Georgia, your police dog is also named Dylan, isn't that a bit confusing?"


The smile on Dylan's face froze suddenly, and he glared at Jodie, saying, "Mind your own business, pot calling the kettle black!"


He glanced at the police dog, Dylan, who was gnawing on a sheep bone under the table.


Dylan thought to himself: This dog shouldn't stay here for too long!




The blizzard outside had stopped as quickly as it had come.


Dylan and his group of five kept drinking until midnight.


During this time, Dylan roughly recounted the disasters that were going to happen in the future to Georgia again, leaving her stunned.


Dylan also demonstrated his spatial ability without reservation in front of everyone.


He kept taking things out of the space, just like Doraemon.


This thoroughly impressed Georgia and Jodie with the power of his spatial ability.


Georgia remarked, "Wow! So good at showing off!"


However, Jodie accidentally found a pair of sheer black stockings among the things Dylan took out.


"Dylan, why do you have stockings in your space? So transparent! Whose did you steal?"


Dylan looked embarrassed. How did he accidentally bring this thing out?


Alberta looked at Jodie holding up the stockings and then glanced at Dylan with a scrutinizing look.


Dylan quickly snatched the stockings back and said somewhat embarrassedly, "Heh, these are for Alberta, sorry for the misunderstanding!"


The women suddenly realized, gaping at Alberta.


"Oh, so you guys are into this!"


Alberta blushed instantly and gave Dylan a glare, saying, "Don't listen to him, I had no idea!"


Seeing that some still didn't believe, Alberta smiled at them and hurriedly went upstairs.


"I... I'm going to bed first, you guys chat!"


Seeing Alberta run upstairs, Dylan felt it was inappropriate to stay any longer.


"I'll go to bed too, bye!"


With that, he took the stockings and followed upstairs.


Leaving Dorothy, Jodie, and Georgia staring at each other.




Inside the master bedroom on the third floor.


"Alberta, try putting these on, let me see if they fit!"


Dylan handed the stockings to Alberta and looked at her expectantly.


"I don't know, they look too sheer!"


"That's why you should wear them, hurry up! Be a good girl!"


"Are you really giving me these stockings?"


"Of course, who else would I give them to?"


"Well... okay, close your eyes first! I'll let you see them when I'm ready!"




A few minutes later...