
Apocalypse - Evil Shelter System

[Shelter System successfully bound to host!] [Option One: City of Light, save the survivors in the apocalypse and become a glorious and benevolent savior.] [Option Two: City of Darkness, humans who enter the City of Darkness can only become your slaves. And you, will be the devil ruling over the apocalypse.] Sorry, I am no saint, I choose City of Darkness! From today onwards, I will be a villain!

AllenWorker · Khoa huyễn
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386 Chs

Back to the Warehouse

If Li Wan Ning and Shen Tingting hadn't been beautiful, fulfilling his own emptiness, Alex would not have bothered to save them. Besides, if he did rescue those people, what if they betrayed him? 

Although Alex was strong, there were five robust men among them. If they conspired against him, he couldn't guarantee his safety. What if they took over his castle? Claimed his women? 

Moreover, these guys looked tall and handsome. If he let them into his castle, even if he could control them as slaves, what if they seduced his women behind his back when he was out hunting zombies? That would be inviting trouble. 

With only him as a man, the two women were completely obedient. If there were more attractive, strong men around, Alex couldn't be sure how they might react. 

Women! Alex had seen enough of their fawning behavior, so he would definitely not give them any opportunity.

"If you really want to save them, I can open the door and let you out," Alex said coldly, sweeping his gaze over Li Wan Ning.

Li Wan Ning immediately realized her mistake and stepped back, her eyes slightly moist.

After a while, Alex suddenly laughed and said, "You must be thinking, am I too selfish?" 

Without waiting for a response, Alex continued, "Yes! I am selfish! The life and death of others do not concern me. I just want to survive well in this apocalypse. If you want to be saints, or no longer wish to stay here, you are free to leave. I won't stop you. You are always free."

As Alex spoke, the people in the gymnasium finally encountered trouble. A burly, strong zombie caught one of the men, biting off his head in one swift motion. The rest screamed in terror and desperately rushed towards the rooftop.

The burly zombie, perhaps extremely hungry, just ate voraciously and did not pursue them, giving the others a chance to escape.

Soon, Alex saw them, laden with bags, appear on the rooftop of the gymnasium. The gymnasium, being only three stories high, provided sufficient defense against the zombies. Zombies couldn't climb walls, so as long as the stairwell doors were blocked, they would be temporarily safe.

Realizing this, after some rest, the male leader who had been at the forefront stood at the railing and extended his middle finger towards Alex's direction. He then picked up a sign and raised it high, seemingly in defiance, pointing at Alex. The sign read, "You just wait!"

Clearly, they were angry at Alex for ignoring their call for help and were looking for an opportunity to get back at him.

Alex's face turned cold. He didn't continue to watch the man but instead thoughtfully observed the unusually large and strong zombie. "Perfect! This is the kind of zombie I've been looking for! It seems the zombies in the gymnasium were physically fit in life, making them stronger in undeath. It looks like I need to make a trip to the gymnasium. As for this rich and handsome man telling me to wait, you just wait and see," Alex stood up, a slight, sinister smile on his lips.

This zombie had clearly mutated, stronger than the burly zombies Alex had previously encountered. Burying such a zombie would undoubtedly be beneficial for his attribute growth. Perhaps he could even gain skills or talents from it. This was precisely the kind of zombie corpse he needed now.

However, before that, he had to pay a visit to those ungrateful people at the student warehouse.

Alex didn't consider himself a bad person, but he was not a saint either. His principle was straightforward: repay kindness and seek revenge for wrongs. Swallowing his pride or repaying evil with kindness? That was out of the question in this apocalyptic world where no one could dictate his actions.

With Alex's current strength, dealing with ordinary zombies was as easy as slicing through vegetables. In a crowd of zombies, his Sinful Blade could even decapitate several zombies in a single swing. 

But even so, by the time Alex made his way to the warehouse, he felt somewhat exhausted. He knocked heavily on the door, and after a short while, a voice from inside cautiously asked, "Who's there?" tinged with a tremor.

Alex recognized it as the voice of the guidance counselor, Terry.

"It's me, Alex. I've found food and water," Alex said calmly.

A silence ensued, followed by sounds of movement and arguing from inside. Finally, the warehouse door slowly opened. Through the gap, a pair of wary eyes scrutinized Alex up and down, then asked in surprise, "How are you still alive? You haven't been bitten by zombies, have you?"