
Apex Predator / Part 1

Nathan is a young man who lives in a world where magic disappeared a century ago. All kinds of creatures are a danger to humans, and among them, dinosaurs and dragons are the most prevalent. However, they do not stop humankind from being a danger to themselves. One day, when returning to his village, he found out it was attacked by an enemy tribe and most people were killed or enslaved. He'll do everything to have revenge on his enemies, and find truths of this world that he could never imagine.

NunoReis · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs


Nathan's POV:

A loud noise from outside my room woke me up, making me realize I slept like a rock this past night. I quickly get up and run to the door to see what was happening.

Opening the door, I find Silva laying on the ground, with Daniel and Miguel trying to get him up.

"You idiot, I told you to not drink so much." Daniel says.

Seems like I missed quite the enjoyable time last night... Well, I guess I enjoyed my sleep. Ignoring the commotion, I go back in my room and change to my leather clothes. I equip my belt with the sword sheath, and this time, properly leave my room.

"Good morning you three."

"Hey Nathan, good morning." Miguel speaks back.

"Is Silva alright...?"

"Ye don't worry.. this has happened sometimes before, he'll recover soon."

"If you say so. I'll head downstairs to grab some food. Good luck with that.."


While Miguel and Daniel try to get Silva off the ground, I head downstairs so I can have some breakfast. Upon taking the stairs I can smell some sweet scent.. reminds me of mom's food.

Finally reaching the dining room, I notice that there are a lot less people compared to yesterday. Looking around, I find Leonard and Filipe at one of the tables and decide to join them.

"Hey guys, how are you doing?"

"Good! Come eat with us." Filipe says while munching food.

"This is a lot of food for a breakfast.. do you guys usually eat this much?"

"Breakfast? This is lunch. You really have no idea how much you slept do you?" Leonard assured.

Guess I did need sleep... Well, I'm hungry so I guess I'll just eat. The other three eventually join us and we enjoy a nice meal together.

This is much better compared to the Parasaur meat we had on our first encounter.

"Do you need anything else?" The lady from the inn asks.

"This is all, thanks a lot miss Mika." Leonard answers.

Mika? Guess that's her name. She goes back on attending other costumers and we prepare to leave for the time being.

"Shall we go then? Hopefully we can get registered as soon as possible." Leonard says.

I never thought that the day I would apply for the Warriors tribe would come so soon.. I was supposed to train with Jason first. I guess this way I can find where he and my mom is much faster.

After asking for directions several times, we enter another building, this time behind the castle. All this really resembles a small kingdom.

"Welcome! How can I help you folks?" We are immediately greeted by a man, tall and thin, wearing some sort of fancy clothes.

"We wish to apply for soldiers to the Warriors tribe and were told this is the place for it."

"Indeed! You've come to the right place. Before anything, are you all at least sixteen years old?"

We all nod at the same time, and the man gives us a piece of paper each.

"There is everything you need to know about what you're signing up for. Never to late to turn back. You guys had your villages attacked right? We are creating a safe place for everyone without home to live nearby. If you wish for a less troublesome life, I advise you to not apply for the Warriors official soldiers."

So he is the responsible for the applications for the tribe.. but instead of trying to make us join he is advising us not to?

"Shouldn't you be doing everything you can to get us to join?"

"I don't play with lives, this is a dangerous job, I'm sure you all understand since you've seen a raid yourselves."

The paper is a simple list with rules and all that boring stuff, nothing unusual to be noticed.

"I agree with everything written here, I still want to join." I confirm, making him know I am serious about it.


"Me too."

"Us as well."

The others seem to be going forward with this too. Guess we'll be together for a long time.

"Very well then. Please wait here."

The man takes the papers back and opens a door leading to some other part of the building.

After just a minute, he opens the door and orders us in.

We do as he says and enter the room.

The atmosphere is completely different in here. More.. serious. There are a few chairs, and in front of them, a leather couch with another man sitting on it.

He looks intimidating.. Long black hair, a yet to shave beard. His body seems to be strong and quite muscular, he reminds me of Jason.

"Sit." He says, with a slow, calm voice.

We all sit next to each other and wait for him to continue.

"My name is Zlodey, I am the current leader of the forth division of the Warriors tribe. You all wish to join, yes?"

"Yes sir." We all answer in at the same time.

"Good. I must say, you came in a quite convenient time. Everyone that was under my command has either died or left, so I need new people."

Died?.... I hope he's not the type of leader to send people into fights they can't win...

"Now then.." he gets up and looks at us. "Let's see how you kids can handle stressful situations."

Katherine's POV:

We got one more apple today.. I really hope the kids can survive with just this amount of food. This time, everyone got an apple so I got to eat one as well.

I haven't eaten anything in almost two days..

I quickly eat my food and silently watch Allen and Nick eat theirs. I've been taking care of them, but I'm very limited to what I can do. We're still on the carriage, heading north. I can see snowy mountains in the distance.. these are the ones that separate the territory. On the other side, it will be Dark Clouds land, and whatever more tribes live in that place.

"I'm getting cold.." Allen says. I hug him, trying to get him to warm up even if it's just a bit.

The other child is not on my lap anymore, and it seems he's also getting colder as time passes.. I can only imagine how the next night will be like.

"Nick, stay near us so it is more comfortable for us okay?"

He nods and gets closer, sitting right next to me. This reminds me of Nathan...

I want to see my son again. I want to know if he's alright.