
Aoi_113(True lovers)

Aoi_113 · Thanh xuân
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43 Chs

Such a big baby

Bakugo's pov

This morning I went to my license exam again so I couldn't go to the check up with Izu. She told me that it was ok and that she would go with Shitty hair.

I didn't mind him but still I'm the one who's supposed to go with her. Man ever since I started dating Izu I've turned into a baby or something like that.

The day went pretty fast and today's test were easy too. I finished and headed back to the dorms for today.

Once I get there I see the girls in the kitchen " Hey, did Deku come back from the check up?" I yell at them.

"Yes, but then she left again with Kiri and Denki to a cafe or something" they said. Hmm I wonder what she went there for with those idiots.

Well I'll just wait for them to come back since they only went to a cafe there come fast. I went to my room to change and rest a little bit.

I guess I fell asleep because I woke up an hour later. I went to the common area to cook something and to see if Izu was back.

Once I get there I see the girls and some of the boys too. I asked again but they still haven't come and it's almost night time so they need to come fast.

I just went to cook something while I wait for her to come back. I waited for like an hour or so and then I see Denki enter the dorms.

Once I see Izu I run to her and hug her from behind very tight. "Your finally back" I said while hiding my face on her hair.

"Oh!! Hi Kacchan, sorry I came late I went to a cafe and then to the mall and I got you a present" she said while trying to look at me.

She turns around I'm still hugging her and she kisses me. She looks at me and gives me a big bag then Kiri come to me and hands me another bag.

I was kinda surprised but I thank them both. They both went to the group and handed them some bracelets that had something that resembles there quirk.

I look inside my bag and there's clothes, some merch, one of the same bracelets and a little box that had a ribbon.

I see Kiri's bag and it had more clothes so I told Izu that I was going to take this to my room. "Ok, I'll be there after a finish here. Wait for me there...oh and don't forget to try on your clothes!!" She said.

I just left to my dorm room to try the clothe on and see the other stuff too. I open my door and head to my bed.

I grab Kiri's bag and there this cool t-shirt that says Fuck off. He knows me so well that's why his my best friend.

Then I open Izuku's bag and first I see the clothes, there is a green and orange jacket with black too, some riped jeans and baggy pants too.

Once o hoy the clothe out I see a box that was covered I guess. I grab the merch and there's All Might merch.

She knows me too, I then grab the box and open it. I see the watch that I've been wanting for so long and it goes well with the clothes they got me too.

I went to open the tiny box and once I see what's inside Izu opens the door and comes inside. "Hey babe, what do you think of the presents I got you?!" She said and hugs me.

"I love it thank you so much but why so much. Now I need to get you something too!" I said she giggled. "You don't have to but I wouldn't mind if you could repay me with a romantic date"She said.

"Of course, whatever you want" I said and give her a kiss on the forehead. I look back to see what inside the tiny box and there a pair of rings.

I look at her surprised " I know these aren't wedding rings but I wanted to have something that reminds you that I love you. Plus if a girl come to flirt with you and sees your ring they'll back off" she said.

I chuckled at what she said "You know how I am they will never compare to you" I said and kiss her.

Thanks for reading and that's all for this chapter. I hope you liked it and have a great day. Bye!!