

"Quiet, don't make a sound" Pelt whispered.

He had a worried look on his face as his 2 fingers stopped glowing.

"Anvil , listen carefully, it's not looking good for us. There are two men outside wearing the red uniform of the Crimson Empire. They seem to be looking for people who escaped. I also saw they had a fury hound with them.

We need to separate, I'll distract them so you can escape."

Anvil looked at Pelt with a worried look on his face.

"Uncle, I can't survive by myself, I've only ever been to Black Rock once with father, I don't want to lose you too, losing father was already hard enough."

Pelt took something from his pocket; it was a crystal necklace that looked to be in very rough shape. He then grabbed Anvil's hand and said with a tender voice "This was your mother's, your father always kept it with him as it reminded him of her.

Before the shop collapsed he was stuck under debris, he threw this to me and told me to take care of you. I need to keep you safe. I'll give my life for you, you are my only living kin."

"Uncle no, we need to make it together, we can't separate!" Anvil said

"The scouts aren't alone; we will never escape with the hounds on our tail. I need to lure them away so you can escape. Boy I'm going to run north to the northern boundary, you need to continue east to Black Rock. We only have one shot at this. We need to hurry i'll run out and you wait for my signal before you start to run to Black Rock." Pelt said with a sad look on his face

"Uncle you can't! They will kill you!"

"Boy let it be the will of the Ancients, we your family are always with you in life or death. Fear not I know this forest like the back of my hand. Who do you think your uncle is? Head to the city of Dawn after reaching Black Rock, you are a man now and can take care of yourself, here take this."

Pelt hands Anvil an ornate crest with a Hammer at its center.

"What's this?" asked Anvil.

"This is the Smith's guild crest; it will help you on your journey so keep it close and don't lose it."

Pelt said proudly.

[Crunch, Crunch]

"I must go now they are getting close" said Pelt.

He quickly got up and rushed out of the cave, it looked like there was something pushing him from behind

"What is that I haven't seen uncle use magic like that before." Anvil whispered

Pelt quickly disappeared into the dense forest as barks and shouts could be heard.

"There he is! don't let him get a way!" could be heard from a distance

(W-wait, how can I wait? I'm not ready for this.) Anvil's mind was in a loop; he felt anxious as he looked down at the crest and amulet in his hands. His hands were trembling as he slowly put the amulet around his neck and the crest he held on to very tightly.

Every second that passed felt like an eternity; the uneasy churning of his stomach made him feel sick. Seconds creeped by then minutes creeped by and his heart was racing.

[BOOOM] an explosion was heard from the distance

Anvil felt his whole body freeze, his heart left like it had stopped.

(I need to go, I need to go, I need to go) he was frozen in place. He looked down and saw the crest he was holding on to for dear life and snapped out of his daze.

He ran out of the cave looked at the sky and ran opposite to where the sun had risen

As branches smacked him in the face he kept running for his life. After some time running his legs were on fire and began to cramp up he gritted his teeth and pushed through the pain.

The dense foliage made it hard to maneuver through the forest; he had scratches all over his arms and face.

Sounds of the wild life could be heard all around him but he would not stop, he ran and ran. As he was running through the forest his foot got caught in some vines and he began to tumble on the ground.

[Thud, thud, thud]

Anvil grabbed his head and he felt dizzy as he perched his back against a fallen log.

All around him were blue vines. He slowly pulled on it till it broke and water started to drip down where it was cut. The spot he had teared turned green as the water droplets slowly stopped dripping out.

"Water vine" he whispered to himself.

Anvil pulled out his knife and cut a piece the size of his arm from the vine. Then he put it against his mouth and the water began to drip in.

"ahh, what a bitter taste"

The small vine tasted very bitter, but it was refreshing at the same time.

Anvil slowly stood up rubbing the dirt off his clothes and limbs, walked over to a bigger vine and uprooted a few pieces the size of both his arms rolled it around in a loop and put it in his bag.

"I have to keep moving I'm still half a day away from Black Rock" he said to himself

Anvil started heading in the direction of Black Rock once again but this time he slowed his pace.

The foliage around him was a myriad of colors. As he moved through the forest keeping his pace he saw the forest come alive.

Various birds could be seen flying around the tree tops, some he recognized others he had never seen before.

Trudging along through the forest the smell of wild flowers and trees almost made him forget his current situation. As he headed to Black Rock he would grab herbs he saw, various mushrooms and tree leaves.

Even though the sun was in the middle of the sky now the thick canopy of the trees significantly reduced the light.

Suddenly Anvil heard some rustling in a thick bush to his right. He reached for his knife as his heart started to palpitate. The bush started shaking. He took a few steps back. He slowly stepped backwards trying not to make a sound.

He heard a small growl and hiss. Chills start to course through his body his hairs start to stand on the back of his neck.

From the bush a wild feline like animal jumped out towards him. This creature's back was perched up and as it shook it made a rattling sound the same as when a few pebbles are being shook around in one's hand.

This feline was twice the size of a house cat. It was mud brown in color and its claws were about the size of a finger. On each paw there were 3 sharp claws. Its fur looked rough and hard.

The feline's vertical hazel pupils stared deeply into Anvil's eyes fear rose in Anvil, cold sweats began to roll down his back once again his heart was beating so fast he felt like he was going to die.

Anvil slowly looked around to see if he could possibly run, but he knew that if he turned his back the feline would attack.

While staring into the felines eyes he slowly moved his way around a tree every step he took backwards the feline would follow.

As he walked his way to the back side of the tree he waited for the cat to come closer, step by step the cat approached him making a terrifying hissing sound.

With his knife out Anvil was ready to defend himself as the feline got closer and closer Anvil prepared his attack.

As soon as the feline came around the tree Anvil struck. He lunged towards the feline with his knife. The knife grazed the feline and chipped a piece of its rock like fur the feline struck at Anvil with his sharp claws.

Anvil raised his arm in defense trying to muster all his mana, but it wasn't enough there were 3 gashes on his arm as he rolled around the other side of the tree.

"AAAHHHH" he screamed out as he hit the floor the gashes on his arm began to bleed thanks to his magic defense. The cut wasn't too deep, blood rolled down his arm. With his other hand he grabbed his injured arm, the blood slowly started to seep into his clothes he then grabbed the necklace around his neck and whispered "father, mother, I guess i'll be joining you".

The Amulet began to glow then slowly began to shine…...

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