
Harem Cliche

Once ... many of you readers have ever seen an anime, read a novel or a manga or in several fanfics out there ... you must have seen that there is almost always a harem in this story.

So ... harem is something created by some idiot although we have always enjoyed this, but with the passing of time I got so sick that I no longer liked this genre, but not saying that it's bad, it's because I see so many fanfics containing this genre and I started thinking like that, these guys who write a fanfic think that women are whores so they give to all kinds of men?

Every time I read a new fanfic, I would be disappointed, even if they make a good story in the defined world, but the harem has left something to be desired for us conscious, and I am saying that often the story ends up being poorly planned ... not that I am better, but a reader who is looking for good stories will read thinking to be promising, in the end to see those rotten things.