
Trails in the Forest

After Sagar and his mother finished eating breakfast they heard some faint crying coming from one of the rooms. Hearing that her daughter was finally awake Beatrice got to go care to her while Sagar himself went outside to think for a bit.

When he sat down on the ground he finally realized that there was a system notification he hadn't seen. He remembered hearing the system go off whenever he lost consciousness but he had completely forgotten about it till now. He opened the notification with the system telling him a phrase he's already heard before.

[Congratulations User for completing a hidden achievement by fusing Almighty with your internal energy. For this User will receive the item 'Seed of Amala'.]

'Seed of Amala? I've never heard of this item what does it do exactly?', Sagar was puzzled by his reward.

[User the 'Seed of Amala' is an item that allows you to summon a being from the SMT Universe to use one attack for you.]

'One attack? Do I have to specify the attack if I want to use it?', Sagar asked another question about the item.

[While User doesn't need to specify the attack it would be best if he does as then the being you summon would throw something random out that may not be in your favor.]

'Alright I understand it. Can I keep it in the system for now I don't want to be carrying on me for the time being?', Sagar had to be sure otherwise he would have to find somewhere to place such a precious item.

[As long as User doesn't accept the item it'll stay in the system as long as you want.], the system feeling that Sagar was done asking all his questions went silent.

Finishing his business with the system Sagar continued with what he was originally going to do when he came outside. They decided that they'll move out of the village when Sagar turned twelve which was in a couple of months. Twelve was the minimum age requirement to enter into any kind of school, of course there were some exceptions but those people had relatives that had connections in those schools and could go around the rules a bit. Sagar himself decided that he would go to Skoll Academy as it was a school that didn't only focus on mage or warriors and had a combination of both.

Another reason was that while Skoll Academy didn't have as high attendance rate as some of the other schools it was considered to have the highest battling power out of all of them. Usually those from Skoll Academy could take on at least three other students from other academies with the more elite students being capable of more ridiculous feats. The school had some difficult requirements to enter but Sagar didn't think he would struggle with them.He wasn't sure how long he would stay at the school as it was determined by how strong the other students become, what he could learn there, and some other factors.

For now he'll continue with training as it had mainly stagnated with him focusing on his elemental fusion. He looked at his stats to see if anything changed he was surprised to see that most of them had. The only stat that remained the same was his agility at 22 but his strength raised to 29, his magic rose to 26 and his vitality had the most explosive growth with it raising to 32 becoming his new highest stat.

After thinking for a bit Sagar thought that it was natural that his vitality rose as it did as when he finished his fusion he used the overbearing energy to strengthen his body. His magic rose from him learning how to manipulate Almighty and he guessed that his strength rose naturally. It seemed he would have to focus on raising his agility a bit as it wasn't a good thing for it to fall behind his other stats.

For that he'll go back to his usual regiment of training of entering the forest for a good amount of time while also splitting his time with some his basic training. Well he'll put that off till tomorrow as he'll let his body relax a bit today and then also spend time with his mother and sister.

The next morning he went on his way to the forest and decided to test out how his elemental fusion changed up his battling prowess. From some battles he figured out was that his attacks that used internal energy with contained the Almighty element within them. Not only that but if he pushed his internal energy outward and projected it on something he seemed to be locking it down somehow but that's just how it looked to him. He wasn't absolutely sure as he tested it out on beasts and beasts of this level couldn't exactly talk.

Another thing he managed to find out was that the elemental fusion had a sort of reaction with his mana core or at least whenever he casts spells. He was able to cast all his normal spells of varying elements but when he used Almighty spells he found that the usage in mana that they used was reduced by at least 50 percent and the effectiveness of the spells increased by that much as well.

Along with this he also didn't develop a weakness that people would develop when they preformed an elemental fusion. As most warriors who did so would do it with a relatively basic element like fire they also become weaker when fighting the opposing element. So water or ice elemental attacks would be very effective to someone who fused with fire and they would do less damage against those elements as well. This wasn't an always prevalent weakness though as those who are strong enough would be able use the fire element to such a degree where those elements wouldn't hamper them anymore but that took some time after the actually fusion took place.

Sagar didn't have to worry about such things because as far as he knew there wasn't really an opposing element to Almighty. He didn't think it was impossible for Mellem to hold an element that would be in opposition to Almighty but it would probably be hard to come across.

Making his way through the forest he eventually came across some tracks. Usually he would just glance at such tracks but the amount of them that covered the ground were vast. Not only that but the tracks weren't beast like at all instead they were human tracks. He wouldn't have such a problem with human tracks if they weren't in such number and that they were also leading deeper into the forest rather than out. Before following them he instead searched around to see if there was another congregation of tracks that did lead out of the forest but he didn't. Instead he found smaller footsteps that were smaller in number than the one earlier leading out of the forest.

This seemed like an organized group and Sagar was surprised that they didn't even bother to cover the traces of their existence but he put that up to the fact that this was a relatively deep part of the forest and hardly anyone come over here. Sagar himself had been training in this forest for so long but only now found these tracks. Either he somehow didn't encounter any people from the group over these few years or they came in the past two years where he hardly ever went to the forest and if he did he didn't go as far as he used to.

He'll have to think more on that later but for now he'll just follow the trail to see where the hideout was and maybe figure out what they're doing.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Sekercreators' thoughts
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