
Early Morning Dives

Birds twittered and chirped, their songs echoing in the early morning stillness. Water rushed through the river, splashing up the dirt banks and rusted bridge supports. The wind whistled, singing through the metal, floating across the road, coating everything it touched in a chill.

Shoes scuffed across the bridge, edging closer and closer to the rail. Pale fingers gripped the metal, cold biting into the skin. Dark hair whipped around a solemn face, green eyes pale and empty.

Sliding closer, the knuckles turned white from the force they held onto the bridge. Dirt covered jeans leaned against the edge as wiry arms lifted a frail body up the side of the bridge and balanced it on the rail.

Knees trembling, eyes shining with unshed tears, a song made its way past wind cracked lips. Notes floated through the stinging air, making their way past the old, rusty metal and above the wisps of clouds.

With hands clutching the sharp metal, they shakily stood, toes dangling off the edge and above the deep blue water that held unseen creatures and hidden secrets.

The wind blew the frozen water across the river, it's frigid body sliding up the banks and slipping back down into the depths. Dead leaves floated on the surface, being pushed and pulled by the current.

A mist rose from the dark liquid, coating the world in white and cold.

Words of an unknown tongue whispered among the tall grasses and dying trees. Telling tales of a past life. Telling stories of heartbreak and failure.

The feet shifted and moved farther over the edge, dangling above the icy depths. Their hand tightened its grip on the bridge and a shuddering breath made its way past their lips.

They took a breath and wet their lips, swallowing the tears that threatened to fall. The song went on and seemed to quiet the world and freeze all that moved.

A voice could faintly be heard above the rushing winds, followed by the pounding of feet on the pavement. The shouts grew in volume and panic and the feet moved faster.

Hair whipping around their face, they glanced over their shoulder, gazing in the direction of the sudden noise. They watched as a form materialized out of the morning mist and took shape as it grew ever closer.

A voice cracked with fear and sadness called to them; arms reached for them, straining to grab them from atop the bridge.

They smiled sadly and turned away, the tear filled blue eyes and tangled brown hair burned into their mind. The voice grew louder, closer, more urgent. Shouts and pleas filled the air, overwhelming the quiet words of the song.

They let their tears fall. They cascaded down their cheeks, overflowing and bursting forth, leaving heated trails down their face. Their voice cracked with the sobs wracking their body.

Their fingers loosened their hold on the metal, letting their thin arm fall to their side.


I stood shivering atop the bridge. My feet ever so close to the edge, to what awaited me far below. The mist clung to my skin and clothes, coating me in a film of cold. My breath puffed out in white clouds, my eyes stung from the frigid breeze, my cheeks froze, and my teeth clattered together. But I didn't move.

My gaze was trained on the water in the far distance, shrouded by a fog that seemed to stretch on forever. I watched as leaves danced on the water's surface, twirling and spinning like little ballerinas.

I saw as the branches shook and trembled and let countless red and orange and yellow leaves cascade to the forest floor.

My chapped lips stretched into a thin smile and I felt the heat of my tears go cold.

I heard the voice, the one I dreaded on this chilled morning. I heard it as it shook with sobs and heartbroken pleas. I heard as it grew louder and more panicked.

But I didn't turn. I kept looking forward, past the rusting bridge, past the forest and the fog and the dancing leaves. I looked over the treetops and over the distant mountains. I looked at the sky as it grew lighter with the rising sun. I looked at the pale pinks and purples as they changed to faded yellows and crisp oranges.

I watched as the sun rose and the birds rose from the forest, taking flight into the great beyond.

I heard the world come alive with music and life. I heard the words of the one I love as I took a deep breath and breathed in the scent of autumn.

I glanced back, one last time. And I smiled. A smile of love and sorrow. I saw blue eyes wet with tears and brow hair tousled from the wind. I saw the face I had grown to cherish.

My frantic heartbeat began to slow. My body stilled, the cold seeming to vanish.

I'm sorry

My foot moved, hovering above the emptiness and my body seemed to follow on its own accord. Tilting forward and falling down.


Strangled cries could be heard from the bridge as an arm reaches out, grasping feebly at the empty air.

Long, colored streaked hair fanned out like a banner in the wind. Whipping around a stinging face, it stretched out to the brightening sky, like reaching fingers.

I love you

The splash was almost inaudible as the water surrounded her body, tugging at her clothes and dragging her into the depths. The dark swallowed her as she sank further and further until she rested among the lost treasures that hid at the lake's bottom, another among many

Words: 947

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