
Annaliese and the Saints

A prodigy and a regular archer at the Olympic Games since her 8th Grade, one will think Dianne Hunt is successful at a young age. Not at all. Dianne is an orphan. She lost her parents to a plane crash during one of her Olympic Games competitions and her brother from a mob. She sucks at academics, a struggle that she always had even in middle school before she focused on her sports. The only thing that excites her was feeling the pull of the bowstring and hearing the thwack of an arrow… or is it just that? In a fateful incident (killing a demon, perhaps?), Dianne met the Alpha-3, a group of Saints tasked to hunt and remove demons from its existence near her location. With her ability to see through the Veil and knowing the extent of danger she was in; the young lady wants to run away just like she always did and pretend it never happened. But can she even run away if she witnessed a certain Annaliese-but-certainly-doesn’t-look-like-an-Annaliese and her companions disappearing through a wall in a subway station? Will she be the same once she finds out about the hidden power within her?

XSkylar19 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Episode 3 | Betrayal and Danger, Part 3

The scream came from one of Kylie's friends. The girl was being choked to death by one of the giants, her legs dangling in the air until they slowly ceased their movement. It was an ugly sight, but Dianne couldn't help but feel relieved that it wasn't one of the kids or even humans within the condominium.

Everyone rushed into the clearing. Some of the girls went to help out their comrades, while others took positions and shot arrows rapidly into our enemies. At the first sight, she thought they were as big as the buildings. But as the group neared them, these second wave of shadow creatures were only a foot taller than them.

Kylie instantly went into combat mode, taking out numerous shadow creatures at a time with a swing of her dagger or an arrow through the head. At the end of this battle, Dianne reminded herself not to piss Kylie off.

And as for Dianne, she dodged and sidestepped away from the monsters' attacks, heading towards the entrance of the condominium, or at least, what was left of the building.

The damage was so great that she was surprised that the building was even standing. Piles of brick and stone were in great quantity, and the clearing was soaked, probably from the damaged water supply. The benches outside and the small parks that surrounded the buildings were splintered or broken, pillars were dented, and cars were all toppled over each other. It looked like there was a massive earthquake happening and the buildings were spared.

A shadow came across her path, blocking her way towards the condominium. Its towering figure easily shadowed her entire being. Dianne knew that this one was just like the others right now, around 7 feet. Up close, however, that number seemed to triple.

"YOU!" the shadow creature managed to choke out, holding a shadowy sword lined with deadly spikes in one hand. "You smell like a saint!"

Dianne scoffed mentally. This again? Are they half blind?

"Wow, a saint, huh?" she said sarcastically. "I'm flattered, but I'm not even a good girl in the first place, and sadly, you smell," she pinched her nose, "like trash."

The giant roared in response, and Dianne narrowly dodged a massive swing from the left. She ran behind it as the giant brought down its sword in both hands, striking where the young archer was only a second ago. She took out an arrow from her quiver and set it up quickly with her bow, and just when the giant rotated around halfway, she let the arrow fly.

Its silver point found itself between the eyes of the giant, just before it dissolved.

Not bad, I thought, admiring the bow. It must be magical. She never thought that an arrow could dissolve a shadow creature. If she only had this before, she would definitely shoot those shadows that disrupt her focus during tournaments.

Now that there was no obstacle left in her path, she proceeded towards the steps, before being apprehended by the Alisha girl.

"Do not go in," she said sternly, her dark eyes boring into Dianne's.

"Why? They should get out and escape while they can!" she said incredulously.

"They are currently under the influence of the Veil," she said calmly despite the situation. "The Veil protects normies from the horror of our world. They won't be hearing anything or seeing anything. But that could all change if you go in and alert them of your presence."

"I…oh," Dianne said, finally realizing the grave danger they were in. So much for trying to get here.

After hearing her response and knowing for sure that she wouldn't be barging in, Alisha left to join the others in taking down these beasts. There were still plenty of them left, and their side looked wiped out. Dianne saw their movements get slower, their shots not as accurate, while the shadows looked as if they could still jog for 50 miles. Only Kylie had the energy to keep going. Although she did not seem like it, she was struggling.

At least half a dozen giants surrounded her, aiming hits with their massive swords and spears. She dodged a couple and jumped inhumanly high into the air, her foot landing briefly on the swerving weapon, and almost instantly launched an arrow through the giant's head at face point. She continued this tactic as if driven purely on instinct, and after a few moments, half of her opponents were taken out. Beads of sweat clung to her face as she breathed heavily, daggers in both hands. Her movements were mesmerizing, like a dance.

Dianne walked in her direction, deciding to help her out. The young archer notched her arrow towards the giant that Kylie was currently engaging in, and it disappeared into pieces once the tip was embedded into its heart. She glanced in Dianne's direction; the surprise was written clearly on her face.

"What are you doing?" she said with her voice raised over the surrounding chaos. Dianne positioned herself next to Kylie.

"What do you mean 'what am I doing'?" she questioned. "I'm helping you."

"You shouldn't be here," Kylie insisted, as she dodged a crucial blow to her head. "It's too dangerous, Dianne! You don't have any experience!" She dodged another hit. "You should be helping the others!"

Dianne aimed another arrow at the closest shadow, taking note that their numbers seemed endless, before answering her.

"Do you think I don't know that?" She pulled out another arrow. "I only came to help you because you look like you needed it." Another giant fell. "I don't care if I don't have enough experience! This is my home-" she stumbled as a giant grazed her leg. Dianne got back up quickly, and aimed. There went yet another shadow creep, "It is my family that I'm fighting to protect."

We were now back to back, taking a defensive stance. "So, don't you dare tell me not to fight!" She finally finished. She waited for a response, a retort, anything, but she got none. Dianne turned sideways to get a glance at Kylie's expression, but all she saw was resignation.

"Fine," she said at last. "If you insist on fighting so strongly, then I won't stop you. But if you are to aid me – then follow after my movements."

Dianne nodded briefly, as five more shadows encircled them.

Kylie swung her dagger swiftly to her right, slashing a deep cut on the legs of one shadow. It involuntarily collapsed, and as it fell, Kylie stabbed it in the head with her other dagger. Another giant was about to close in on her, but before it had the chance, Dianne shot it through the neck. There were three more giants behind her. She could tell just from the shadows that were cast from their torches.

Kylie also noticed this, and she appeared to soar over Dianne, daggers pointed straight out from her sides, and when her feet slammed into the giant's chest, she lunged forward rapidly, both daggers embedded into its head. The last two were more defensive, their clubs and torches raised in front of them, but Dianne was already behind them. She aimed an arrow at each of their calves before they had a chance to look behind, and as they fell, Dianne ran across one of their backs and shot her arrow at its neck at close range. Kylie had taken care of the other giant.

The amber-eyed archer looked at Kylie, silently asking her what she should do next.

"We help the others," she said, sensing Dianne's thoughts.

She looked around to see if anyone would need her (or their) assistance, and she noticed how Alisha was fighting off two of the giants by herself, but she seemed more than capable enough to defeat them. Kylie was now conversing with another one of her comrades who had come up to her as soon as her fight ended. She looked serious for a moment, and as they talked further, her expression went from bewilderment, to shock, and then to grave seriousness. All in a span of a minute. Who knew she was capable of making that many expressions in such a short time?

She caught Dianne looking at her, and the latter quickly turned away.

I should be helping someone, she thought, not standing here staring while everyone else was fighting for my family's sake.

Family… how bizarre. Dianne had only known them for a few weeks and yet, she considered them as family.

She observed her surroundings for a moment and noticed how two of the girls were being backed to a corner by four giants.

I guessed I would start there.