
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

First gate

Hmm, according to Raphael, the first thing I need to do is level up. I can have more mana for her to experiment with if I level up and she can modify my skills further after that.

So where exactly should I go to level up? Thankfully, Raphael scanned this world and made a prediction that a gate is going to open near me in twenty minutes. Specifically, 480m to my south-east. 

"Raphael, can you scan this world skills?"

[Positive. Would you like to begin the analysis?]

"Obviously, start it." 

[Beginning analysis. Estimated time until completion : 1.5 hours]

"Great. Also show me the way to the Gate."

[Displaying the map of 1000m radius on system screen.]

"Great." I followed according to the map. Raphael even prepared the best possible path by predicting the future traffic situations, crowd situations, etc.

Within ten minutes, I easily walked near the area. 

"Hmm, I still have some time so let's eat something first." I walked inside a cafe.

The cafe was probably going to get destroyed since it was going to be at the center of gate.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" A young, cute waitress came to ask me. She had a really beautiful face.

[Notice. The individual 1m south from you possess a skill - Summoning. Would you like to copy it using unique skill, Usurper?]

Oh? This waitress? Copy it.

[Successfully copied A-rank skill, summoning.]

Sigh, she could have been a great person.

"Please bring a chocolate-strawberry shortcake for me." I gave her the order.

"Yes! Right away!" After taking my order, she rushed off happily.

[Notice. It is possible to integrate skill, Summoning, into unique skill, Domain. Would you like to proceed?]

Hmm, do it. And also create a copy of the skill.

[Integration starts... Successful. Copy of the skill has been successfully created.]

Thanks Raphael. With you, the whole world if on easy mode.

[Thanks accepted.]

"Here. Please enjoy your chocolate-strawberry shortcake." The cute waitress placed my order and walked away.

"Hmm, it sure looks good." I started eating the shortcake.

[Notice, there are two more minutes until gate appears.]

Wow! This shortcake tastes good.

[One more minute.]

It's really tasty!!

[Ten seconds...]

What?! Where did my shortcake go?! D-Did I perhaps... Eat it completely?! No!! Why did it have to end after I ate it?!

[Gate is appearing behind you. Starting analysis of the gate.]

Huh? Gate? Did it appear so quickly?! Why didn't you tell me before?!

[... Sigh...]

Suddenly the space started to ripple and the cute waitress that served me got sliced in half due to gate's appearance.

[Analysis of gate completed. There are 520 living creatures inside the gate, similar to lizardmen.]

I walked near the, sliced in half, dead waitress.

"Well, you did serve me shortcake." Using my predator's clockwork watch, Law of luck, Skip death, and Fate immunity, I resurrected her and wrote a different fate for her. A fast where she is not killed by a gate, but by a murder. Don't ask me why a murder.

"Domain!!" I said out loud and the surroundings got enveloped by dense mana.

"Block exchange of Light, sound, and Mana from within my domain and outside." 

[Blocking... Successful.]

"Let's enter the gate now." 


Inside the gate, the mana density was just like a blessing for me and Raphael. Immediately using the mana and absorbing more, I felt like a perpetual machine.

"Raphael, locate all the monsters here."

[Done. Would you like to use Auto battle mode?]

"Auto battle? No thanks. These are just lizardmen." Inside of the dungeon was similar to a swamp. Lizardmen were mostly hiding behind the trees and under the swampy water.

[Notice, you are awakening a class.]

Awakening? Then the Quintuple awakening (Red) should work.

[You awakened classes : Necromancer, Berserker, Mimic, Cook, Priest]

"What are these classes?" 

[Necromancer : let's you summon dead.

Skill - Raise dead.]

[Berserker : Exchange Sanity for strength.

Skill - Maniac.

Passive - Strongest]

[Mimic : let's you shapeshift.

Skill - Shapeshift.]

[Cook : gives your cooked food some special effects.

Skill - Mystic dish]

[Priest : Let's you produce miracles from shared divinity.

Skill - Miracle, Advanced spells, Ultimate Heal.]

"Really? They are not much help to me." I start crushing lizardmen with my bare hands.

[Notice, as long as you have enough mana, it's possible to modify them.]

"Great. Let me just level up then." I started killing the lizardmen.


"Nice. This one was the boss, right?" I stepped on a giant lizardman and crushed his head.

[Affirmative. It's energy level was twice of all other lizardmen.]

"Raphael, what's my level now?" I asked curiously.

[Answer the question, your current level is 980.]

"WHAT?! 980?!" I was stunned after hearing Raphael. 

[Yes. With experience multiplier (Purple), you easily leveled up.]

"I-I see. I almost forgot about the multiplier..." 

Sigh, I was planning to remain weak in this world... Looks like the title of my story should change to "I was just a 'Innocent' person, but then I got simulated in another world of Monarchs and rulers, and I wanted to live slow life but I accidentally become the strongest human."

Yep, that totally sounds like a future hit novel. I should probably have a career as a writer.

[Negetive. If you do you will fail miserably...]

"Wha-?! That can't be true!!"

[Response, I apologise. Even if that was the truth, I should have been so blunt.]

"Yes, you should be sorr- NO! I can surely write some really good novels!!"


"You!! Fine. I will be a writer in this world. Will you believe me if I become the best author out there?!"


[Quest :

Become First ranked in every entertainment field in this world.

Time : 3 years.

Reward : Nasuverse Summoning card ×2

Punishment : Loss of two random talents below red grade.]

"What the hell? You don't believe me at all?!" 

Is my talent not enough to reach the top? Fine. I will show you, Raphael.

[Notice. Sigh, you are still so immature]
