In the noble times, when great kings ruled wonderful and well-prospering kingdoms, people were happy and delighted with the peace that brightened in every corner of their daily life. On the lands of the beautiful Arlene Kingdom, lives Luca, 18 years old knight, that has mystical powers and unknown past. Together with his companion, nobleman and swordsman Chéne, he wanders through the country, dealing with evil and fighting demons, that bring people to the bad side. One day they get the task to protect the princess of Arlene, but under the cover of this duty, they discover the sour truth of an uncoming disaster. With their hearts, being affected to the beautiful, but forbidden princess, will they overcome the painful truth and safe the world from collapsing? Can they rescue the ones that they truely care about, prevent a deadly war and defeat evil that roams freely?
,,In the beginning He created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep. His Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. "Let there be light," He said, and there was light. He saw the light, and saw that it was good. God divided the light from the darkness. He called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night." — Book of Genesis
As the light rays slowly came up from the heavens, meeting with the cold earth after a long and sorrowful night of the darkness, nature woke up from its sleep, that seemed to last eternity. The Green of the scenery became more vibrant, with the slim strides of long grass rhythmically shaking to the pace of the waltz, the wind plays them. This illusion created an infinite emerald ocean, waving silvery like the strings of a majestic playing harp.
— The sun is shining so beautifully today. — She said sweetly. A woman standing in the middle of that so-called ocean.
Her long pale yellow strands of hair spin delicately in the air, matching the pace of the dancing grass. One. Two. Three. Her long, white dress decided to join in the dance too. Like a flower calyx, the snow-white petals of her dress were blown by the wind's force. It could seem that the fragile posture of this woman couldn't withstand such a force. Yet she was still standing there, in the middle of nowhere, looking ahead of herself, and smiling. She brushed her hair of her porcelain face with her thin hand, looking forward, enjoying the very moment she was in.
— Why is it, that the flowers have not awakened yet? Every year I come here at this time, they are already in full bloom... — She spoke quietly, kneeling down. She melted in the rays of her favorite sun, with the ocean.
— Don't expect nature to do as you please. A heartless force like this won't be pleased with your beauty, it won't listen to you, it will do as it pleases itself. This year she won't show her treasures to you. You need to accept this. Nothing that you will approach in the future, will come out in a way you want.
A young man approached her from the back. Like life-giving light and life-taking darkness. Day and night, Sun and Moon. This man was a polar opposite of the serene goddess sitting innocently on the ground. The pitch-black hair, even exposed to the sunlight, still remained dark, like an obsidian stone. A tall person with broad shoulders. A strong posture, wearing black dignified clothes. Everyone looking at him could say at once. This man is a someone. Glancing at the world with a strong sight, with his narrow scarlet eyes from beneath the long and dark eyelashes, below thick, frowning eyebrows. Strong facial features made everyone immediately turn their gaze away from him, afraid that any second longer, and they will be turned into stone from the force coming from his eyes. He stood like that in the wind, yet it couldn't dare to move him a bit. His hair didn't accept the invitation to the dance.
— You... Why are you approaching life like this... — The woman stopped smiling, and glanced down at her own hands, contrasting with the grass in her shadow. — I still can't understand you. I'm not like you. I can forgive people. And I will forgive nature. It's a force I have no control of.
— I lived on this Earth quite a while... This is the universal truth I come to understand. Humans, even if they think they are the holiest creatures stomping on this ground, always at the end, think only of themselves. Bringing misfortune to others, life is a difficult race, that only the strongest can win. — The man came closer to the women, to the point that his shadow was entirely covering her from the blessings of the Sun.
— Who said I want to win that race? I... — She started stuttering. The wind calmed down. The silence grew.
— That's why I ask you one more time.
— Will you...
— Yearn for the eternity with me?
He reached with his big hand and bruised her shiny, light hair, with his long and slim fingers. Pulling the strand up to his face, he took a deep breath, smelling her hair. White lilies dazzled through his mind, as he wished, the feeling of knowing this fragrance could stay up in his life forever. But nothing is eternal. Everything comes to an end.
She turned around. As the people always feared him, something unknown lifted in him, as he saw her intriguing face. Fear? From beneath her long, light eyelashes, the two irises in the color of the clearest diamond crystals were looking straight into his dark ones. Day approaching night. The light will always overcome the darkness.
— I will never fall for a creature for you. Not in the eternity you seek. — She answered him with an angry gaze, not expected to be given by such an angel grace.
The wind started to blow again, stronger than before. The tempo changed. Nature's force seemed to become angered and furious. The woman's long hair chaotically strangled in the air, but didn't cover her face, as if the wind wanted to keep her expression clear, strong enough to make the man's heart crush. At the moment, it could seem that it did. The man felt something he has never felt. The little ray of light that appeared in him, disappeared forever in the darkness of his desires and sins.
He was a demon. His heart, no matter what lightness would come over it, it could never win over. This wasn't meant for him. In the long life he led, he never struggled so much with a one soul. Soul that didn't want power nor influence. A shining soul that yearned for the moments and experiences. A soul that rejected eternal life in name of a cursed and prohibited feeling. Something he desperately sought for in his life, and yet when he finally found it, he lost it to another person.
The soul was too pure for him, it could burn his right away, he gave it a new chance of living in this world, yet the joyful times last so shortly. The storm clouds covered the sunny sky, and darkness overcame the grassy valley.
— You know my judgement will fall on you. How much I wouldn't want it to happen, it will. It's an unavoidable force, a payment everyone pays for their wishes in the exchange. I... I begged for your decision, but... — The man's voice cracked. What was this feeling? Was it sadness mixed with anger? Was it despair? — I won't ask you anymore. It's me who doesn't understand you. — He looked down at her. Straight into her eyes. He could see them shine and sparkle, like two priceless diamonds. So precious, yet he lost to them. Jealousy slowly overtook his heart, as he realized that he showed his weakness to a woman that took his happiness away. He couldn't accept this.
— The angelic child that is in your womb. You won't rescue it from its fate. It's the heaven's that will strike its judgement down on it... If you care about him, consider doing it for its sake, and his father's. I will give him the eternity you rejected, and grant him safety. — He insisted on her, thinking that he could still persuade her, change her mind. They never felt so many emotions layering on each other at the moment.
— I will never give its life to you, or to anyone else. I will pray to the God for the safety of my child.
— Pray! God won't save your child!
— But a demon can?
Looking at each other with fury at this very moment, her diamond blue eyes into his red scarlet ones, he realized nothing could be done. She will end in despair, giving a birth to a being that isn't allowed to live. This one time in the eternity, when he decided someone is worth of loving, his expectations failed him. Feelings are so dynamic. But in reality he didn't know what love is. Love is something priceless. You can't demand someone's soul in the exchange.
— If it lives, its existence will bring misfortune to many other lives. The cities will burn and humanity will perish. No one will allow him to live, neither you or your husband will protect it.
She responded to him with a silence.
He gave her the last look. A cold and freezing gaze of hatred. He couldn't accept that she rejected his offer, and he could give her everything. Give the child the future it deserved. He couldn't bury his past and dark self. Maybe that's what made her choose suffering, rather than accepting him. Or maybe she didn't care at all. That came to his mind. The child she is bearing, it's not even his, so why does he want to help so much?
But he ignored the thought, all for the sake of a so-called feeling — love. Once in a lifetime. A demon stays a demon. He was blinded by a celestial being. He finally realized that soul didn't love him at all. The lies in his head were being made up, to cover his bleeding heart.
He leaned forwards, leaving a cold smooch on her forehead, a goodbye kiss for an unreachable treasure. He felt truly despaired and disgusted by the feeling of knowing that he lost the one he loved. And the child of theirs is bound to live a painful hell.
And then he turned around, back, and went into the unknown, through the vast wind and the silver grasses of the valley. He disappeared on the horizon as a black dot on the sun's shield.
She knew she couldn't do anything. As much as she wanted her child to be safe, she preferred to encounter the fate rather than bestow her child to a demon.
An invisible hand was squeezing her heart tightly. She closed her eyes, making the tears come down her pale face. When the first crystal teardrop reached the ground, a violet flower blossomed, opening its bud to the world. As the diamonds were running down her despaired face, more and more flowers were opening. And when she opened her eyes after a long and sorrowful cry, worrying about the unknown future, a beautiful sight of a flower valley came up to her sight. White daises tangling their crowns with intriguing violets. They all opened for her, listening to her desperate whining, pitying her. Nature is dancing once again, for the angel human and her mystical child. She let a delicate smile appear on her face, embracing the majestic sight that mother nature presented to her, yet she didn't know it was her last time seeing this beautiful valley. The woman embraced her slightly enlarged stomach.
"With every light, there comes shadow. Darkness can be lightened, but light can't be darkened. And whatever you give in exchange for your happiness, won't be given back to you. And the happiness won't be eternal." — She suddenly remembered those words. Her beloved told them when they were parting from each other. In the past, she wondered what could they possibly mean. But now, she realized it all.