
the attack

as Alex showed Selena around the town, he suddenly sensed the blacks and the Cullens at the same place, this immediately set him on edge as he teleported to the location, he was then followed y Selena who was also curious about what was going on, she had learned about the different vampire species from Alex's memories so she wanted to see how this species fared compared to her former kind,

on the shores of the lake,

the Cullens and the blacks were standing there ready to fight the newborns, as they were getting ready, suddenly, Alex materialized on the field followed by Selene,

"what is going on?" Alex said, but then he saw that Bella was missing, his stomach dropped as he growled,

"where is Bella?" the growl immediately made the werewolves panic, it made their instincts go haywire with danger,

"she is safe, victoria had raised an army of newborns to kill her so we asked the help of the blacks to stop them, we had Jacob take her to the mountain top" Carlisle said, he then noticed another vampire besides Alex but unlike the others, she had blue eyes instead of red or gold, this made him curious but he knew this was not the time,

Alex was very angry that a weakling was targetting his sister, he grinned viciously and said in a demonic voice,

"Perhaps it is time that i show this world, what happens when you mess with me," he said as he vanished,

he reappeared in his room as he opened the secret compartment, he took the futuristic-looking guns, they were called the plasma pistols capable of firing plasma bolts that could vaporize a dragon instantly, ( author notes:https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/the-travellers-hidden-layout-not-to-be-found-out/images/1/10/Plazma_gun_by_nitro_killer-d332460.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140617180418)

he planned on giving the pistols to Selena, he then turned towards the sword which hummed with power,(author notes:https://d1a9v60rjx2a4v.cloudfront.net/2013/10/03/00_29_10_857_DemonicSword1.gif)

the cloth unraveled itself as he hovered his hand over it,

it looked like an old sword, it had a demonic skull etched on its handle, it's guard was split into two, as one of it is curved up like horns, throughout the length of the sword, fae symbols were etched which made the sword indestructible,

it was the demon sword, Catastrophe,

it was the sword which had accompanied him throughout his life, the sword capable of splitting anything, but unlike the life splitter, it was capable of devouring everything that it came in contact with,

"Might as well test you out to see if you are in good condition or not" he mumbled as the sword hummed with power as if agreeing,

he then took out his armor for the first time in many centuries and put it on,

the god slayer was about to terrify the world once more,