During the chaos war, the chaos warlock gathered the Three element, water,fire and air, together with the taixiang spear, he defeated the demon lord and sealed his primordial spirit in a crystal lamp and hid it in the realm of the gods,A thousand years later, the power of the Chaos warlock returned again to the god realm and falling in into the hands of a young girl known as shangu, she must once again gather the three element and stop the demon lord from reincarnating.
Chapter one (power of chaos)
(Entered the arena True god Bai ju holding his Taixiang spear he said)
Bai ju:why should I be the one to train her.
Xiaofeng: Cause you are the only one with the taixiang spear.
Bai ju: How about I give you the spear so that you will be the one to teach her.
Xiaofeng: come on I was just kidding, how can a level two god like me train someone with the power of chaos.
Xiaolu: enough with all these talk,Bai ju will train her and that is final.
(Enters shangu)
Shangu:I heard you guys complaining about who will train me, I get that no of you guys
want to train me, so just let me leave the god realm and go to the human realm.
Xiaolu: Never, Bai ju will be training you,so tomorrow in the morning I want to see you all gathered at the hall of pilgrimage.
Bai ju: but I have something to say.
Xiaolu: Speak.
Bai ju: From what I see, this young Lady has no respect.
Shangu: I dare you to say that again..
Xiaolu: enough, tomorrow I want to see all of you at the pilgrimage hall, dismissed.
(Bai ju and Xiaofeng leave for the heavenly library, meanwhile shangu uses her power of chaos to secretly follow them)...