
To Another Day


Gil's chubby face was almost cute, his small green eyes shifted between the mountain of dishes and Ren. Probably wondering how his small figure contained that large amount of food.

"Hurry up."

"Ah yes"

Basically there were three major powers in the capital with the highest 'quality' of strength. Meaning, those with high cultivation. The royals had both quality and quantity. The Academy had quality. The third power, the army had quality and quantity as well. Beneath them were Nine large Clans: Zuo, Lo, Centaur, Wen, Su, Flint, Zuoqui, Bing, and Xing. These clans had ties to the army or the royals.

There were also several other untouchable powers in the Capital. The Reese Auction House, Astral Spiritist Association, Inscription Association, Medicine Association and Tessa Weaponry. All of these had mysterious and powerful backgrounds mostly outside of the country.

"I see"

Ren held his chin in contemplation, his smooth spiky thin Brown hair, green eyes, excellent face shape and steady aura made him look extremely handsome. Gil's eyes widened with surprise and shone with a mischievous gleam upon seeing this scene.

"Hey brother, Why don't you and me go 'fishing'. If you catch my drift."

He winked creepily at Ren, who shivered from the stare

"There are many beauties within this city but all of them are outshined by the empress. She is a true mature beauty. Capable enough to Topple cities and kingdoms in a literal sense. I heard the previous king fought with his uncle due to her and the current king reaped the reward instead. Not only that but Several other kings from neighbouring kingdoms are also enamored with her, luckily the war against the Demons has occupied all of us but I guarantee as soon as it's done or an opportunity arises, they'll invade with her as the main prize"

The fatty almost solemnly declared. His eyes were steady and serious, his posture was straight and his tone was even but, the topic he discussed wasn't that serious in their position.

"The demons have waged war with us for centuries, Why would it stop? It's an unlikely situation"

Ren held a chicken wing before dipping it in sauce as he spoke.

"Huh. That's what you got from that? She's a total hottie bro!!! The epitome of sexiness !! I hear her hugs are around H cup!! and she has a devilishly curvaceous succubus like figure along with her heaven shaking beauty! Supposedly, she's a great fighter as well. With those jugs, they must be real firm, just imagine them shaking as she fights....."

The fatty swooned and drooled with his eyes to the ceiling shimmering, hands clasped and fat jiggling,".... no man fighting her would win I tell you."

Ren just rolled his eyes at his banter while slurping a drink. Gil shifted to a serious mode again.

"Although, The war on the border is the forefront of mankind's struggle against the Demons and All of our heaven shakers battle there, a weak little country like us is unqualified to be there, we're too weak. But, the Spawn sites from abyss channels connected to the demon continent to our continent, are happening more frequently. Even our country's own spawn site, Demon grove, which we share with the 5 neighbouring countries in our alliance, is terrifying but even more terrifying is that it is just a small low class spawn site, yet 5 countries have to ally to deal with it. The major top rank Demon Holes are taken care of by larger countries, anyway those battles like the empress are far from us."

Ren was affected by Gil's serious mood and stayed silent. He resolved to grow stronger, stronger to protect himself. Strong enough to save others. Strong enough to be a brave and loyal soldier to fight against the Demons and save humankind from strife.....Strong enough to...He felt a large pressure descending upon him. He clenched his fist tightly, Suddenly his eyes abruptly widened, remembering....


"Haha.... Ren we're not meant to be heroes, quite the opposite really....we're the villains who shall grasp the sky and start bloody battles against the strong...we won't cower but....we'll live our life without fear...making every second worth it. We won't care what people say or think, if we feel like saving someone we should, if we feel like killing someone we will.... no matter the occasion we'll stand at the top, we shall become the apex predators."

Ren remembered one starry night where he watched his leader gaze at the stars from a tree and reach out his hands to grasp the sky while telling him what Demonsong was, and the words that drifted in his ears then.

"Remember that Ren, we are each stars who will illuminate our own way. You need to become a man worthy to bear the name Demonsong, worthy enough to bear the name of the freeist people in the world, those who truly can call themselves happy because they do as they wish. Remember Ren....In a world like this STRENGTH, strength still rules and it always will. The times have set the road for us, those monsters and devilishly powerful old geezers cannot set foot in this place and dictate our lives from behind the scenes, we can rise to their level and cut their heads off, all thanks the Ancient Godly Monarch Qin Wentian. Despite ruling for millions and billions of years and dying for a comparable or even greater period, his name is still remembered to this day, a true monarch who's name isn't forgotten and forbidden, his name is revered throughout the ages. Ah.... I would have loved to meet him and perhaps fight him....hmhm...what a ridiculous thought...remember Ren we are those who rule. There are two kinds of people in this world those who rule and inflict pain and others who submit by not being able to inflict pain. There is no righteousness, we are.... Demons....Demons...demon....Demons"

His final words echoed in Ren's ears as Ren's clenched fist loosened and Ren smiled. He smiled a big wide teeth showing smile before laughing and whispering," That's right we aren't hypocrites and we'll live free bound by nothing, we are Demonsong"


"What's with you?"

Gil stopped talking and eyed Ren suspiciously seeing if something was wrong with him. He just suddenly smiled and laughed, distances away from his earlier composed almost cold expression- he seems to be remembering someone- Gil went so close he was centimeters away from Ren, in kissing distance. Ren snapped out of it and pushed his face, sitting him down.

"Anyways a slightly more obtainable beauty is Jane Centaur, she's from one of the nine clans and is the target of obsession for all young men. She's just a grade lower than the queen and that is quite a feat as the queen is like a fre....blessing from nature. Damn, those jugs anyway she's one of the strongest of our generation and has many strong pursuers, though ignore those rich bulls. There's another beauty called...."

Gil went on and on about beauties keeping Ren until almost midnight. Before Ren said he had to go home, even though he was far weaker than his boss, it was his duty to be there as his right han....as a member of Demonsong. Again, V was definitely cultivating so he probably wouldn't even see his face. Nonetheless, he must return.

Ren picked up on V's habit and admired the scenery while talking a tranquil walk back to their residence. It was then that a scene caught his eye, an ordinary looking feeling with a dynamite body was arguing with a brutish man.

"Stop it!! Someone help me!!"

"Hehe, you're going have a great time playing with me, I'll show you what a real man is...Hehe"

"Someone help!!!"

She continued to scream with tears in her eyes while struggling in a futile attempt to break free from the man's clutches. He slammed her to a nearby wall.

"What hotness, don't you see...no one will help...look they're avoiding eye contact and going about their business, no one will help you. You are mine for tonight."

The woman looked with despair at the passersby who avoided her and ignored her pleas. Her heart sunk in fear, with a hidden sharp gleam within them. She screamed even louder.


"Shut up bitch"

Hearing her continued wails from the resounding slap, he prepared to give her another ..


"This isn't too good is it."

A Brown haired handsome man was holding his arm. He glared at the pretty boy before shouting," Get the fuck out of my way, unless you want to die. I'm a member of the Silversling mercenaries. If you don't want to die keep walking."

"I can't do that"


A mettalic reverberation sounded. The man hand suddenly launched a vicious blow towards Ren's head but a shield appeared and blocked him.

Clatter Clatter

Seeing Ren's shaking arm a murderous gleam shone in his eyes. With low grunts he viciously bombarded the shield that Ren held. After a dozen blows, Ren was struggling to hold on.


The man kicked him to the side and approached him aiming to finish him off. But Ren held up his shield again.






The man continued to rain down a beating upon Ren. His mouth was bleeding and he had several purplish bruises on his body but his eyes were determined as he held his shield and adopted a stance.

Despite the fierce beating, Ren fiercely looked straight in his eyes, conveying, I will not stay down. I will always get back up. I will not be defeated!!!

After the crowd thickened considerably, the man decided to leave hearing the chatters and seeing fingers pointing, but not before whistling at the woman and threatening Ren.

"He's a Silversling mercenary right. They're all barbaric but they are too strong, I heard their boss is in the upper levels of the Arterial circulation realm."

"Yeah, rumour has it , he has a connection to a member of the royals too."

"What!? No way"

"Yes way, although it it's someone of the direct line, it's still a royal family member. They absolutely cannot be provoked. "

"Sigh...poor youngsters"

Ren got up shakily from his grown defense position and limped and hobbled away.

"Wait, great sir thanks for helping me."

Ren turned to the woman.

"I'd like to show my....."

Her words trailed off seeing Ren's figure fading in the distance.


A bloodied Ren had finally limped to his residence. It was already sunrise.

Gazing at the bright daylight rays, he smiled,

"Why? Why did I do that?"

"I guess....I tried to be free and followed my heart but, I'm still not strong enough."

Someone with beaten black and blue was smiling towards the sun. The sweeper of the grounds nearby looked in wonder,

"Psh, Everyone's crazy these days. I think I'm going senile too."





Loud noises came from Verathragna as he finally couldn't hold it anymore, after stating the Washing marrow and qi breaking out channels state, his body just broke through on its own.

He relished the power flowing through, him and punched out to the air.


Looking at the strong gale created that cut through the air and damaged the wooden walls he smiled.

"81 bulls"

This was his strength unaugmented by any method. He arrived at a strength only possible for those at the peak of the Body Refinement realm and what's more, he could grow stronger.

It must be known that, V was strong to begin with so after cultivating and striving for perfection, he grew increasingly stronger.

Preparing to practice his sword and munch on a snack, he left his bath. A while later, he found the bruised and battered Ren. Observing his mood and behaviour he asked with his signature smile," I shouldn't ask right?"

Ren nervously laughed and bowed his head in a humble posture.

"Please, I'd like that."

V laughed.

"To another day then."

"Yes, to another day boss"

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