7 Chapter 7 the truth

Chapter 7 the truth

Billy said okay Kate we tell you everything about us. Kate said you will. Jesse said of course. Kate sat on her bed. Jesse said so where do you want to start Sis. Billy said from the beginning. Jesse said so when we were still sisters we wanted to raise you as our daughter. Billy said but then we had a big argument about who was the better mum and you chose Jesse which made me angry. Kate so who did you kill. Billy said I didn't kill anyone I was framed by another cop who was bent on killing us three. Kate. Kate said so you lied to me Mum. Jesse said I wanted to protect you anyway I see you later. Kate said I see you later mom. Billy said I'm just gonna talk to my sister Kate I see you in a minute. Kate said okay. Billy walked outside. Billy said hey sis you're okay. Jesse said what do you want. Billy said I want to have a chat with you. Jesse said so you here to take my daughter away. Billy said I'm the oldest so I should raise Kate. Jesse said you were never there for me when I raised Kate. Billy said only because you never wanted me to. Jesse said so that's your whole revenge plan is to get back at me for taking your daughter away. Billy said yes it is so I'm taking Kate as my daughter. Jesse said no your not. Billy grabbed her gun. Billy said I give you to the count of three give me your daughter or else. Jesse grabbed her gun and handcuffs. Jesse put the handcuffs on billy. Jesse said your under arrest for kidnapping. Jesse said Luke take her to the station. Luke said okay. Jesse said I look after Kate. Luke said okay. Luke took billy to the station. Kate said where's billy. Jesse said your safe now Kate. Kate hugged her mom. Kate said thanks mum. Jesse hugged Kate. Jesse said your welcome Kate

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