
An Undead in the Multiverse

Read as Axton, Our MC gets embroiled in an Eldritch God's plans which somehow fails leading to this fun..? journey. ---------- This is my first novel. So, do give feedback that will help me improve. ---------- p@treon.com/NightBlade66 ko-fi.com/nightblade66 paypal.me/nightblade66 ___________ Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Deadman Wonderland or any anime. CoverArt: Made by AI

NightBlade66 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

Before I started running I came upon a boulder and tested my strength on it. I could break it after 5 punches which was not bad.

I also found a watch and wallet just lying around in front of a car which had umm...suspicious sounds that sounded like moans coming out of it. I just took some money out of the wallet and left it there and as for the watch, I took it cause it will be useful in telling time. I mean that's what watches do duh. This time I wasn't lucky as the watch only told time, not the date which would have been super useful.

I knew I was monologuing so much to distract myself from the car as It soured my mood knowing I couldn't do that shit until I somehow cured my condition which I didn't know when it would be.

"Sigh..Fuck my life."

I didn't think it would be so weird not having a heart beating continuously. It was a sound everyone's brain just ignored but it was so eerie not listening to anything when I was alone. Somethings you just won't notice, until you lose it.


After running a bit more, I reached Yokohama City. I looked at the watch and saw that it took me about 20 minutes to reach Yokohama from wherever I was, which was very good considering that trained marathon runners took at least an hour for 20 km.

So, my speed is about 60 km/hr which is a lot but I knew my reflexes would be shit because of my lack of sense of touch. Even though they would be shit I was confident that It wouldn't matter much unless I fought some sort of Master Martial Artist who had at least the same amount of strength I had.

'I have a feeling I just jinxed it.'

"No use thinking about it. Time to get to work, Axy."

I slapped myself on my cheeks with both hands and started checking my surroundings. I was in a neighborhood for sure, if only I could get a mobile phone with a GPS in it. I walked until I found a bookstore that was still open and saw a newspaper stand outside it. I just took a glance at the front page and saw the date.

I was shocked when I saw that today was 4th April 2014. I checked my watch hurriedly and saw that it was 6: 20 PM which was well ahead of the time when the 'Great Tokyo Earthquake' occurred in the manga or 'The Red Hole' as they called it in the anime.

"There should have been an earthquake at 5:09 PM but…."

As soon as I said that, the ground beneath me started to shake. It felt like the whole world was trembling. The walls around me started to crack, and I could hear the sound of glass shattering. I had experienced earthquakes before, but never one as intense as this. I could hear the screams of people and the blaring sound of car alarms going off.

'No wonder 148,000 people died in this earthquake. Not that I don't feel bad about them, but it's kind of exciting seeing a natural or in this case man-made disaster like this.'

This also reminded me of how powerful the main characters are in this series, even though I knew that Shiro could create 11.4 seismic intensity earthquakes. Seeing and knowing are different things.

I started running down the road, even though I knew that was not something you should do in this situation. I started running cause I knew the land was gonna start sinking and I should get as far away as I could from the epicenter.

I didn't even know if I was going in the right direction or not but I didn't stop. I am pretty sure I broke several of my records and tore many muscles along the way not that I could feel it. The only reason my body was not turning into a mummy was because of 'Touched By The Void' status otherwise I am sure I would be looking like a skeleton by now.

I passed by many beautiful sights that I didn't have time to appreciate. It was sad that so much of this beautiful land was gonna sink. I finally stopped after seeing that it was 6:40 PM. I was so focused on running that I didn't even realize that the earthquake had stopped.

I realized that some of my legs and shoulder muscles and skin were torn and dangling from my body. It looked disgusting as hell. Now I had to find new clothes too as the ones I had on were torn apart, thankfully not enough to show the hole in my chest. And of course, all the makeup was gone.


"Vampire uncle, My mom used to say that if you sigh too much you will go bald early."

I suddenly heard a cheerful voice behind me. It was a girl, she looked like she was 12 or 13.

"I don't think I am that old girl, Just call me big brother. Putting that aside, what is your name?"

"My name is Akeno Katsukui, Uncle."

I knew that she was saying that to provoke me but I wasn't gonna let myself be played by the hands of some 12-year-old girl.

"My name is Aizawa. Nice to meet you."

I could see that the girl was annoyed by the fact that I wasn't provoked.

"Now, Akeno, Where are your parents? You shouldn't be outside so late alone."

"I am not alone uncle, I have Toto with me."

She said while showing me the teddy bear she had in her hand.


I didn't know how to answer that so there was an uncomfortable silence which was broken by the sound of crying.


I got close to the girl and asked.

"Why are you crying?"

But before I could do anything the girl started running away. I had to say she was running quite fast for a child. Like any gentleman would, I started running after her and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Why did you run, Akeno?"

Then suddenly something hit me from behind which I already knew about since the attacker was walking not so quietly. If I wanted to I could have dodged it but I didn't because I found it interesting and I wanted to know more about what was going on.

I just acted as If I fainted and dropped on the ground. Since I couldn't feel pain, It was pretty easy to act like I fainted. After they were convinced I fainted I could hear the attacker and the girl talking.

"Now help me get him to the house."

"Alright, big brother."

They started pulling my fainted body towards their house. After about 2 minutes, they stopped. I could hear them panting.

"The hell does this man eat, why is he so heavy?"

The boy said and kicked which hurt him instead of me cause my muscles were tight not because I worked out much but cause I was an Undead, It must have felt like kicking a brick.

"The heck is this man, he is so cold too."

"Brother, Is he alright? You didn't accidentally kill him, did you? He doesn't seem to be breathing."

'Oh, shit. How can I be this dumb? I have to act like I am breathing.'

While doing the act of fainting I forgot that I had to act like I was breathing too.

"He is breathing alright, you were just seeing things."

"Brother, Can we stop doing things like this? I don't wanna do these kinds of things anymore. What if someday you hurt someone seriously? Or you get hurt."

"It's gonna be alright."

But suddenly someone opened the door and shot someone. It was so sudden that I couldn't react. I immediately opened my eyes and stood up only to see the boy clutching his chest and falling but I didn't have time as I couldn't risk the girl being shot too. So, I ran toward the man who shot so fast that to any normal person, it would look like I teleported.

I immediately took the gun out of the shooter's hand and shot the attacker by instinct.

'Fuck, I shouldn't have done that. I should have just incapacitated him.'

The girl was just crying, shaking the lifeless body of his brother.

"Hic…Brother, Hic.. Wake up, please wake up…Hic."

I just walked towards the girl and hugged her to calm her down.

"Don't Cry, Akeno. Your brother just went to a good place far away."

"LIAR..You are lying. I know that is just something adults say to comfort children. I AM NOT A CHILD."

I was not good at comforting someone. Certainly, not some child. So, I just hugged her and patted her head until she fell asleep.

I found a bed and put her there and covered her up with a blanket. After making sure she was asleep, I started erasing the traces and dug 2 graves where I put the bodies of these two. I didn't want to be embroiled in anything like this.

I knew I was doing the wrong thing by not giving the girl a chance to see her brother one last time but I didn't really want to take risks and maybe it would be better for her. I knew I was overstepping my boundaries by choosing for someone else but I didn't care.

I just wanted to complete my quest and heal my body as soon as possible without any problem. It wasn't my fault anyway. Someone should have hired the shooter to attack him, maybe the boy destroyed someone's life by giving them some head injury.

I didn't want anything to do with all this but I couldn't just leave the girl alone so I decided to call the police with a telephone booth and gave them this address. I just wrote a short letter telling the girl to live happily and waited behind a tree outside the house until the police came and took the girl away.

She was rabid and even bit someone I think but still, I was happy seeing she was still energetic.

'Oh well, time to decide what to do from here.'

After walking down the road I noticed something small that was red and shiny.

"No good deed goes unrewarded. Even though I am not sure If I did anything good but that's just life I guess."


1.75k Words

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