
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Kỳ huyễn
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57 Chs

Pure Assassin (5)

"Tory? you can't be serious"

"What? she's super cool, if I can have a girlfriend like her, I'm set for life" Philip said with a dreamy look.

Jeffrey hung his mouth open, about to say something but he shut it again. Philip's case was hopeless it seemed.

The story continued and after Tory and the others left Seven's workshop Flame led her to their training hall to see how bad she was at using weapons and she was really bad. Sprout almost had his nose cut off by her when he was using the crescent blades.

"Wow I have never seen someone terrible," Hetz said with wide eyes and the others simply couldn't refute.

"Okay there's a lot of work to do on you, hopefully, you won't get any mission soon"

Immediately after flame said that his watch beeped, after starting at it he sighed. "Looks like your luck hates you"

"No way he got a mission already?" Sprout was shocked, same as Hetz. Newcomers didn't get missions that quickly it was always after a week or two but Pure just arrived.

"Hold on a sec, what's the deal between you and agent Blake? If I'm right, this must be his doing" Hetz said with furrowed brows.

"I think he knows my uncle," Tory said with an awkward smile.

"Your uncle?" all three asked.

"Was he also a spy?" Hetz asked with interest.

"Sort of, he retired early"

"What was his code name?" all three asked again.

"Black Blade"

The three remained silent and after a while, Hetz's eyes widened.

"Your uncle was black blade!!!!"

"Ye..ah?" Tory couldn't understand why his reaction was so intense. To be honest she didn't even know much about her uncle.

"Like seriously, are you serious!!!" Hetz shouted again and Tory frowned.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong, what wrong?!!! I will tell you, the world is so unfair how can he be your uncle, I feel like my life is nothing!!"

"Okay this is getting too much" Flame intervened but there was little he could do while Hetz was in his new crazed state.

"I know everything about him, he's so so...*sob* I'm not even worthy to say it"

"What is wrong with him?" Tory asked moving away from Hetz.

"Let's just say he likes Black so much he considers himself his child even though he had never met him" Sprout whispered.

"Guess it would be a pretty bad idea to talk about his death then" Tory whispered back.

"Black is dead?!" Sprout shouted in shock gaining Hetz's attention.

Philip facepalmed.

"What did you say?" Hetz asked with a pale face then the scene changed.

"Finally, looks like this author likes to explain things in detail," Jeffrey said with his ever-so-serious expression.

From the way, the scene was changing he assumed that Youngest-Monk must be one of those authors who like giving things in detail so even the dumbest will understand but that was also why he felt the book was bulky but Philip seemed to like it nonetheless and he was a real viewer so he swallowed his comment.

After the scene change Tory and others were shown again in the same training room, this time they were sitting on the floor together

"Wow, your life must have been hard" Sprout patted Tory on the shoulder.

Tory had just told them about her childhood and how her uncle died from cancer, at least that was what the doctor said.

"What do you mean hard? It is a privilege for him to have had Black in his life during his childhood" Hetz said with a harrumph.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's go check out your mission now" Flame stood up and the others stood up as well.

They then used the elevator to the task room. The receptionist was standing at the desk with a friendly expression. "Hello captain Flame"

"Hello Adam" Flame nodded and then asked Tory to place her right hand on the desk, afterwards a holographic screen lit up and then Evans read the details out as they appeared.

"Name Troy Briston, code name Pure Assassin, gender male, No star, C-rank mission has been assigned" after speaking he brought out a watch just like the one Flame and the others were wearing and gave it to Tory who was looking a bit worried.

Flame noticed it but decided to ask later.

They returned to the training room where Sprout and Hetz started bombarding Tory with questions and opinions.

"Does Agent blame want you dead?" Hetz asked. "Getting a C rank mission on the first week is unheard of not to imagine today is your first day"

"Let's check the content first. Pure send the mission, our contacts are already inputted in your watch...and what is bordering you?" Flame asked.

"I don't know but is it okay for the receptionist to know about our real identities like that?" Tory asked.

"Adam is a robot" Flame said seriously.

"What?" Tory was shocked and not just her Philip and Jeffrey were too. How is that possible he looks just like a human"

"You have yet to meet the entire tech team, when you do you'll be getting the shock of your life" Flame chuckled before he started checking the mission details.

It wasn't a straightforward mission instead it required Tory to be in disguise, her job was which was investigating the latest nutrient solution of Diego Morgan it was suspected to be made of harmful products and concrete evidence was required.

'Isn't this too difficult for this kid, this is on the verge of becoming a B-rank mission, what is wrong with agent Blake'

"I've analyzed the mission and decided Hetz is going with you"

"What?" Hetz and Tory asked at the same time. Tory did not want to be babysitted on her first mission and Hetz straight up hated going on a mission with her.

"This is an order" Flame said with a stern expression. His former self was gone at that second.

"Yes captain" both of them replied but the first gritting his teeth while the latter replied with a crestfallen expression.