
American TV Series: Starting with Sheldon

Traveling through the world of American TV series, I gained a system for picking up attributes. At this point, the "protagonists" in American dramas have become good "leeks". Mike: Your king is coming! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 10 Joining the Rugby Team

The afternoon class schedule in public high schools is very relaxed: one hour of self-study class and two hours of physical exercise.

Because the head teacher, Ms. Victoria, was not in class, the one-hour self-study class almost turned into a free activity class.

Most of the students gathered together in twos and threes, bragging and chatting to pass the time.

Mike was still sitting in the front row, and without being disturbed, he borrowed a science and technology book from little Sheldon and started reading.

There have been multiple versions of what happened between Mike and Regina at noon, and it has spread among the girls in the class.

Afraid of the power of Regina [Queen Bee], no one in the girls in the class bothered Mike again during the entire self-study class.

Learning makes people happy, and an hour passes quickly.

Mike returned the book to Little Sheldon and asked curiously: "Sheldon, which sport are you participating in?"

Good health is also an advantage in Millikin. Even those well-known universities will retain students every year. About 10% of the quota will be reserved specifically for recruiting students with sports talents.

Over there, little Sheldon put away his books, raised his head and said, "My friend Dan and I have made an agreement that we are going to report for the basketball team."

People who are not good at sports and want to earn enough physical education credits should sign up for one. Group project fishing is a good choice.

But Mike knew that there was a mental sport that was also counted among the sports. He asked: "Why don't you consider playing chess?"

"Huh?" Little Sheldon thought for a moment, and then said in surprise: "It's a good idea. I'll go check it out with Dan."

After that, he He hurriedly ran out of the classroom.

On the other side, Mike also found little George who was going to the football field.

"Joining the football team is very simple. You need to have your own set of sports equipment." After knowing Mike's purpose, little George said: "If you really decide to join the team, I can accompany you to buy equipment after school."

Rugby is a very competitive sport and you need to wear protective gear even during training.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the football field, where there were already many well-dressed students warming up.

Mike also saw Regina and others in the open space on the other side of the football field. They were wearing uniform cheerleading skirts and were full of youthful energy.

As a group activity, cheerleading dance has also been included in sports.

At this time, Regina was surrounded by other girls on the cheerleading team and was busy sharing gossip with them, and did not notice Mike.

Karen on the side saw Mike who was dressed differently. She waved to Mike secretly when Regina wasn't paying attention.

This girl already has a hot figure, and her charm is even more pronounced when she wears a cheerleading uniform.


On the other side, football coach George looked very happy to see Mike arriving.

Because Melford Middle School is a public school, the physical quality of the students is generally lower than that of those in private middle schools.

Rugby happens to be a sport that places great emphasis on physical talent.

Often, if your physical fitness is not as good as your opponent's, it means your performance is not as good as your opponent's.

Therefore, if someone like Mike, who has an eye for physical talent, is willing to join the team, he will definitely improve the team's performance.

After Mike expressed his intention to come, George enthusiastically took him for a physical examination.

The content of the physical test is nothing more than starting from the six aspects of balance, flexibility, speed, strength, endurance, and agility.

Among them, speed and strength are the most important.

Faster running speed allows players to complete better offense and defense on the court.

And more powerful strength can give players an advantage in physical confrontation.

Speed test: 40 yards (~36.5m) sprint.

Mike took off his coat, stretched his body, and stood on the starting line.   

With an order, he rushed out like a cheetah...

George looked at the 4.9s result on the stopwatch and almost cheered with excitement.

A high school student who can run a few seconds is already considered very good, not to mention that Mike broke through the five-second mark in one go.

Now, George was even more convinced that Mike was very talented in rugby.

"Let's test two more groups." George said to Mike who came back.

Afterwards, Mike took the test twice more and even improved the best result to 4.5 seconds.

This result is already incredible. Even if Mike were to wear protective gear weighing about 20 pounds (~9kg), he would probably be able to run within five seconds.

George, who called him good luck, left the assistant coach to watch the players' daily training, and then took Mike to the equipment room for a strength test.

Strength test: Bench press (125% of body weight) times.

This item requires measuring the weight first. Mike went to the ruler and measured it. He was 182cm tall and weighed 169 pounds (76.66kg).

During this time, he actually grew two centimeters in height and gained four pounds in weight.

Then, Mike benched 211 pounds, finishing with 11 reps.

The football team is considered excellent if they bench press five times, and Mike's bench press of eleven times is considered good.

However, rugby has no shortage of strength players, and their bench press scores can often reach more than 20 or 30 times.

So overall, Mike will be a speed player, a running back behind the quarterback.

Next, Mike went to test other events: standing height reaching 1.05 meters, standing long jump 3.12 meters...

After more than an hour of testing, coach George took Mike's data list and said excitedly: "Mike, believe me, you He will become the ace of the team. He will even become a star player on the rugby field in the future..."

George was also a rugby player, and now he seems to have pinned his professional dream on Mike.

As he spoke, a large light group fell from his body.

[Rugby experience +100]

With this experience group, Mike's rugby level instantly reached the entry level.

Then, Coach George took Mike back to the training ground.

He clapped his hands, summoned all the team members, and introduced: "His name is Mike, and his physical condition is very good. From now on, he will be one of us. Everyone is welcome~"

This is the first time that Coach George has introduced a new player so solemnly. , all the team members looked at Mike curiously.

In the end, led by captains Aaron and George, the team clapped their hands.

Mike, a newcomer who seems to have good physical fitness, can actually easily be recognized by the team members.

Of course, not everyone welcomes Mike.

In the crowd, a little fat man who was 1.8 meters tall felt very unhappy when he saw Coach George paying so much attention to Mike.

This man's name is Sam. He is the strongest person on the team besides captain Aaron, and he is also the team's current running back.

Mike's appearance made him vaguely feel that his status was threatened.


Over there

, after introducing Mike, Coach George saw that the time was almost up, encouraged the players a few more words, and then announced the disbandment.

(End of chapter)